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Posts posted by dracinic

  1. Just like the title says I dont understand how you can say the hybrid gaurdian tank is better than a 32/7/2 defense gaurdain I have tanked every content their is besides the PTS. I understand what you are saying when it comes to raw numbers that the hybrid is better but have ran both and to me the gaurdain defense build is far superior when you sit there and min max your mitigations. I will say that the hybrid needs less min maxing but when compared to a min maxed defense build I laugh. Yes the hybrid may offer more dammage but to me takes that for less survivability.


    The defense gaurdian never gives me problems to me it just requires more skill to use then a hybrid. Gaurdian tanks to me just take more skill to play then any of the other tank classes.


    The build that I have set up also works fine in pvp. It does not put up massive amounts of damage though but am more of a support class in pvp.




    will say now please forgive me for spelling and grammer errors I know they are there just bad at grammer thank you for your time.

  2. i will agree with you on this man in that the experienced players shouldn't just go off everyone should work as a team when in a flashpoint. unfortunately that's not how it happens most guilds though will help you out when you run the flashpoints and get you gear from the bosses that we know drops gear that you can use at least mine does. i can say this from being an experienced player and knowing the fights on every flashpoint that has a hard mode sometimes stuff that drops from some of the bosses just aren't worth anything and you'll be replacing it in about 3 hours. if you still need a home and are on the server jedi covenant hit me up in game (dracinic) or thorugh my guild (currently synergy @ canderous ordo may change soon but will be something along the lines of synergy)
  3. Question 1 please explain if the gaurd mechnic players get. Example it says within 15 meters the person gaurding will recieve 50% of the damage that the person gaurded normally would from enemy players does this mean just in pvp or at al times.
  4. i am a JG tank and love to do kaon you just have to know who to cc and who to push and what to focus on when. i run a hard mode almost evrey day and love them most of the time. with the ranged mobs you just have to force leap one target saber throw the other force push one in to bunch them up and taunt a forth if there is one and the one you saber throwed you have the dps take them down unless its an elite while you pop your aoe taunt in between the two mobs together and the fourth one that just you taunted before then to hold the group ping pong between the two you have pop stunes on the one you taunted while using your aoe damage abilities to hold the two bunched together but you have to make sure the two bunched are nowhere near the cc and this all hapens in the space of about 15 secs
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