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Posts posted by LordKobo

  1. UNless everyone else is having the same issues, then something is wrong with your computer/the game that can and need to be fixed. Every PC is different. This is the problem with PC gaming vs. console gaming. Every PC is different and so it's impossible to keep a game running 100% perfect on every system every patch. Things go wrong, but if you quit and don't give them a chance to figure out what the problem is with how their game is interacting with your system, then of course it won't be fixed.


    I remember back when I used to play Neverwinter Nights on my old Dell desktop it had issues where I couldn't play it online during the first hour of a computer restart or turn on. After many emails back aand forth between Dell and Bioware, I and every other Dell user deterimined the issue was there were ports mandatory for the game that for some reason DELL decided to block in the core programming of the computer in their OEM version of Windows ME. The only way NWN's staff could fix it would be to rewrite how the entire game accessed the internet to use different ports for the few DELL users still using Win ME when XP has just come out.


    I agree and have tried all the work a rounds offered.Have you seen the amount of threads with hundreds of people,mostly with sli rigs are having the same or worse problems

  2. I am a beta vet and love this game.I almost cried when I just canceled.My Jug floats in mid air now load screens take longer with every patch.my force charge gone,saber throw lags so bad that I click it get whacked and then the saber flies.It is a great story line game but the play gas gone down after every patch.The best fix is really just a bad work around,they just tell us turn the graphics to low.I have a great gaming rig and will not play on low.All my other games including newer more gpu demanding ones run great,just as this one used to.I am going to miss it but I am out.May the force be with you all.:(
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