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Posts posted by ishandi

  1. Checking in. May and its still doing this. Relogging doesn't fix it for me. My companion has it too and dies off quickly along with me. Edit: After relogging many times throughout different points eventually it went away for me.
  2. No it is not fixed.


    You'd think this would be high priority as it has a lot of consequences on raid encounters.


    Yep its a shame that they aren't taking it seriously.


    We haven't tried Eternity Vault hard mode yet because when we do people get stuck in two different instances, but if it DID work for us - it would probably be a big help on the first, second and last bosses.


    Both of our healers in our group are Sorcerers and we have managed to do all of the normal mode content without it. I don't know if we will be as successful with hard modes though. :(

  3. It hasn't changed in the last two patches. It still does the double tick at the beginning and a total of eleven HoT ticks.


    Thanks for the update it saved me a bunch of credits!


    I hope they will fix it soon! I have put in my ticket for the bug a little while ago, and I hope other healing Sorcerers do too!

  4. Does anyone know if this was fixed? I do not see anything in the patch notes but it seems unbelievable that they would not fix our 31-point healing talent before all of this other stuff.


    By fixed I mean: The Jedi Sage version of the spell gives an upfront AOE heal that does not involve standing in a puddle. The Sorcerer version does not give this up front heal, but just seems to do a "double tick" of the puddle heal for a much lesser amount of healing.


    I'd hate to spend the money to spec back into it only to find out its still broken.


    Feel free to correct me if I am wrong or mistaken somehow, but you can easily see the difference when you watch a Sage healing Soa or Gharl or something on YouTube.

  5. What intern community are you talking about? There really isn't one to begin with.


    My server has a bit of community going on. I would imagine most do. But you have to be somewhat social I guess, and maybe some people aren't?


    On my server, people know guilds and other players on same and opposite factions based on their actions and performance. People make pre-made groups, etc. People talk smack, focus fire people they don't like or that have a reputation of being a great healer, etc...


    That stuff all goes away immediately with cross-server Warzones.


    Assuming queue times and the "Huttball" problem on the most populated faction can be resolved, I really hope they don't move in the cross-server direction.

  6. Probably looking at a whopping 1 day of early access to punish you for your lack of faith in BW. I have my complaint for the BBB ready for the grace period and advertising issues.


    The zones are a barren wasteland my guildmates keep telling me, with nobody around. Nobody to quest with or talk to in game even besides the both of them. It's pretty sad how they're handling this.


    The few people I know who are playing are disappointed for these same reasons.


    Fanboys will continue to deny that this rollout seems to have been poorly executed, but it really has been.

  7. yeah.. thats what i got avg 15 days. heres what tomorrow might look like.. im going to be cutting it close to get in on 4th wave tomorrow. im 11.22.11



    day 2

    1st wave - 8.6

    2nd wave - 8.28

    3rd wave - 9.9

    4th wave - 9.25

    day 3

    1st wave - 10.10

    2nd wave - 10,25

    3rd wave - 11.9

    4th wave - 11.24


    I think I remember seeing that there was a big spike in pre-order sales in October, assuming they aren't going on date ranges specifically.

  8. With only 48 minutes to go, please let us know when you get in, and through what wave.


    Also, discuss this days' wave of invites.


    UPDATE 1: Latest in this thread: 1th August.

    UPDATE 2: Latest in this thread: 4th August.


    Finally a useful thread related to the waves! Good idea and thank you for maintaining it so far! :)

  9. This is the most clean, polished, and stable game I have seen at launch. I have been playing most all of the day and it has never crashed, never had a queue, and is functioning great.


    I don't know where you are getting your information from.


    The game looks and feels crisp, lag free, and complete.


    I think you missed his key point. 90% of the pre-orders aren't even in game yet. That can be game-changing.

  10. Noone else have a bad experience with an MMO launch before SWTOR?


    You are not mentioning other elements of the SWTOR launch though. Like people using PVP exploits to gain massive levels, etc.


    If those things are true, they need to be remedied properly and their characters rolled back.

    People need to be able to play the game on an equal playing field for a good launch. Those things make this launch less than desirable.


    And its not over. All of those things still CAN happen with SWTOR too (although I hope not!) You have to realize they probably have in about 15% of the pre-orders or so at this point?


    What happens when the other 85% are in? Lag? Crashes? Hopefully none of that! But only time will tell.

  11. Lol, no replies to the logical posts apparenlty


    I stopped after the first sentence due to lack of logic.


    The game has launched in the past 24 hours. Even BioWare says it. You aren't "launching" a rocket when it isn't "launch day". The same logic applies to SWTOR.




    Edit: And I don't agree this has been the worst launch ever. But it isn't over yet! :)


    BioWare has done a poor job communicating clearly with the customer base though lately. I do think not inviting people for the past almost 12 hours when the servers have been on Light loads for quite a while is poor planning on their part...


    Still not the worst yet!

  12. Yes because it only takes a day or two for one person to COMPLETELY OWN AN ENTIRE SERVER right?


    If other games are any indication, then yes. Any small number of days makes a giant difference to the extremely hardcore (which is what this person was talking about). Albeit they are a very small percentage of the game's population.


    Examples (the last two rollouts I was involved in)


    1. WOTLK release: Naxx was cleared on the 3rd day I think. That included leveling and killing the first 11 or so raid bosses in the game.


    2. Rift release: People were in Greenscale (the first raid) in days. That included leveling.


    It can have a gigantic effect on competitive PVE kills. It doesn't personally bother me, but I can certainly see how it could be frustrating to those guilds who maintain that level of progression.

  13. Yup agree with this ^^^^^^^^ Flag items for companions only and player only. The only problem with this is creating more loot and changing loot tables. It already exists with weapons so it shouldn't be too hard to impliment


    This sounds like an option. But if the forums are any indication, people will still need on "Companion loot" for themselves because they won't have bothered to read the item description properly! :p

  14. I am so glad bioware did staggered start to weed out these people. Hopefully they won't come back in a few months.


    I don't see where all the hate comes from. The person asked how to cancel (because they did make it impossible without calling them it seems if its Origin), and the person stated why.


    The OP wasn't out of line in any way or rude. Maybe the bad attitude is a little closer to home.

  15. This is not entirely acturate. A large amount of people preorder the game in the first 72 hours, possible over 100,000 people base on my estimation. True most player who got in today did preorder in the first three days.


    The only thing that is frustrating me is that the servers have all been "Light" load for the past 7 or so hours and they are only did a few rounds of invites over 6 hours in the past day. At least I assume that - I checked once 6 hours ago and once now.


    Hopefully tomorrow will be more aggressive, because at the end of the day we are all going to be on these servers together anyway.


    I think a lot of people didn't know or had no way to know there would be a staggered entry when they pre-ordered. The amount of time of the early access doesn't matter, so long as we can play together. The "up to" stuff everyone responds with has little bearing.


    Part of the fun is leveling with your friends, and that is not going to be much of an option for many due to the way this is happening.


    Regardless, the person wants to know how to cancel their order - so we should maybe help him/her. I think you have to actually call Origin if you purchased it through them. I was not able to find a way to cancel either.

  16. you joined 3 weeks ago and you're complaining about not getting in on Day 1? On Dec 13th which they just announced last week (which is 2 days earlier than the initial report? You are funny...


    I joined in Dec, 2009 and my date changed to June 2011 or something. Something weird happened when they merged in Origin accounts I think.


    So don't assume :)

  17. Me thinks the player's character should always have priority over any player's companion. So in order to not have "ninja" loots in flashpoints or general group content, everyone must accept and respect that.


    If not, prepare yourself for drama.


    The problem with that is, in some cases, companions can be more important to a certain class.


    A healer that uses their companion on the front lines on every pull, could argue that gear for their companion is more important than their own for leveling.


    Its a tough call, really.

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