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Posts posted by BengerJedi

  1. Security Officer: Completion of Class Seven psychological profile required. Applicants with abundant conflict experience will receive priority consideration.


    1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family? As an ex-member of the Republic Military, I was drilled with discipline, was drained of all fears and anxieties, and carved into a durasteel weapon that not only could plow through the frontlines, but protect those who couldn't protect themselves in dangerous situations. Got tired of war, though, and would like a change of climate to protecting those who are actually contributing something to the galaxy without concussion grenades and lightsabers flashing about constantly. I have a family to think about now.


    2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


    At the top of the list would be joining Havoc Squad. It's not every day you get chosen from best of the best to the best from the rest.


    What could top that? Leading Havoc Squad on spec ops missions where the outcome tipped the balance of several campaigns. I apologize, but those details are classified.


    Finally, searching, training, and leading a squad that became the "best from the rest," utilizing each of their individual talents and strengths to the best of their ability while keeping them motivated not just to the cause, but to each other.


    3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


    In Havoc, it was essential. Sometimes, rules had to be bent, even broken. Lives were always considered valuable, but the mission overall and the good its success would create was paramount.


    4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


    Yes, I do. However, in keeping Czerka and its employees safe and secure, I don't feel that compass would be compromised. Besides, I understand that some things have to be done, regardless of the collateral damage. It's not much different from war. It's messy, but necessary.


    5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


    Activate all emergency security measures I've installed, coordinate my entire security team into the appropriated pre-made response to that specific situation, and get all personnel to the proper safe havens and then secure the experiment by any means necessary.

  2. As I understand it (I'm not the biggest PvP'er and will admit that my statement here might be simplistic and even ignorant, so feel free to correct any wrong information I give), but as I stated earlier in this thread, I am for the removal of bolster. To me it seems the argument that it is now about skill and not about gear is weak and incorrect. If it were true, than there would be no advantage on either side. However, in regular 55 PvP, I found myself at an advantage over those in full expertise gear, getting more kills and having better success in fights against them. So, whether we like it or not, this PvP system is based on gear and the implementing of separate PvP gear, and to take that away, it seems to unbalance things on the opposite extreme. I would prefer not having separate PvE and PvP gear, but that's water under the bridge, and so shouldn't be messed with. The system is, you come in fresh at 55 PvP at a disadvantage yes, but you're in the same place every other player with full Expertise gear was when they started, but they grinded out the gear through time and earned what they got. It's only fair that with this system, everyone do the same, and not whine as if it were unfair that you entered the cap PvP later than others and so have to go through the learning experience of dying and losing to get the comms and experience to make you competitive. The main PvP'ers in my guild had to do that, so it's only fair that I would have to do the same. It's part of the process that was put into the game at the beginning.
  3. /signed


    And I haven't even PvP'ed nearly as much as some. But one thing I can sympathize with, when you reach cap, you are in a different league of PvP. And those who've PvP'ed in that lvl for a while all started at the same place at one point, where they were at a disadvantage. They had to die a lot, lose a lot most likely, and play wz after wz to gear only to get nerfed with this bolster. That's not "leveling the playing field" at all. Once you reach 55, expect to have to work a while, and not just suddenly be equal to another who's grinded out the gear and gone through a grueling process. ::hands two cents::

  4. To all the naysayers and negative-minded who bloviate about everything that's "wrong about the game," I say this. Have there been disappointments? Yes. Have there been bugs that haven't been fixed since launch? Yes. Did Bioware take a hit with the layoffs and all of that? Yes. However, does it do us any good to gritch and complain when the developers actually throw us a bone to remind us we're not forgotten, even if they're close-mouthed about it. With what they've been given, it seems to me Bioware has done its best to keep this game afloat and try to bring in game elements that keep us playing. Is the game perfect? No. But what MMO is? I'm sure if all of us think over all the MMO's we've ever played that we could find a list-even if it's a short one-of aspects that we didn't like or we wish were different.


    I would like to say thanks to the author of this thread for posting this to remind us that you all are still working to bring cool things into a game I already really enjoy in spite of the little things that can aggravate me sometimes.

  5. I didn't go through and read all of these responses, because I just don't have the time, and I'm not normally a complainer when it comes to games like these where a lot of work has to go into them and lots of unforseen things happen within a developing company that can put development and certain fixes to various bugs back. However, this event that requires you to be in an "Outlaw's Den" type area to complete the weekly of a limited time event where it multiplies the opportunity for players with nothing better to do with their time than to hinder others from getting content done just seems like bad foresight and thinking. And with only being able to get in groups of four, it makes it even more difficult to positively experience an event that I know you all were hoping would spark new players' interest as well as keeping those who've remained since launch. Personally, I'd rather have fixes to problems and bugs that have been untouched since launch than new content. I will say I liked these quests, but having to spend multiple hours to do one set of dailies because my group is getting ganked every two minutes is a bit absurd. I've stuck this game out and like it, in spite of all the little things that have accumulated that irritate me, but with the only rewards of this event being mostly cosmetic and the reputation rewards being similar, I'm getting to the point where I'm just done with it.


    I've really liked this game for the most part, and with all the time I've invested, do not want to quit, but reading patch note after patch note and not seeing bug fixes to issues months and months old make this frustrating aspect of the Gree event that much worse. Please, do your best to address these issues and make this game work as it should.

  6. I tend to agree, though with final bosses, I'm kind of glad that you don't fight any of the major Jedi/Republic characters like Satele and such, basically because I don't want them to die :D! But it would've been kind of cool to have developed some of the other more prominent Jedi characters within each Jedi class story, but on the other hand, it allowed other Jedi characters: Orgus, the Jedi strike team that was brainwashed, a couple other council members to be introduced and fleshed out a little.
  7. Really wish Bioware would stop putting so much effort into how shiny the foliage in the game is and fix balance problems and bugs.


    I just imagine the devs sitting around a table coming up with their priorities for 1.5 and saying, "you know, we still have some major bugs to address, and the DPS classes need some serious balance fixes, but there is a rock somewhere on Tatooine that doesn't look just right. Let's get right on that."


    Though I would've taken a little more tactful approach, I tend to agree with this statement. Yeah, those are neat little cosmetic touches, but when you throw a feature on the website from a tech dev. talking about how he likes working on the tech. side of things when there are still many bug and connection issues some of which have date back to early in the game, I think more of us active players would rather read about what the developers are doing to solve those issues and hearing that they are just as enthusiastic in making the game more playable and smooth than adding cosmetic touches. I don't know if there's a thread about those things where devs have talked about those things due to the fact that there is so many threads on these forums and I don't have time to search through all of them to find one or two that maybe are about the side of the tech dealing with the quality of the operations of the game. If there is, please point me to it.


    I would like to know if there's being anything done about constant game crashes and server kicks (with error codes 9000, 1003, and 2005) that have started happening only after 1.4. I really like this game but would like to know that these "issues" were being known about and dealt with. Thank you.

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