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Posts posted by makjulos

  1. Hey Mak :) I've heard you moving to the Red Eclipse, but I see the plans changed :p


    Hey there...late reply here lol- i think a few have characters on Red Eclipse and may have planned moving there, but that was before we learnt how the transfer thing was working. Well, our assigned destination server Nightmare Lands turned out very nice, so all is well!



  2. So wrong... People WANT the companion but we shouldnt be forced to switch factions as that ruins our gameplay. 2 50s required? Awesome i can do that... But there is no logical reason as to why they have to be on a faction i despise.


    Logic? We don't do that here! Hehe- ofc there is no well thought through reason to set it up this way, but seriously why do we complain so much, it's just a companion anyway- already got a few of those.



  3. Sentinels of New Dawn [Dawn] and Ancient Sith Academy [ASA] of Europe-Chimaera joined forces and ended up on Frostclaw server- sadly it's not the liveliest one now, so we're planning on using the Free Transfer moving to Nightmare Lands- good times ahead! In Nightmare Lands..ehmm...:)


    If we knew you back then, and you're now on there, give us a shout!







    I played "The Secret World" beta this last weekend and it was such a JOY to play something that wasn't dumbed down. You actually had to think about your builds (vs. placing talents in a vertical line . . .), you had to think about quests, and you had to think about how to handle content and switch builds to adjust. And none of this was ingenious nor ground-breaking: the devs just decided against going for the lowest common denominator.


    Hmm sounds like something to check out - i get a bit of tunnel vision when i start up a new game like i now play this one, good fun with dedication, but for sure i miss out on goodies because of it too....



  5. I'm not trolling, I want to have a serious discussion.


    For example, the HK-51 companion coming out is probably going to require both a lvl 50 imperial and a lvl republic character on the same legacy to get. People all of a sudden start to complain about how they "don't feel like leveling an opposite faction character" and "Bioware messed this one up I'm quitting". I happen to like the requirement because not everyone is going to get it, it's fun to experience leveling a character on both sides, and it's not another one of those freebies to come in the mail. We have to work for it. People in this game feel they are entitled to get everything that comes out in this game, and if they don't feel like doing it, it becomes "unfair" and "bad business Bioware".



    In all MMO's the devs bribe their players into grinding, standard procedure, but forcing me to grind a Republic character if i want a new cool companion sadly does not improve my gaming experience but ofc it won't make me quit game, need to backstab me a lil bit more for that...........

  6. I think they should merge servers asap- to save the situation until they've made this very nice game into a proper social MMO. Myself i'm playing with buddies i've played SWG with for years, and even if we're fewer now i'm enjoying playing and chatting in Teamspeak with these old friends- and ofc a couple new ones too- so i'll stay around, but i bet many that play solo will find the shrinking population on some servers too discouraging to continue playing.



  7. Oh how nice! Friday evening and game is down because of a new game update that needed hotfixin'! Brilliant!


    Well, crap like this happens though, we all know that, so why not expect worst case scenario, and let big updates go live on a monday....discover bugs on tuesday...hotfix on wednesday... Maybe patch a lil more on thursday... .and on Friday we PLAY!



  8. I think SW:TOR is an awesome game, i started playing it only because SWG was shut down and many of my awesome guildies went on to this game, and i am pleasantly surprised- i miss SWG more and more because i find SW:TOR lacking a lot when it comes to the social bits, but i still think this is a rocking game in its more singleplayer way. Comparing the two games really is quite useless imo...well, i guess the thread is created by some troll anyway....



  9. I haven't even bothered looking the time up- i fully expect to get screwed over since i'm from europe, and if maintenances turn out to be like the downtimes on this website then it does suck...but if it's just a couple hours a week then who cares even if it's prime time....besides we're awesomely international in our guild so even if maintenance time will be bad for me it'll be great for some friends, which is very nice.



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