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Posts posted by jasonthelamb

  1. Hey there! I've just stepped back into SWTOR and I'm looking for a guild that offers raiding / endgame content! I've played Jugg DPS / Tank since launch, though I'm willing to switch it up if there's something more meta. Prefer Tank/ DPS roles.


    I'm available

    Monday-Thursday: 5pm EST and later.

    Saturday: 8am-6pm EST

    Sunday: All day EST

  2. Do these guys not remember 1.0? It was THE WORST loot system put in place at the time, and this is worse than that. I would rather have items specific to a raid drop from bosses, much like WoW used to do when I played (unsure if they still do that).


    The hard part with that, is that you have to have a big loot table to make things rare, and SWTOR doesn't have that.

  3. Left TOR a couple of weeks after DP/DF dropped, as my guild had easily cleared the content... I'm looking for a new guild now that I'm back.


    My main is a DPS Juggernaut, not sure how viable they are anymore, but I have a level 60 sniper, and I have my free level 60 token still.


    I've been doing progression raiding since launch (on and off after TFB dropped).


    Availability (in EST) (-5 GMT)

    Monday: 1PM-4AM

    Tuesday: 10PM-12AM

    Wednesday: 1PM-4AM

    Thursday: 10PM-12AM

    Friday: 1AM-4AM

    Saturday: 10PM-4AM

    Sunday: 10AM-11PM


    In game you can find me as Ca's

    Or PM me here

  4. I did progression raiding in the last update... HM DP/DF on Harbinger. After being in full 180 after a month or so, I hung up my cleats and decided to try some other stuff. I've since come back.


    I've got a DPS Juggernaut (60) right now, and I'm power leveling a Merc and Sorc.... I have a sniper on another server that I'm willing to transfer if needed.


    As for times, I'm looking for stuff EST friendly. I work 6AM-12PM EST Monday-Friday, and I have Dungeons and Dragons Friday night at 9PM EST, and again on Sunday at 1PM EST.


    About me:


    I'm a 23 year old college student, enjoy competitive gaming, but enjoy the teamwork / getting things done aspect a lot more than "i did 30.5 DPS more then you, gg noob." Looking to have a good time, whilst also blowing through content.


    If you'd like to talk to me, have any questions, etc. - Feel free to contact me on here, and we can setup to chat on TS/mumble/vent (whatever your poison is)!


    Looking forward to hearing from some peoples!


    I'm sure you're a nice person, but these posts are beyond a joke. Learn to spell. I know you are 'trolln' and it has succeded in annoying this server :)


    This guys is for real... have you ever played on JC? Nobody can keep up a troll act since launch....

  6. The problem is that the boss is too unforgiving, while people have indeed cleared it, but everything needs to be done in a perfect order, any mistakes will result in a wipe.


    It is the DPS check of the operation, you need to have specific people going to specific things, burning them ASAP, and have good communications.


    It is indeed the pug killer.

  7. Vengeance is A LOT about RNG - parses over 3k are really high crit/ravage proc runs, which you won't get all the time - in reality the Juggernaut needs a change to make it better in Ops groups - not some super buff or anything - but maybe a change to how ravage works or what can proc ravager.
  8. Hey all, I'm looking to transfer here and I'd like to get into a guild (or at least talk to some guilds) before jumping over.


    I have a few toons I can bring over, though it will probably be one at a time.


    1) Juggernaut DPS: This has been my main since launch, min/max 69/72 gear, I haven't been playing for a while but I think he's pretty easy to pick up.


    2) Sniper DPS: I really neglected him once he hit 55, wearing mainly 69-ish stuff, I wouldn't mind playing him.


    3) Gunslinger DPS: Same boat as the sniper, but he's in blue 66's.


    4) I'll roll a toon; I can't guarantee he'll be power leveled, but if there are any guilds looking for serious raiders that need something specific, I'd be willing to talk about certain roles.


    Feel free to PM me on here, probably the easiest way to catch me.

  9. Hey all, I'm looking to transfer here and I'd like to get into a guild (or at least talk to some guilds) before jumping over.


    I have a few toons I can bring over, though it will probably be one at a time.


    1) Juggernaut DPS: This has been my main since launch, min/max 69/72 gear, I haven't been playing for a while but I think he's pretty easy to pick up.


    2) Sniper DPS: I really neglected him once he hit 55, wearing mainly 69-ish stuff, I wouldn't mind playing him.


    3) Gunslinger DPS: Same boat as the sniper, but he's in blue 66's.


    4) I'll roll a toon; I can't guarantee he'll be power leveled, but if there are any guilds looking for serious raiders that need something specific, I'd be willing to talk about certain roles.


    Feel free to PM me on here, probably the easiest way to catch me.

  10. I have a Juggernaut DPS and a Sniper DPS, and I've recently moved over to Bastion. I work 6-7 days a week for the most part, so I'm looking for a guild that raids from ~6:30PM PST to 10PM PST or so. (I am EST, I get out of work most nights at 9:30PM EST)


    Only night I can't raid is Saturday night, as I work until 12PM EST and I'm up at 8AM for work the next day.


    My Juggernaut is in a mix of 69/72 gear and my sniper is in mainly 69 gear (went from 1-55 the last double xp weekend).


    If you'd like to talk or anything of that sort, PM me or reply here, I'd love to hear from anyone interested.


    For the record - I also have a 55 gunslinger I can transfer over; for republic guilds.

  11. Not sure where the idea came from but I see it said a lot how Rage doesn't use channeled abilities. YES Rage no longer uses Force Choke, however Rage does use Ravage on CD. I see it said a lot or mentioned all over the place that Rage doesn't use channeled abilities ever. Seen some people say you should never use Ravage, but I challenge you to go parse with and without it. You'll see WITH Ravage the dps is higher. Especially when used during CP.


    For more verification, go to Torparse and look up myself(Rah'jid) or Loufucai.


    If you have the Juggernaut 4 piece (8% to scream) then you don't use Ravage

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