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Posts posted by Wagerbane

  1. Game needs work on story operations and never play it for years and people don't show up for story operations. Everyone always there in vet and warzone is great and should fix it by call out more companions for own group in story operations. What is bad is the timer running out time or not enough time to get the mission done. Who cares about wait on those timers get reset needs taken out of the game. Just a game and nothing wrong to earn money reward after mission done. We don't want things get in the way to prevent people from playing. 

  2. If you queue in the hopper you get in place in automatic group system don't matter who you be with is the rules. You not allowed kicking out members in queue. You need to try make a player group with your same level as you without use the queue. Some of you been pressure members in a group like press the space bar for skip movie clips. Some of you try to rush inside skipping targets instead fighting the targets in the middle and lead the group get stuck or fall over down 50,000 feet below!  lol. You need to solo the mission yourself if you want to skip! You should name yourself skippy!

  3. No! Not fair! About control players economy and control mission timers is preventing us all from playing freely. Never have play OP mission since game launch. Never seen no one go in story operations and master missions. Want this add into game to make a group out of my companions for story Operations, veteran, master missions!

  4. JackieKo,


    There is a force kick under tank Jedi Guardian needs work like the force kick tank Jedi Shadow. Keep trying the force kick under tank Jedi Guardian not working for long time. I use to see Jedi Guardian holding a light saber at the side to attack a target from behind that is missing without use tanking feature.

  5. All sounds Ridiculous here and policing others that have a good time playing than you and others had nothing to do with you. We never have heard any of this since 2011 year and when year 2016 you starting too police against any good parts of the game becomes taken away or becomes missing for change rules. Any of you sound like making a compromise over others is ridiculous. Inside this game you play like free speech that how the game works. Play it out yourself in solo and grouping is not a only thing. Inside all areas inside this game and there is no cheating and most of you are making it up until you lead DEV to trash up the great game. Let the DEV decided best for us all and we all win. I do complain about the missing modify status companions been disable and enable. Interesting to see we can use 3 companions at the same time for solo flash points in all difficulty levels. Summon out companions you need for a mission. Yes, companions need there modify gear status enable before a trip to flash points. We our not weak but seeking a way play stronger before the mission. We need inside our options for disable auto log so we can stay in the game as much as you wanted.
  6. Hey all,


    We have been reading your feedback since Onslaught launched (and of course from PTS beforehand) on your feelings on the current state of crafting. We agree with your feedback that it isn’t where we want it to be either. There are quite a few changes planned for 6.0.2 in December and we want to give you a preview of those changes today. As 6.0.2 will not have its own PTS, please use this thread to share your feedback on the changes.


    • The materials required for “material combination” schematics was too high. We are making the following changes:
      • Premium and Prototype material requirements have been reduced to 6 each (down from 10).
      • Artifact material requirements have been reduced to 12 each (down from 15).
      • The requirements to convert Premium combination materials to Prototype has been reduced to 2 (down from 3).

      [*]Although we want to incentivize harvesting over missions for gathering skills, mission inflow was a little too low:

      • Increase overall inflow of Premium quality materials from Missions.
      • Increase material rewards from Wealthy Yield Missions.
      • Reduce the overall failure rate of “grey” quality Missions.

      [*]Getting crafting schematics when deconstructing gear was too hard with too low of a chance:

      • Broadly increased the chance to earn crafting schematics from deconstructing.
      • Sort of related, we are making a pass to ensure that deconstruction is giving the correct professions materials. Raise any specifics you have where this isn’t the case.

      [*]Too high of a requirement for Matrixes when crafting:

      • The Matrix material requirement has been removed from all schematics below Artifact quality.
      • We are looking closely at data around inflow of Legendary Ember requirements. We may increase requirements here but this is still being investigated.

      [*]The materials that you are earning are not coming in at the correct ratio of Premium : Prototype : Artifact to correlate with expenditure:

      • Rebalancing material inflow to match a 7:2:1 ratio that many of you have raised.

    These are all currently planned changes for 6.0.2 so please let us know your thoughts. As always, we will continue to monitor crafting data and your feedback post-6.0.2 and make further changes as needed! Thanks everyone.




    Reduced 1 million credit cost down to 50000 with fragment cost on fleet station. Reduced the cost crafting materials to 1 for crafting. We need easy crafting accomplishment to craft without slow grinding for materials. Not grinding 24 hours or more for accomplishment. :mad:

  7. When you purchase gifts for companions that some gifts will have 1000 influence and needs to stay 1000 when you give that gift every time. About half way giving the gift to companions and changes figures on the 1000 down to 300. We keep spending long days after hours that we cant do it under our schedule to influence our companions to max 50. Just a game and shouldn't take that long to accomplish the game. You guys are not accomplish on slow grinding.
  8. Okay, this is it, I am now making this official! The difficulty settings for both the Eternal Championship and Star Fortress has been increased to being almost to completely un-beatable. This is unacceptable! :mad: These two flashpoints weren't this hard to begin with, which suited our needs to have fun and a great time. But now, they've gotten to a point where people now refuse to run them entirely, even me! :mad:


    I'm not the only here, the devs have completely screwed things up real bad this time! They ought to turn down the difficulty settings for both Eternal Championship and Star Fortress and make them as they once were. I don't care if it was meant to bring people back to the game, they'll still refuse to run things that are nigh unbeatable! The devs need to fix this, or we're not doing those kinds of flashpoints, quests and etc anymore! If they want us to keep playing SWTOR, they'll need to think about our needs, our wishes and NOT things that'll cause people to quit the game forever! Things that'll allow us to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Otherwise, people will NOT pay good money for a game like this if the devs keep screwing things up! I am speaking truthfully from my heart regarding this discussion.


    My companion is max 50 level influence and my character had the best highest item rating 277 with Alliance base influence level is max 20 for run a veteran mission for star fortress and eternal championship is too hard. Lose the mission every time now after beat this before. No matter how high your gear is max. We have disgruntled people discriminatory dictate over other customers and me for telling DEV that we can't have companions use modify status bonus gear or change the laws of nature of game for player grouping and not letting us solo play it. Let us summon out more companions out to make a group to resolve. Worth a million to billion lawsuit. Really not fair and they need to stop neglect the game.:mad:

  9. You are so right is broken in all areas Fallen Empire, Eternal Throne and Star Fortress. It was level 65 before synched got put in the game. If this going to be synched and need fix it for level 65 level rule and our characters get synched drop down to 67 level. Companions influence only work for crafting. DEV needs to enable companions statistical bonuses from equipment for combat ready. I bought the game for reason and know what I have included comes with companions statistical bonuses until a roomer tell DEV to take away from was belongs to me and other players. Now we got counterfeit companions does nothing now. Looks counterfeit.:(
  10. Srsly, i have no words fo this. Actually worst i've ever seen in any game ever. Even in grindy WoW u can gear faster and much easier.


    If your toon is level 75 and wear the 306 gear on a mission on the lower level planets visiting is losing your best 306 gear status becomes a lower status on planets are 10 to 50 level. Your not getting your best status out your gear for the mission as well in flashpoints, Heroics and Op mission. Where getting SCAM on our best gear status. Goal is looking for a best gear for any missions to try again later. Drop down level your toon 75 to lower 20 does cause bothering our gear status was making our gear become crap.

  11. Hey everyone,


    It has been a while since I put out a post so I figured I would stop into the forums and get an update out to everyone. I’ll provide you with a brief update about what’s coming soon, but first and foremost want to address the issues we’ve been experiencing with our Tulak Hord server this past week. It’s being very stubborn and every time we think we have it nailed, it decides to kick some players from various areas in the game and won’t let them back in for a while. Not a great experience for anyone and I apologize we haven’t fixed it already. We believe it’s an intermittent hardware issue, making it difficult to isolate, so we’re rebuilding that server and will deploy a new one later tonight. We’re going to have to take the European servers down, but we’ll look to get it done while most of you are sleeping. We will let everyone know when we’ve completed the effort.


    Let’s talk about Onslaught! Like many of you, I have been really enjoying the expansion and all the changes we made for gearing. I now have quite a few toons up to level 75 and virtually all of them are at Item Rating 306. I’m spending time changing stats of individual items, playing around with amplifiers, and seeing what changes will make me feel OP. What feels good is being able to play anything in the game and benefiting from the new gearing system. I also have read many comments over the past couple weeks about areas you’d like to see changed, and as you’ll see starting with next week’s patch, we are addressing them and will continue refinements over the coming months. Keep the posts coming as they’ve been very helpful to the team.


    We are extremely pleased with the launch of the expansion. I don’t want to jinx it, but from the game standpoint, it has been very smooth with relatively minor issues all around (the Tulak Hord server being the exception). We fixed a number of bugs a week following the expansion and we have a number of additional bug fixes being released in next week’s patch likely on Thursday the 14th of November 2019. I know we usually release on Tuesday, but there’s a few items we want to include in this patch, so we gave the team an extra couple days. There is also a little surprise for everyone included with the patch, but we will let you know what’s up on Tuesday.


    Patch 6.0.2 will be our last update for 2019 and we’ll target its availability mid-December. It’ll have additional bug fixes along with the following:

    • Life Day returns and has new items for you to enjoy.
    • It’s our 8th year anniversary, so the vendor will have some new items.
    • We’re adding new missions on Mek-Sha, including new heroics.
    • You’ll be able to recruit Tharan for your Consular and as he says, “It’s Tharan, not spelled the dumb way”.
    • Ranked Season 12 for our PvP players begins and winners from last season will get their well-deserved rewards.
    • Crafting changes – it begins! Yes, we’re taking a hard look at crafting and will make some adjustments starting with this patch.


    We have Game Update 6.1 planned for early 2020 making its PTS debut in December. When we’re ready to have you take a look, I’ll share more details about the update and give you a glimpse into our future plans for SWTOR. Don’t forget Star Wars™ Celebration is planned for August and in Anaheim, California next year. We’re already making our plans to be there. Would be great to meet a bunch of you at the event! Thanks everyone for making Onslaught a success. Keep your thoughts, concerns, and ideas coming as those are an invaluable source of feedback for the team.


    Happy Holidays,




    Keith, Do you realize the 306 gear you have is pose to be the status stronger than other lower rating gear available. If your toon is level 75 and wear the 306 gear on a mission on the lower level planets visiting is losing your best 306 gear status becomes a lower status on planets are 10 to 50 level. Your not getting your best status out your gear for the mission as well in flashpoints, Heroics and Op mission. Where getting SCAM on our best gear status. Goal is looking for a best gear for any missions to try again later. 75 level character drop down to level 20 planets is find as long don't bothering our gear status and HP what we are wearing. I know our great product had modify gear bonus for our companions inside the game system before is what we known bought it for a reason without lose any part of our products. Enable companions modify gear bonus please!

  12. Are heroic Star Fortresses way harder than they used to be? I don't remember ever wiping on them hardly ever back in the day, and today I was doing one with another person and our 2 companions and we were getting wrecked on the final boss. We finally got it done, but yeah I honestly don't remember them being this miserable.


    I agree with you is so miserable because we have no other way to win. Removed the boss immunity so players abilities can all work. Making our companions wear modify gear bonus status helps more than the influence doesn't work alone. Use more companions at the same time. Player kay group getting old.

  13. This is getting out of hand. Even in flash points I have gold spammers messaging me directly to buy their credits. Go to the fleet and it’s worse.


    Go to the starter planets and gen chat is flooded with credit spammers, it’s not even worth reporting them or putting those ones on ignore because they seem to rotate through a whole bunch of them.

    (This is when an account ignore would really come in handy)


    Weekends are the worst of all because there is no active CS working and by the time they read the back log of reports between Monday and Wednesday, all the spammers have switched Alts or accounts.


    Of course there are always credit spammers and they get worse during a major update, but Bioware, you created this excessive amount of credit spammers this time with your enormous credit sinks,

    Please do something to curb this activity with either live CS online 24/7 or look at your excessive credit sinks,

    I would think the cheapest option for you would be to look at your credit sinks.


    After visiting fleet station and seen some one character standing near crew skills was a level 65 character had HP 650000 status. There no gear for that and normal gear is like 20000 at level 75. The game is not meeting the compliance like it was after the Eternal Empire release that had companions modify gear status with influence working great or best before the cartel market It was well heard before that this happens from Star Wars Galaxies made from Sony Entertainment that they use to bring up Star Wars the Old Republic are the same people after EA bought them out. Well called this negligence and cybercrime against the popular games out of compliance. Can't say but there was a whistleblowers got the DEV messing with players characters and companions status become weak to handle the game. Whistleblowers could be the left ask DEV to take away anything in the game that belong to customers become not enjoying it now. Negligence changes nothing.

  14. Down leveling doesn't need to bother our item rating gear status. We should be seeking a best item rating gear status before taking the dangerous mission again. Higher level your character get and more best available item rating gear you can upgrade. Down scale level not to bother our best item rating gear status on planets. Status get scam. You take your character inside a mission without or but naked and you should be lose the mission without the gear.
  15. Yes it is difficult now. No matter what item rating you use and we get SCAM on the modify gear status. You max 75 level and wearing item rating 252 modify status and visiting low level planets. You are not getting your best use out of item rating 252 normal modify status gear after you go to low level planets, flash points and heroics 4. Down scaling from 75 to 28 level causes to bother your best modify status got low. Needs to leave item rating modify status alone during down level system.
  16. After the players level 75 at max and been shifted down to lower level on planets does work find or great. Don't need to bother the players HP status on modify gear status. Item rating at 230 status don't need to change to lower status because a player visiting lower level planets. Game system scam the players with companions on item rating gear status is worthless to use item rating 228, 230, 252, 270 or higher during visiting lower level planets. That is the problem when the drop down level got put inside the game.
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