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Posts posted by theangryllama

  1. Long *** maths post quoted here


    Just one quick question on your numbers

    Seeing this

    CG Crit = 726 (Remember, it is affected by Explosive Engineering now)
    and doing a quick bit of napkin math (ie taking that number and adding 30% to it) are you using a screwy lethality spec without explosive engineering? This closes the gap significantly

    Also in a rotation of that size you havent factored in the additional ticks from both DoT's Both specs will get these however full lethality will have 4 of them (unless CD ticks twice there will only be 4) effected by weakening blast which again closes the gap by another 1k or so.


    If the first point is correct and factoring in the second one we then have almost identical damage in said burst rotation... and full leth can do it twice as often for the same energy which is where my energy management point comes in. Both specs do the same rotation again 18s later. Lethality loses 3548 damage for 20 energy less. Hybrid loses 7252 damage for the same energy cost (as you now lack the energy regen from cluster)

  2. Both actually.


    I'm saying the trade off of significant gains from Hybrid in better burst dps, AE pressure, and energy management vs Lethality's shorter cooldowns on shield probe/escape, a second snare/root breaker, and a subpar 6 second snare makes lethality vastly inferior to hybrid.


    With that being said, the main purpose of lethality is to make any class an equal victim (less scoundrel and tank shadow). Hybrid performs this role far better.


    To answer the latter portion of your question, when I'm taking into consideration EVERYTHING the MM spec, Engi spec, Hybrid spec, and Lethality spec has to offer ... Lethality is the worst by far.


    Whilst I do agree that lethality is subpar when compared with MM and Eng (in majority of pvp based circumstances but this is due to the gain in utility and survivabilty rather than damage) your mistaken about the Leth/Eng hybrid. Since 1.2 changes full lethality will destroy and leth/eng hybrid happily.


    Burst Dps

    Weakening Blast will easily add as much damage to a cull (plus the 4 dot ticks that would go off in the same time it takes for the clusters to explode) as well as crit for ~1100 itself. Looking at some eng videos I'm seeing the cluster bombs hit for ~4-500 per where as your easily looking at 200 damage added per dot tick under weakening as well as the damage itself. Not only will it match and most likely surpass the damage from cluster (due to the poisons it effects having +12% crit chance and +8% for on cull) but its also usable twice as often.

    AE pressure

    I'll grant you this one with the caveat of if it was terribly useful a lethality sniper can happily also spec into toolbelt with little to no loss. 90% of the time its not.

    Energy Management

    Again the hybrid actually comes out worse... Cluster bombs simply refunds the energy that the probe used so you basically gain free damage. However you now have to spend that energy on int probe and reapplying poisons more often.


    In reality the tradeoffs for going hybrid vs full lethality are you lose damage and long term energy management for more mobility with an additional attack that does not require cover and the permanent snare component that can be attached to the probe.


    As a side note don't underestimate the value of multi-dotting. Since 1.2 healers are resource limited rather than time limited and combined with the TTK being so low it is actually significant pressure with CG happily critting for 700 and CD the same but with the chance to tick twice. Also (and this to me is the big point) if you run in CD everyone, CG so that it hits 2-3 people you now have 30s worth of time in which you can happily target swap to any of those targets and negate the huge ramp up which is lethalitys biggest weakness.

  3. how is the AP on the powertech I was always interested about that one ...


    Hits like a truck... but having your burst tied to a channeled cone attack has obvious disadvantages (client server issues not showing enemy positions correctly, having to remain stationary, if you don't tie it with HO its easy to stop with a knockback/down/stun). Can crit over 3k a tick for 4 ticks in an AoE if all goes well though

  4. Dunno about the first 2... but scoundrels/ops are damn scary when played well.

    See Lion (link is to lion V but they all good)

    or the one floating around the op forums atm Vyel (whole new level of Op respect after watching this one)

  5. PvP success based on arbitrary numbers instead of skill = smart business model.


    Do I agree with it, not terribly but it works. Why does it work... because it rewards time spent. More time spent = less time playing competitors. It appeals to the drooling masses who are not always good but demand to be rewarded simply for spending time playing the game. If skill becomes the only factor these people lose over and over again stop playing and the company loses money.



    no thanks, I'll pass and stick to online games where one's expertise is actually based on their skill and expertise instead of an arbitrary number.


    This is unfortunately the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia in effect here. These games don't exist any more in large enough numbers to actually make PvP worthwhile good sir. Again I don't like it but you gotta realise what you can't change and go with the flow. Even the FPS games which were the staple of 'everyone is the same skill plays the whole part' have tiered reward systems that make you better the more you play

  6. I have played as a Sniper since launch, both as Lethality and MM. For the past few months, I have played Lethality, but I got bored with it, so I decided to compare its sustained damage with MM's, and see how much better it really was. With only SI and IA buffs, and no adrenals or relics that are activated, I parsed 1469 DPS on the Ops Dummy over 4 minutes as Lethality, but, with the same buffs and armor, as MM I parsed 1458 DPS over the same time, so I decided to switch to MM, as Lethality didn't do that much more damage over time, MM has better on demand damage and since MM does not need an AoE DoT to do good damage. Just an FYI, I do know the Leth rotation very well, so that was not the cause of these results.


    On a dummy yes they will both pull very similar. However the difference comes in that MM is more heavily penalised for movement as well as lethality gets a much larger bonus sub 30% which the dummys do not take into consideration.

    The biggest thing i found personally was that I could match my lethality numbers as MM... however it was much harder to do which detracted from my overall situational awareness in an operation enviroment

  7. http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/thread-953.html = ftw


    Taken from that

    SoS – Ambush – FT – X – X – Snipe – FT –

    SoS – Snipe – FT – X – X – Ambush – FT –

    SoS – Snipe – FT – X – X – Snipe – FT

    Common filler abilities include: Shatter Shot, OS, TD, EP, CD, IP (for MM/Eng hybrid), and Rifle Shot. We should prioritize these based on DPE, with the following considerations:

    Shatter Shot is a useful debuff to keep active on the target, especially in group play. See section II.1.2 for considerations for optimal use of Shatter Shot.

    DoT abilities which are still active should generally not be overwritten. The only DoT MM snipers have with a duration longer than its cooldown is CD, so if it is already active, other fillers such as Explosive Probe or even Snipe should be used instead.

    Rifle Shot should be used to ensure that we stay above 60% energy. Keeping an eye on upcoming fight events and on which abilities will be coming up next in our rotation will allow us to use Rifle Shot as needed.

    Pure MM snipers should aim to deviate from this rotation only for the special Sniper Volley sequence.

    SoS – SV – SoS – Snipe – FT – OS

    The sequence is only available to pure MM snipers. The optimal benefit from SV occurs when it is used just after a SoS, finishing its remaining cooldown and allowing another SoS immediately following. This sequence delays FT by approximately 2.5s beyond its cooldown. Also note that SV’s cooldown lines up with OS’s. Because the alacrity effect from SV will reduce the delay caused by OS’s long activation time, this is the optimal time to use OS as part of the normal single-target rotation. The Snipe in this sequence should be replaced by Ambush whenever possible.

  8. Hmm this sound familiar... Oh right the samething happened in Warhammer when EA made Mark Jacobs resign. Hmm now that I think about it SWTOR is trending down the same path as Warhammer. Which means that SWTOR probably won't get many patch updates, because WAR is pretty ran by a skeleton crew. But hey it's been 5 months since we've had any real content right?


    Stuff like this makes me wish the video game industry would crash so the reset button can be pressed and start over again, with hopefully some new and interesting titles and innovation. But doubt that will happen due to the way that business leaders or investors don't really care about production quality as much as they care about their wealth increasing from stock value.


    Wonderfully impressive how EA can not only take Mythic (gogo DaoC) with a Warhammer IP (massive worldwide) but now Bioware (who everyone knows made fantastic RPG's) with a Star Wars IP and manage to completely screw them both sideways... well done.

  9. You need to note however that an successful for an MMO is really maintaining over a 1mil subscriber base. The break even point is less than 500k (this games is 500k and it was considerably more expensive than most).


    WoW should not be used as the benchmark for success... no one expected that level and no one will ever reach it again. Subscription gaming in general is dying out as more and more people want instant gratification. Look at even WoW's numbers... 3 million lost this year, 25% of their subscribers... and I wouldn't be surprised to see the actual losses at twice that but with 3mil new ones gained to balance.

  10. I play from Aus so generally sit between 150 and 250 myself.

    I found that the latency definately hurt as MM. As lethality I can happily get by setting the queue time delay in the settings higher but as MM you have to wait till the game registers the hit from ambush/snipe before you can FT so you can't have it queued up. I noticed this even more with the instant snipe from snap shot

  11. Rakata shell items carry set bonuses.


    Our pve set bonuses are all but worthless though, I don't bother getting them at all. Just the 2p pvp bonus is worthwhile.


    The campaign armoring overrides the shell though.. so you think the extra cunning from picking up a enforcer/field medic campaign piece is better than the 2pc bonus? (which while not stellar has helped in a few energy screwups as lethality by bumping up into the higher energy bracket again while bursting)

  12. Stealing NoTommorows signature here cause it pretty much sums this up


    Quote: Originally Posted by Fdzzaigl

    So you can't deal with something unless you can charge right in its face, sums up what most of the irritating hordes of Marauders and Juggs are about in Warzones..

  13. Just bumping this up... what are you folks opinions on skill armoring vs set bonuses?

    Looking at stuff yesterday looking at how to best go for the 2pc PvE 2pc PvP set bonus route and it doesnt seem possible and still get all skill armorings.

    Which would pull ahead?

  14. So, I don't know about you guys but since Warhammer: Online, have you guys noticed that most of these new games that comes out and eventually started tanking, the servers that normally get deleted are PvP oriented servers? And there's always a large amount of PVE and RP servers?



    Just figured I'de post this phenomena.


    Its simply because in the current MMO market world PvP is basically dead. Thus more people roll on PvE servers because you get 95% of the same PvP experience (via instanced pvp) and don't have to deal with lowbie ganking douchbags.

    I know thats my reasoning... I'd love me some good world pvp while levelling and fighting equal level people, but I know that most of the pvp experience on a 'pvp' server is going to be getting ganked by higher levels while trying to level with maybe the occasional ganking of an equal level.

  15. Yep, completely agree. It's just lackluster.


    Its doing really well at the moment purely because of the current meta game. I know going back to lethality for pve reasons I've had several times vs the hordes of sentinel/marauder/vanguard/powertech that I've wished several times to be MM again for the ability to keep melee off me.


    Haven't played engineering though so I'm sure that can do just as well however I really disliked having my burst tied to a 30s cooldown and of course its utter lack in PvE ops means i'd have to respec constantly

  16. Orbital Strike

    The delay on it makes it the best area denial spell imo. Sure plasma probe does a good job but people see the marker and lasers for an orbital and its like roaches scattering when you flick on the light, its beautiful.


    Leg shot gets an honorable mention from when i was marksman... just cause it screws with everyone and is such a long range/short cooldown

  17. Its basically to make expertise worthwhile to healers.


    DPS need expertise to counteract the expertise of other players. At equal expertise no damage is gained or lost... 2 players with identical expertise do equal damage to each other as those same 2 players with no expertise would.


    If there was no trauma debuff damage would remain the same (cancelled out by expertise) but healing would increase.


    I think there should be a better way to handle it but thats the point behind it that I see.

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