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Posts posted by LizarKing

  1. The prices went up in April - http://dulfy.net/2016/04/19/swtor-character-transfer-costs-increased-to-1000-cc/


    They've had 2 cheaper transfer sales within the last year






    I don't recall any mention of them having it again.


    Most flashpoints can be solo'ed now. They have solo modes and the game gives you a robot as a third character to help out.




    Hope this helps


    While all of this is true, it's still not his fault the game is dying and they won't implement cross server queues or merge servers. Bioware's lack of vision did that.

  2. I'd like to try it. They should get rid of pvp gear, get rid of stuns and other losses of character control as well. They do not equate to skill in pvp. SInce they're ****** design can't handle open world pvp, which I like infinitely better than instanced pvp, then I'd rather have the wz's be like the original Halo.
  3. Just a thought, I'm a subscriber because I like to do operations. It is one of the last things in the game that actually can offer a challenge and make you understand how your class really works. My question is, why are operations gated entirely behind the subscriber or weekly pass pay system when none of the money obtained from my subscription is being used to develop new operations? Why are raiders the only segment of the game that is completely and totally bound to pay you something on a free to play model when clearly we are no longer a priority or even remotely on your radar?


    Agreed, I don't know why they even offer a subscription model anymore since they've gone balls deep into the integrity free cash shop.

  4. Doing Dailies on one of my alts this morning, getting some quick EXP/Comms for transfer later as I work towards Legendary status, and I get queue'd for Denova. When we hit about 70% shields left, two teammates go and sit their *** on West, our only CP, and I stay there for about 30 seconds (before this I was the only one defending it) before I realize they're not moving, so I say "we don't need 3 people on West" and I run off to attack East.


    I die, and one of the guys sitting says "Yeah we gave up lol."


    *** is this crap!? We're not even halfway through the match and you GIVE UP!? I chewed the guy out on Ops chat, saying you can't win if you don't try.


    I got laughed at.


    THIS is the reason Pubs never win on Harbinger. People give up WAY too easily, and think it's okay. It's true though, you can't win if you don't try. Even if it looks awful, miracles DO happen, you just have to be willing to fight it out to the very end. You'll probably lose, but if you just throw in the towel you will lose for SURE.


    But no, Pubs want to huff paint. *sigh*


    Rant over.


    Bunch of *********** candy asses were probably happy with a "participation" trophy....

  5. So, which one is it:

    - they should give all content, armor sets, weapons, everything for free, no restrictions, no way to support the game

    - they should go back to original pay to play with subscription model


    Cash shops ruin games, they strip the integrity from the devs leaving a piece of **** game.

  6. Bioware, please just rename your game Star Wars: The Cartel Market


    It's completely clear that nothing else matters with this anymore other than the Market.


    • - Your own In Game Events page hasn't been touched since July, and isn't being kept up to date (this can be done once a month - ONCE. You can give this one job to one person)
    • - Your preview window has been borked for years, then you try to fix it and mess it up three times as bad, and still didn't manage to fix what you originally posted about with it.
    • - Sending tickets has been reduced to nothing more than a canned response. Reporting about something that should be fixed, i.e., Alderaan heroics dropping you off on top of an elevated area, to only force you OFF of the elevated area, just to fly right back where you were to 'discover' it to complete the heroic - only to receive the dumbest **** imaginable from worthless 'customer service' people, telling you to 'reset the mission'. C'mon, really?!
    • - Your poor folks that are F2P that go to the Support forums, only to have been directed to a canned EA PLAYER HELP ONLY page that has no customer support to help them. They are screwed if they need help (much like the rest of us that pay to play this game).
    • - Existing problems that have been in for years magically re-appear after you've fixed them. Two or three times already - Hello, missing half of your UI?
    • - I won't even go into the Eternal Championship fiasco, screwing people out of participation, adding in rules AFTER THE FACT...
    • - Crafting changes, again screwing people. Thanks, Cartel Market. Crafting had so much potential and now its purely pigeon holed into augments, barrels, hilts, stims and relics.
    • The continued ignorance of the VIP vendors for those many that were told were going to have regular updates to the vendors. If by regular you mean one or two times in the existence of the game, well then I applaud you. You got me.



    They have no integrity because of the cartel market. They don't give 2 ***** about making a quality product.

  7. Due to an issue with Credit Cards at a point, during the time period between January and now. I was unable to maintain my subscription. (I know that there is at least one other person that this has happened to.) Is there any word on whether we are going to see the bonus chapter at any time? Because, if not. Then I don't believe that it is fair at all and this game is not worth the £47 that I pay every 6 months. There are people out there that can't afford to pay the subscription fees that would probably love to play the content. But the problem is, that when a game locks content out because someone didn't keep subscribed between a set of dates with no leeway, I think that it is unacceptable.


    I would love to play the content with HK-55, but due to the problem stated above, I can't under what all the site says about the content. Now, I don't want people responding below with comments that say: 'Tough Luck' or anything of the sort. As I have said already, if it wasn't for the issue with the Credit Card, I would have been getting it. But at the same time, I would still have a problem with this.


    That sucks you got boned, I agree though, that having subscriber rewards, in it's current capacity, is Busch League. They should be doing what Star Wars Galaxies did and have Vet Rewards that are based on the cumulative time you have been subbed. So, they could have a 24 month reward, once you reach 24 total months of subbed time you are eligible for the reward, and so on. One more thing that made galaxies better than this.

  8. That's not what he's saying.


    If you're PvPing for the first time, GREAT!!!! We are THRILLED to have new people PvP, PvP depends on new people, it thrives on new players, and it's the only game activity that is 100% dependent on other like minded players.


    The only things we ask are - read the instructions - look it up online...have an idea of what you're walking into...or, at the very least, say something. As long as you try, I don't care what your numbers look like or what the final score is...I'll take 100 losses with players who TRY to win.


    This, please

  9. That right there. Pvp would be so much better without the elitists demanding everyone play at thier level. We all start somewhere. I initially hated pvp because of that, and almost didn't stick with it because of the negativity while I was learning the matches and adjusting to the difference between the pve world and pvp. I'm glad I decided to ignore it and keep at it. Its turned out to be the most fun I have jn game. Now I just tell the qq'ers to go make some friends and stop solo queuing. That, or try spending more time playing and less time using the chat box to whine.


    I agree that teaching is better than pissing and moaning but the minute before the warzone starts is not the time for teaching. Also, people should be asking how to play each warzone if they don't know...they have to take some initiative or any instruction will be for naught.

  10. They need to stop worrying about "a return to cinematic storytelling" and start worrying about making a quality product without gating and gold sinks. I doubt they can though, they have no integrity, i.e. they have a cash shop...
  11. For the past 3 months I have noticed an unbelievably useless amount of people playing warzones, especially in Huttball and Ancient Hypergate. There are useless people in the others as well but these two are most egregious.


    Huttball: PASS THE BALL, get ahead of the ball carrier so they can pass to you, rinse and repeat. if you're doing anything other than trying to advance the ball to the goal you should go back to Chutes and Ladders.


    Ancient Hypergate: Capture one pylon, guard that pylon, run orbs. Only engage in combat if necessary because when you die it gives the other team points. Trying to stealth and capture the other pylon is a waste of time and you're hanging your teammates out to dry that are trying to run orbs and guard the pylon.*


    Be a winner


    *Capturing a second pylon may be neccessary if you ****ed up the first sentence....

  12. Does the bonus to damage/healing received from expertise stack on top of what you have from mastery and power or is it only calculated from the expertise stat? for example if i have a 300 hundred bonus to healing from power and mastery will that stack on top of a 500 bonus to healing from expertise for 800 total? Or do i only have a 500 bonus in a warzone?
  13. I logged in a few minutes ago for the first time since last summer. My grid in the interface editor is not as large as my screen so I cannot move the separate windows to all the way to the edge of the. Is this broken?


    EDIT: I logged out and back in and it fixed it.....

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