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Posts posted by CWBuff

  1. What you're calling a 'Grace Period' is actually a 'Probation Period'... two entirely different things. A true grace period is more or less the exact opposite of what you're planning to put into effect... at least in general sentiment.


    As to the duration of this probation period, one full conquest cycle does not bother me personally. But I am just one player with too many alts, too much time to play, and much, much more patience for such things than most. The overall sentiment so far seems to indicate that a day or three would be more appropriate for this planned probation period.

  2. A friend of mine is trying to do guild-level conquest but cannot actually invade. She selects the low-yield planet and gets the message shown in the attached screenshot. Also, at no time is there an 'Invade' button on the lower right of the window.




    Is there a required roster size, or a subscription requirement to invade? At the moment she is not subbed and currently there are 8 characters in the guild.

  3. I get what the OP is saying regarding the Bounty Hunter class and the inability to use rifles. It would have been nice if the game had been designed with more options/flexibility in a number of areas, including the types of weapons each class can use.


    But, food for thought... aside from the class stories and perhaps a few other class-specific references here and there within the game, there's nuthin' says you can't deck your Vanguard or Agent out as a bounty hunter. Once all the stories are done and over with, your characters can be whatever *you* want them to be... this is the way...

  4. I can confirm the extra adds.


    They spawn in the foyer as soon as you enter the instance, and they also spawn from that same area to come in behind you when you go to enter the side rooms where the Champ bosses are. There are two melee and two ranged healers. I was popped out of stealth on a Shadow by one group.


    I'm wondering if they did this to combat the heavy bot traffic used by the credit farmers in this particular Heroic. (oops, didn't read the patch notes or Dawn's comment above before posting) Whatever the case, it's not a big deal and is rather welcome in my eyes. I wish they would change things up like this more often.

  5. Firstly, welcome back.


    Maybe try to use your ship's holo-terminal to see if Baras will restart the quest for you or, if that doesn't work, see if you can enter his chambers in the Sith Sanctum on Dromund Kaas and restart that way. Aside from that, I dunno what to suggest.



    Fade to Black...

  6. A couple friends are having trouble when launching the game... they're non-subs at the moment, so I'm posting this for them... here's what they're experiencing:


    "The problem is that when I attempt to play SWToR, upon opening the launcher it seems to hang at initializing. When it takes too long, it comes up with a message saying that this program has encountered an unspecified error and doesn't do anything else. Once I delete the bit raider folder, restart the computer and open the launcher again, it usually goes through. What makes it even more frustrating though is that if I spend a couple hours playing, quit out and then go to log back in, it happens all over again and I have to repeat the same process. When it works the second time, then I have to go through the process of reverification, which tends to take a fair bit of time. It happens EVERY TIME I want to play, even the same day. Its ridiculously frustrating and has, more than once caused me to say forget it, I'll go play another game."


    Here's a screen of the error message:




    Thanks in advance for any help.


    Fade to Black...

  7. I don't know if I'm in the minority her or not, but my main character is geared at 246, and I have never touched PVP. I've gotten her to 300+ command rank, and most of my gear came from crates. I ran through Heroics sometimes, formed a group with some RL friends and ran uprisings and did flashpoints. I have no problem finding good gear in crates, even if it has taken a while to find it all.

    I suspect that you are indeed in the minority... but you're not alone.



    Fade to Black...

  8. I'm a Star Wars kinda guy, it's as simple as that.


    So far as MMOs go, if it ain't got lightsabers I want nothing to do with it. I played SWG, the end of which more or less coincided with the launch of TOR, so I've been playing this game since day one.



    Fade to Black...

  9. I am pissed as hell about this. I just had a group of friends who agreed to try out the game with me. I'm subbed. Two of the players are brand new to the game. One tried it before briefly as FTP. The other I haven't heard from yet but they come in and they can't even chat with me unless I whisper to them first.. and as soon I group them, they can't even talk at all, not even in whispers. They feel that a game that is so restrictive for a free to play player, especially when they are referred by a player who goes back to 2011, can't even talk in group with their friends is not even worth trying out. I have to wonder if its even worth me staying as well.


    PS: Nor can they talk in my guild


    I was involved in this particular situation. Two prospective players, possibly three or four, have been lost to the game. Restrictions on F2P players have to be reexamined... the point of F2P is to give new players a taste of the game... a GOOD taste... so that maybe they'll sub.


    Instead, many walk away with a bad taste in their mouth.



    Fade to Black...

  10. I'm posting on behalf of a friend who is not a subscriber. I picked up the Cathar Species unlock item for them (from the GTN, not from the Cartel Market) and apparently it didn't take. They've tried to make a Cathar character numerous times... no joy. And yes, they actually used the item.


    I was made aware of a bug that affected a cargo bay unlock I had recently purchased for myself, also from the GTN. The CSR that helped me out with that mentioned that the bug affected items which were in existence before the recent server merge. I'm wondering if that might not also be the case here, with this Cathar Species unlock item.


    Anyhoo, whatever the case, has anyone else had this problem? And what else can I do to help my friend?


    Mr. Musco... any advice?



    Fade to Black...

  11. My apologies if this question has been answered before... I did a quickie search and found no relevant threads.


    If I were to switch from one crafting profession to another, say, Cybertech to Artifice, would all of my current schematics be lost permanently or would I retain them for use in the future, should I decide to go back to Cybertech?



    Fade to Black...

  12. I didn't mind the shiny eyes... but the subsequent 'fixes'... all I have to say to the Senior Character Artist is:


    YGBSM - Are you really that blind?



    Fade to Black...

  13. Same here... I had three legacies at max level, two of which had the same name. The name I wanted. One of those two was my main server with by far the most characters, most playtime, most achievements, most everything. The only reason the other two legacies were at max level was because I had transferred a few toons from my main server. Which legacy name was picked for me? The odd one out.


    Now, I know there is a legacy rename item available, and currently at a hefty discount. And under normal circumstances, I would have NO problem obtaining that item... if I had simply chosen to change the name of my own volition. But I'm being FORCED to obtain it now. All because either nobody at BioWare gave half a thought to this, or they simply saw it as an opportunity to milk us for more green. I get that the Cartel Market is, in no small part, helping to keep this game going. And, again, under normal circumstances, I have no qualms with that.


    But you set it up so that the legacy name is chosen at friggin random? Instead of doing the obvious and right thing; allowing us to CHOOSE.


    Eric, Keith, everyone else at BioWare... do your overlords really apply that much pressure with their grubby thumbs, or do y'all simply have your heads stuck way up where the Sun don't shine?


    Fade to Black...

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