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Posts posted by takot

  1. Your spec is good. Staying alive as a sage healer is tough if you don't have guard on you. If you have any tank friends or guildies, ask them to come along and guard you. If you are pugging it, either tell the grp you are heals and ask for a guard, or throw down a salvation during pre game so everyone sees you are a healer.


    Whether you get a guard on you are not, you need to hug a pillar or something you can break line of sight with, try not to stand out in the open. A Knockback followed by a slow can help a lot here too. Always try to heal from range and out of sight as much as possible, because as soon as a maurader or powertech sees you, he will force leap right to you.


    As far as the rotation goes, i don't really use a "rotation", its more of a situation priority list. I use Rejuv about every time its up, mostly to get the resplendence buff, plus it is instant cast. If you are getting interrupted a lot, try using mind crush or something with a cast time first, so they interrupt that, then cast a heal. So maybe try something like Rejuv, mind crush, when they interrupt that go for the fast deliverance.


    Anyway hope some of that helps.

  2. The shield is on a 45 second cooldown, not exactly short. You cannot apply it until 45 seconds later(less with talents).


    1 short CC every minute. I do not know how that can CC the "crap" out of you. Whirlwind is NOT instant....


    You are just making assumptions and exaggerations. Their damage is weak and only has 3-4 attacks. Their one big heal is easily interrupted and then they are toast...


    Dude cmon, no need to make stuff up. Here is the shield-




    45 second cooldown? Try 4.5 seconds with a 20 second cooldown to the same target, not 45 . .


    And yes, they can CC the "crap" out of you, at least compared to some other classes. knockback, stun, instant cast slow on a 12 sec CD, interrupt, and whirlwind can be made instant cast with talents ---> http://www.torhead.com/ability/3z5pMqh/haunted-dreams


    oh and lets not forget that if you spec madness and take the madness talent, you main nuke that is instant cast channeled also slows the target by 50%. I started a sage and at level 22 i have so much more control than my 50 merc its absurd.


    Also . . force speed lol.

  3. Something i don't often see mentioned about pyro spec is the fact that the dots can be easily cured. I play a bodyguard so i'm healing anyway but i always just cure the fire off me and my team mates and no more dot damage. Of course it uses up a global so sometimes i put it off in favor of a heal depending on the situation.


    While i am on the subject, anyone know if the other two healing classes can also purge the fire? Just curious.

  4. no afterburner?


    you need to set up more tracer without light em up.



    i would switch with reactive armor and integrated system


    Nope, i have tried afterburner, but the knock back kind of sucks. If it knocked them down or stunned or something it would be worth it, but it really doesn't do much. Might consider switching it with Integrated systems though for the extra jet boost distance, not sure yet.


    As for light em up, since I'm focused mainly on heals and not going far enough into Arsenal to get tracer lock, there is not much point. It would be nice, but not worth the survivability i would sacrifice to get it.

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