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Posts posted by MisterMuse

  1. There was a time in MMO land when players could engage in pvp without the need for different armour, or expertise to 'improve' things, and hundreds would. But SWG has long gone.


    I am at a loss why you would copy an outdated game mechanic such as WoW and bring it to your new MMO(SWTOR) and then watch it fail.


    Because WoW is the worlds most successful MMO with something like seven million subs while SWG is a shut down project that fell to around twenty thousand subs within three years of released?

  2. Personally I couldnt care about a dull generic game mechanic such as Arenas, designed for the brainless


    And yet you make a thread about it, great logic there Einstein.


    Also next time you make a topic moaning about how this game isn't being developed to your whims maybe you should actually complain about something that's not working. The screen grab you posted actually shows a perfectly functional system, 3 DPS, 1 Tank on both sides.

  3. Just out of curiosity and to avoid possible misunderstandings, when you list all of the guilds accomplishments and the related world/server ranking, do you only compare it to 16man raids or to 8man as well? I think that this is important information for potential candidates in order to clearly identify the "absolute ranking" of the guild. I have to state, that I don't mean to belittle you or the guild's achievements, its just that "the devil is in the details".


    So before anyone decides to commit to rolling a toon on your server, could you please clarify.




    P.S: please avoid the "8 man vs 16 man" flamewar


    They are a 16-man guild so one would assume that all their claims are in 16-man, no?

  4. So how long will it take before the 4v4 queue is the same as the current 8v8 one? I'd say that in about a month of two there is going to be like ten to twelve teams in queue per server, every new team will get stomped on and quit after a few evenings and we'll be flipping back to this chapter and asking what went wrong.


    Please reconsider keeping a 8v8 warzone queue even if we don't have a ranking system for it. Even if I've not been extremely active in them myself the few times I did participate it was a whole new game from playing normals, there was such a higher level of play that made it so much more fun and thrilling to play. Sure the current system it not perfect but try to fix it instead of scrapping it.

  5. I'm really sorry to say that for the time being I'm going to discontinue this board. First of all I really don't have the motivation or time to managed a board like this. Second with Torparse going down at the moment it is rather a waste of time to update this consistently anyway. If anyone feel like taking this up send me a PM and i'll send along the notepad file I'm using for this.


    Again I'm really sorry but it really isn't working out.

  6. The original reason for the shared lockout was that during EV/KP Nightmare and Hard dropped the same loot. With the addition of how EC was handled the idea that these should share a lockout is just completely additional. However I would probably say that reverting to the older system is a better idea. Having a system where the top level is solely for the actual achievement and cosmetics would allow for a large amount of real difficult content without excluding the casual players who needs the gear for the next level of content.


    As we are now however I fully go,


  7. We had this discussion before and what I basically said was that I can't really say that its an invalid move when its perfectly reasonable to do it in a raid situation if you want to maximize your dps. I will probably put a small star or something to the side of your parses if you do use respec.


    I'm only half done for this/last week, got a lot to do irl but really hoping do have it done sometimes tomorrow.

  8. Would it be possible to expain the reasoning behind this rule?


    I guess it boils down to what the goal of this thread is. If the participants only see it as a standalone competition with no relation to 'real' operations scenarions then likely imposing such a rule does make sense as otherwise for top performance always outside assistance is required.


    If, however, the goal is to gain insight that will help to gauge the relative performance of the various classes and specs compared to each other that rule is detrimental as it clearly favors classes and specs that either provide an armor debuff themselves or benefit less from it than usual. Typical examples would be Arsenal Merc/Gunnery Commando vs. Pyrotech Merc/Tactics Commando (one has the armor debuff, the other does not) or Carnage Marauder/Combat Sentinel vs. Rage Marauder/Force sentinel (one spends 9 seconds out of every 20 hitting a target with no armor anyways making the armor debuff less essential, while the other due to 30% armor penetration would profit even more from the armor debuff). Not to mention it makes it harder to compare different classes. I personally would be curious to know how big the gap between a Focus Sentinel and a Focus Guardian is, but the Guardian's armor debuff skews that picture.


    So why not allow at least the armor debuff? Bloodlust/Inspiration is trickier, as you would need one very specific class supporting you to pull this off. Also the flat 15% damage bonus it provides should benefit (or its absence harm) all classes and specs more or less equally. The only valid counterargument would be that this would make external help mandatory for top performance, which is a good point.


    Just a suggestion.


    I suggested in my last post a "Top 10" list where an amour debuff would be allowed to compare between classes but with no response. This list is more to evaluate parses within each class. Not allowing an armor debuff has become rather standard for DPS Boards in Swtor.

  9. Sentinel/Marauder

    1. Beastfury - Marauder - Carnage 5/36/5 - 3025

    Log Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/238605/time/1369007928/1369008229/0/Overview



    How about this one?

    2. Sythise - Sentinel - Combat 4/36/6 - 3021

    Log Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/288184/time/1371282841/1371283173/0/Damage+Dealt


    Pre-stacked rage/focus as well or just Beastfury?


    I haven't updated it yet, still working on determining some of the other classes having buffed themselves with Tremors, etc. Update coming with the weekend as usual.

  10. Firstly I would like to remind everyone to try to be as respectful as possible. Questions on odd patters in parses are always appreciated as I would like as much help as possible but it must be presented with decency, please don't accuse people of cheating until definite proof can be presented.


    Secondly I have been reviewing a couple of parses after questions about Beastfury's record and Invinc's Lethality and come to a solution which I believe is manageable.


    Stacks such as Rage/Focus or buffs which requires combat are not allowed to be present before the start of the parse. However building Centering or adding buffs using respec is allowed due to that such measures can always be used during actual raid fights. I am always open to suggestions however and please say, with reasoning, if anyone has any objections.


    Lastly, are people interested in a "Top 5/10" list where an armor debuff is allowed to evaluate the effectiveness of each class in an actual raid situation?

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