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Posts posted by Warnopeace

  1. I have a 50 Jugg, and a 40 Powertech. I have only been involved in 2 pvp encounters while questing the whole time lvling. Both times it was high lvls in groups just ganking. i LOVE the game overall but I have been disapointed in the lack of PVP during questing. Otherwise I would have rolled on a PVE server for the larger pop. I think it is easy at this point to put in place a Objective based PVP system in the world it's been done in many games. I dont think coping a game is good but WOW's system worked if less ppl from opposing faction where there you received a buff on health and damage. I read Peoples ideas and listen in my guild and I think people just want balanced open world pvp, but come on it can't work it hasn't ever worked.



    I would love to see PVP, PVE bosses that only are open to your faction when they have control of the zone. yes you would have to limit numbers or bolster the other factions stats thru buffs, or the like. I also think a faction wide buff after a win ( like 10% more Valor gained after the win) would encourage support. I love what you all are doing with the game, minus the TTK going down so bad after patch 1.2 its still fun but too zerg fest, but lets put some reason to pvp while leveling or just tell people that buy the game there are only PVE servers. They all feel like PVE servers now. keep up the good work. Best vanilla copy as of yet for MMO's.

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