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Posts posted by rolanzo

  1. When has Iron Man EVER had kryptonite? Unless your joking, in which case Iron Man is in a different universe. Ya know Marvel not DC. ;)


    hate to nerd myself but "iron lantern" a GL/iron man crossover by both companies in either the 70's or 80's from memory. iron man used ALOT of kryptonite to power his lantern replica.


    also as for the time to affect. see alfred, kryptonite shotgun. batman has been quoted as saying in many crossover comics "faster than a speeding bullet means nothing when kryptonite is involved." indicating it takes less than the speed of sound for even a bullet size piece to severly affect the last son of krypton.


    however i go into the party that believe green krypton does not kill him with radiation but rather strips him of powers and anti aging slowly making him more human. reason it hurts so much after awhile is his body is trying to forceable age to its true human equilavent instead of a 20ish year old kryptonian who never ages much/

  2. If you were at the helm you would see first hand the horror of getting funding and a working budget that comes along with a triple A mmo under the banner of EA. SWTOR got a lot of bad press and didn't impress EA with their numbers. Be thankful we're getting what we're getting.



    more like EA did not impress gamers who left in drooves. EA do ok sports games but they suck at Multiplayer due to fail business sense and over/under developed DRM. like going to common name instead of email log in? security fail 101.



    That possibility went out the window when the game went F2P.


    How many F2P MMOs have released an EP on the level of what Blizzard does with WoW? Hell how many F2P MMOs do you see released boxed/retail updates? Ever wonder why that is?


    actually more than you would think. the problem is people think F2P and see swtor or what is correctly deemed a "freemium" model. fact is subscription based mmo died in the rear early 2010. these days microtransactions make up over 70% of mmo market share and is proven to better long term support games. all of GW1,GW2 and AION expansions were funded from microtransactions and are all going very strong (for a mmo not copared to WoW)

  3. frankly there are 2 issues to adress.


    1st is DANTOINE. simple answer this is important to KOTOR ONLY! this is 300 years after kotor and needs to be pushed back to corruscant being hte main jedi capital. if swtor reused dantoine its harder to write up a lore reason of why the jedi ever needed to abonden it in the first place. personally its a nice nod to leave it. after all taris was given as a token in all games and was boring after its 3RD destruction in kotor2 (assuming you went evil to bomb it morte than twice)


    2nd issue is wookies. plain and simple no. wookies by lore are not force sensitive. they lack a connection to the force and to any midichlorians in their system. there are MANY reasons for it but simpel one is lucas liked ideas of wookie warriors and did not want to confuse it with force powers and discipline. only 1 wookie jedi exists in expanded universe and while cannon it is a joke amongst fans (more so than jar jar)

  4. fact is in cannon (not counting earth 2 or golden superman) that supes is affected by ANYTHING alien.


    luke = not of earth and alien, add to that force powers which is not science as non sensitive can not use in any way (call it what you want force lightning is space magic) and pure plasma swords (going off common lightsaber creation theory) which plasma reguarlly in comics is shown to burn supes skin luke has this fight in the bag.


    truthfully though a sith lord takes it easier as luke is more pistol based and not into the whole kill/torture thing.


    of importance is also that in red son lex luthor killed supermans super family with very little effort needed. (admitivly killing supes was hard to do and he only thought he did it) add to that that superman gains power only under yellow sun, becomes meh in darkness after prolonged battle, looses power in red and gains uber power under blue sun.


    now lets looks at where starwars battles are commonly fought. aah thats right outerrim and between sectors in pure space with no light to hit superman. even common saber battles are on outposted stations/ships.

  5. Death penalty ?


    I haven't seen any.


    What death penalty are you speaking about ?


    You don't lose xp. You don't have to run naked to your corpse to recover your stuff. You get no malus to your stats/capacities. You can always rez at the med center.


    What death penalty ?


    Ho the repairs ... i forgot the repair cost.


    Death penalty : Ho look when i die, i'm not dead !



    personally i dislike the wait AND the destruction of gear quality to get back to where you where. even worse in pvp games. EQ1 and 2 had a good tatic of just time/respawn at X no charge. respawn penalties went down hill when WoW forgot its player base and decided to make gravesites pay, dangerzone diminishing returns and time based all in one go. hitting a player with all 3 negatives means they spend more time in city than questing. still better than permadeath or /shiver FF deaths

  6. Yeah, the idea of a Dark V Jedi or a Light V Sith are kind of silly.



    yes because the ending od kotor change SOOOO much based on dark/light ratings. /sarcasm


    personally i like it. just because my smuggler is a bad guy does not automatically mean he has to be loyal to the sith. sometimes a decent middle ground works well and as shown in game diffrent L/D actions not to mention the branch off at level 10 advance class really alters the story in a nice way.


    still think swtor should have been a SP game though but work with what you got.

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