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Posts posted by Vynstian

  1. But is there really a large amount of stigma attached to playing as tactics? like i said i want to enjoy pvping again (its been a while) but i also dont want to be called out on my kills for using a face roll spec, ofc it has been a while since i pvp'd but still
  2. im looking to hit regs but also do some yolo ranked just for yolo, i really dont want to resort to tactics if its faceroll because honestly i dont want to be viewed as a lolfotm loser, but single target wise is plasmatech worth it? im not looking for fluff damage but more or so the ability to take nodes from people in 1v1 scenarios
  3. I do want to be competitive but i dont want to be a damn face roller, so as long as plasma can get results ill make it work, i just wonder if ill be able to take down a tactics vg or ap bh if im stuck node guarding thats the worrying part for me i suppose
  4. So its been a while and honestly i tried asking general chat for advice, and as usual got no results, so guys, i must ask is plasmatech any good? is it good to beat another vanguard who is running tactics? ect ect, im mainly looking at plasmatech for pvp and i just would like solid advice, sorry in advance if this post is a little jumbled up
  5. Hello mighty sniper/gunslinger sages I ask for your wisdom. I currently PvP as engi and virulence and well i m having trouble figuring out when to use snipe as engi, I use series during probe windows,and when to use lethal shot as viru. My sniper is 59 grellian and close enough to 60 that I want to be sure I'm not a waste at max Lev wz's any help is appreciated.
  6. Hello, I am currently leveling my 55 sniper to 60 I plan on playing as marks and am curious when I'm fully geared should I que for solo ranked? Or just be a reg hero sniper? As long as I can do well in a solo ranked I'll happily pull the plow with my teeth. And I have pretty thick skin so I'm not worried about rage whispers.
  7. Hey guys so i quit at about somewhere in 2014 (cant exactly remember) and went to Wow but honestly i am completely burnt out from what it is now, anyway back to what i want to ask, how much has changed? i used to main vanguard like what all did i miss in terms of major dev that sorta thing
  8. Hi guys, while i do consider my self a good pvper, i feel the need to pretty much excel at my class in pvp, especially against my own class. I ask this because honestly i don't really see many vg's/pt's in my warzones and arenas, and well would like the best advice to tackle my own class and destroy them. i am assault specced, and am wondering just whats the best way to beat another vanguard in 1v1 (when the situation requires it such as defending a node and bla bla) preferable help over tactics/assault, thanks in advance
  9. So i've gotten back into full assault, and i like it, and i usually hit 400k-500k (depending gotten higher) any who i still feel like i am missing something, sometimes i can really nail a certain class 1v1 other times its meh, i realize that 1v1 shouldn't matter, but sometimes you need to be able to 1v1 to ninja a node and so on, but anyway i do need help on polishing this class, considering this vanguard is my pvp main and probably my only pvp main, i kind of got a pride issue (doesn't anyone) anyway enough rambling, i'm trusting my fellow Tor players for advice, really anything to help me excel in at assault vanguard, just wanting to improve my self and not stagnate. =)
  10. hey guys so i switched to assault for vanguard and i think im fine pretty much full assault tree, but i feel like im doing bad, like earlier today me level 46 versus a sorcerer level 45, and i got him to 25% each time, and it was just humilating for him to just beat me every time, and i do have trouble in one on one situations since when i pvp'd in Wow i was primarily a melee class, (yes i know rambling lol) main point is im having trouble in 1v1 situations, and nothing hurts my ego more then being trashed in 1v1 i can get people close but ive been thrashed ill win some of them but id really love help, i think assault is fun as the shizz and i would like to be able to 1v1 succesfully, any help would be most appreciated
  11. Hi guys, ive been playing the 2 specs assault and tactics on and off while im leveling my vanguard (39 atm) and i really like Tactics, im just confused on how to go about in combat, ive won a few 1v1 but id really like some help on how to really dominate with this tree, i really love tactics just something about it, but main point is id like some tips on how to play as im still new to this game, this being my main i just figured some help could make me a better tactics vanguard in pvp much appreciated :)
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