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Posts posted by Melon_Lord

  1. AP definitely has burst, however, I believe Pyro is fairly comparable given the higher damage moves it has, immolate > energy burst, searing wave > thermal detonator, flaming fist > rocket punch, Pyro firefall > AP firefall and the fact it's better sustained damage, better AoE damage, even better ranged damage if you're unable to get in melee for whatever reason. ATM it's hard to say there's a reason to play AP other than you like the style.


    With that said playing AP shouldn't hold you back from doing good dps in any ops I'm aware of.


    ~ imo

  2. I completely forgot this set was a thing, I've run Dxun a few times and haven't seen anything drop for it. As others have said you need to ion/searing wave to make vulnerable for 5s which is enough time to launch 3 maybe 4 missiles? So is this a Pyro set since they use the wave regularly and only have 4 missiles? Or is this AP set because they have more missiles? Though they can't possibly fire all their missiles in time for the vulnerability and don't use searing wave, like ever, even in aoe. So you'd have to wait for the next searing wave to fire your last 3 missiles which delays the CD of shoulder cannon.


    This set sounds like an extremely poor choice for Pyro compared to Meteor Brawler, and even worse for AP, for PVE or PVP.


    Personally first thought is I'd drop the move required for the vulnerability and just make the rockets do whatever the vulnerability % is more damage. Then add another line to 6set for for some move (*rocket* punch) to fire a rocket (with % of extra) and reduce the cd of shoulder cannon by a good amount, probably 5s. I'd just make the extra rocket chance 100% too unless it can daisy chain, then leave it at 75%.


    And with those changes I might still use Meteor Brawler but I think it'd be a lot closer of an choice

  3. Did I just read in the latest patch 6.0.2 they're buffing the potential of immolate? I've seen parses where that thing hits for around 70k, meanwhile AP's big attack energy burst is limping along at best about 50k. Say, what's the time between energy bursts? 18-20s or so? And what's the time between Searing Waves for Pyro? = or< ? Searing Wave does more damage? And it's AoE?


    It's a bit annoying Pyro has better single target, AoE, ranged damage, and burst equal to if not greater than AP. I'm definitely with whoever said energy burst needs to be auto crit from in the discipline, that or at least Thermal Det. Also get rid of energy burn, that damage is negligible, add it into the base damage of the burst.


    1 more thing, can we not have retractable blade's bleed damage tied to how many energy lode's we have with the tactical, just make it 100% more as if it was always 4 stacks, then make the stacks do something else, like at 4 lodes gained maybe 8s of 10% crit multiplier or something. Well that might be too strong if including the previous changes. 5s of vent 2 heat/s?


    Well just some ramblings

  4. Let's see,

    Power Yield

    - Increases your armor by 40% and your damage done by 2% for 10 seconds. Getting attacked during this time adds an additional stack, up to 5 times for 200% armor and 10% damage done.


    As everyone else said, it shouldn't be reliant on taking damage and too situation for use in PVE even if it works from AoE damage.


    Explosive Yield

    - (4) Power Yield's duration is extended by 5 seconds.

    - (6) Each time you take damage while under Power Yield, the cooldown of Explosive Fuel is reduced by 3 seconds.


    Is this a PVP only set?



    (4) Searing Wave makes all targets vulnerable to Shoulder Cannon for 5 seconds.

    I know this isn't for AP, you better not ask me to use something like searing wave during AP burst. And 5 seconds? isn't the fire rate 1.5s per rocket? Sure alacrity but still you'd barely get off the 4 rockets Pyro gets let alone the 7 AP has. And yes what does vulnerable mean? 5, 7, 10% more damage?

    (6) Each Shoulder Cannon rocket has a 25% chance to trigger an additional rocket.

    25% chance on 4 rockets, so you want us to get a 6 set for maybe 1 extra rocket or 2 if we're AP? A 6 set for what, worst to best potential 0-70k extra damage every 90s? Talk about inconsistent.



    - (4) Jet Charge's range is increased by 5m.

    Why would I want this? If you want to make Magnetic Blast and Rail Shot +5m then maybe we have something.

    - (6) Jet Charge gets 2 charges.

    The charge system in this expansion is broken I don't want to use 2 charges then have to wait double the CD to use 2 charges again (Same applies to the grapple tactical.) Also really? a 6set for an extra jump? No, no, just no.


    Carbon Conversion

    - (4) Carbonize's cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds

    - (6) Carbonize vents 5 heat for each enemy it hits.


    Again is this a PVP set? Way too situation for PVE, Unless you're saying all trash pulls are going to be that hard we need to constantly CC


    All these sets are far too weak and designed for abilities I don't think people care about. I'd rather get 3 2sets for more mastery or the set of 5% more damage when I guard people. I don't even want to post about the PT specific tacticals atm because they too are simply depressing.


    In the immortals words of AVGN "What were they thinking?!"

  5. Volatile Igniter says: Flame Burst, Flaming Fist, and Flame Sweep trigger CGC, *If it is active*, on all affected targets.


    I took that as it only refreshing the burning if the burning was already active on a target hit by said abilities. Though if it meant simply the cylinder has to be on for this effect to happen then yeah I guess it's broken.

  6. Does the new level 12 passive for AP / tactics warrant the use of dart / grenade in the rotation? 50% increase seems pretty substantial, unless the the new replacement skill is just that much better than flame burst / ion pulse


    Sorry I know this question doesn't really belong in a thread titled Assault Specialist, but I didn't see one specific to Tactics in pve

  7. So it seems like the consensus is anything a healer can do is helpful, which is great I agree, but it doesn't look like anyone considers OS/FFB on its own to be a high damaging ability worth casting beyond an opener or if there's more than couple enemies.


    I don't know how he can keep arguing it's high DPS when 1 rife shot per orbital tick will yield similar damage. He said himself in there somewhere even for single target it was high but also talked about infinite enemies and potential.

  8. I'm having a debate with someone who claims Orbital is a high dps ability and this argument is upsetting people in my guild but to me it seems so obvious the skill is not "high dps" but maybe I'm missing something, so I'd like to share what little debate there was before we were told to quit bickering and get anyone's opinion on the ability. (I will have to do some minor edits for names and cutting out irrelevant things)


    Him talking to someone else: "which is very different from taking away 2 high dps abilities that healers have access to."


    Me: I don't know if I'd call OS in it's current form a "high dps" ability, especially for non engineers, as it is, in MM Snipe crits will often do greater damage than OS. Obviously if there's many enemies OS wins in total damage.

    As for Explosive Probe, how often do you use it? I know when I'm playing lethality I'd only use it on a fatality proc if I also have weakening blast up, and even then most of the time I forget, and I don't use it in concealment at all."


    Him: "I am not talking about snipers. I was always referring to Operative Heals. As dps ability for Operatives, OS/Explosive Probe are on the high end for dps for Operative Heals. "High" dps is relative to what you are comparing it to. Comparing Healers to DPS is not really fair and that is not what I was stating. I was strictly mentioning for healers and do not understand why you brought in Snipers as that is totally irrelevant to what was being talked about. And she wouldn't be complaining about it if she didn't use it often. At least as often as they can during any downtime for non-healing moments."


    Me: "I can make the comparison because I'm saying even as dps OS isn't that good unless you're engineer, so as a healer OS would be even worse, now I understand dps spec has more options which could make OS less appealing but the only things going for OS is it hits multiple targets and has the delay allowing you to do damage while doing other things, but the damage isn't very good. Soon enough frag grenade will basically be your new orbital and honestly if it crits, probably be doing similar damage.


    I did a little testing as medicine spec and seriously rifle shot is on par with OS for damage if I do 1 shot for each OS tick. EP was decent, though generally behind OS unless it crit, then it was pretty good, Dart is the only real worthwhile high dps move I'd consider for healers, regularly being 30-35% higher than OS. Way I see it, I'd rather a healer try for 100% dart uptime vs weaving in OS, EP or anything else unless they have nothing else to do or a phase calls for it.


    Now, will they be losing burst potential? Yes, can't argue that. but I can argue against OS being high dps."


    Him: "I will try to keep this as short as possible. OS is an AOE ability with NO target limit. Damage for OS is theoretically unlimited based on this sole fact. The only bottleneck is amount of enemies, not many abilities are like this combined with the delay factor. There is NO argument for OS not being a “High” damage ability. Single target or not, the one fact of no target limit is all you need to look at. Low and high is all relative to what you are comparing it to, I was comparing healer to healer, you were comparing healer to dps. You also don’t seem to understand that dpsing on the side as a Healer is very time sensitive as you can’t always dps. The delay is very useful for these situations and is better than ZERO damage being applied.


    If you want to talk about single target, that’s fine. I said nothing of this and am very aware of the numbers. I made a general statement stating that OS/Explosive Probe was high dps abilities for healers; OS for AOE/delay situations and Explosive Probe for single burst. In case you didn’t know, Explosive probe is the ONLY ability in PVP to get your 6k damage medal as a Healer Operative with any kind of reliability. This burst damage translate in PVE as well when short bursts are needed when healers can pitch in.


    I mentioned nothing of Corrosive Dart and Fragmentation grenade. You stating this is irrelevant. I already know of its effectiveness.


    You don’t seem to understand my initial post was just stating that there was a difference in nerfing Hidden Strike knockdown vs taking 2 abilities away. But yet you emphasized on the “high damage” aspect of my post and even that, there is nothing wrong with my statement."


    Me: "I don't care what you were talking about, I saw something in your comment I didn't agree with and starting talking about it. I don't know why you're mentioning EP now, I agreed it's damage is pretty good with crits. Just because OS can theoretically do infinite damage doesn't mean anything since there will never be infinite enemies to hit so that was pointless. let's see here, so you said "the one fact of no target limit is all you need to look at." ok, by your logic if OS did 1 damage spread out over 3 hits, it would still be high dps because in theory it can hit all the things, where as in real game play that skill would be absolute garbage even if it was auto-insta-casted every gcd. (well it'd be amazing against standard or weak enemies)


    I mentioned dart and grenade because I was comparing total damage (as a healer) to OS, you know, abilities healers have, everything I talk about in this is stuff compared to OS, not spec to spec, but ability to ability. this whole argument is about OS. Of course I'm stuck on the "high dps" aspect of your post, that's what I took issue with, if I was caught on something else you wrote we'd be talking about that instead."


    Ok so that's the end, please give any feedback.

  9. I actually prefer pulse cannon to flame thrower, shooting lightning seems far more exotic and I enjoy the sound too. Immolate is the same animation as incendiary round and Incendiary missile is the same as fire pulse, at least it was that way when I leveled my vanguard. Other than pulse cannon I like all the powertech animations better, your guys' HiB is down right pathetic in comparison to railshot in looks and sound.
  10. I've only been saying this for the better part of two years now. The 5 target limit and the misinformed tool tip has really irritated me, and I've sent in at least 5 bug reports. I'm glad to see all AoE's turing into 8 targets for 3.0... of course sad day for orbital getting nerfed to 8 targets.


    If that reddit post was accurate anyway. Also if it is, pyro and AP are doing a little swapping and things are going to be odd


    Also how the hell could all you people who didn't notice the limit.. not notice?

  11. "Flame Thrower


    Energy: 24

    Cooldown: 18s

    Torches everything in a 10-meter cone with a flamethrower, dealing (x) elemental damage over the duration."


    I want to see Flame Thrower do what the tool tip says and actually hit everything in the cone instead of only 5. This has bugged me since launch.


    Likewise with some enemies trumping hydraulic overrides and still knocking you back, with only one exception I've seen so far being the large rakghoul end boss in Kaon pinning you down, because it has a buff specifically stating it trumps your stuff.

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