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Posts posted by Julius_Caesar

  1. I have heard a lot of people saying that they want more customization options. Seeing as you can't just redo the entire game to make it more custom, Maybe there could be planets just for that.


    So have Three or so planets added, one Imperial, one Republic, and one neutral. These planets are not developed, and don't have any mobs on them, and they are about twice the size of the tatooine map, except mostly blank. On these planets, you are assigned to a city and your city expands into large areas and the group of players build a complex there. In that complex, you can build player housing, as well as other guild stuff.


    The goal of these planets is to build better cities, and attract people to move to the city you are in.


    Make it a completely separate part of the game, so people don't have to do it.


    You never played the game but here you are preaching to keep its legacy alive. Maybe you should see past the glitter the diehard SWG fanboys have put on it and get a real look at what was SWG. Sadly the game no longer exists in its laughable state, but you can experience some of the silliness via the SWG Emu.


    Then come back and explain to BioWare as to what they can do so that we can all enjoy the Uncle Owens class that people have been asking for. :rolleyes:


    Preaching? I am just saying the game is gone, and it is time people move forward. If they want to game to live on, they should petition Bioware for SWG elements. Not saying BW needs to add them.

  3. Bringing Star Wars: Galaxies back would be a logistical and financial nightmare for anyone to do. Consider the Following:


    1: SWTOR is gaining some momentum. SWTOR just got out of a pretty big financial downturn, and is actually starting to look it could be a success in the long term.

    2: The MMO market is changing. SWTOR and GW2 were the last two MMOs released in the WoW era, after these two game, it was pretty much confirmed WoW is beginning the end of it's life. To change the situation up more, Titan was scraped, meaning Blizzard might not be able to replace WoW soon enough, creating a gap for competition. In this new 'era' of the MMORPG, where competition is open again, the Flagship MMORPGs are going to take over, being primarily Elder Scrolls: Online, Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR (Please note, these MMORPGs are just my assumptions as to who the WoW-Vets would go to), Disney and the Star Wars Franchise coordinators want a Star Wars MMORPG, and they want it to be a Flagship. Disney may not make money from SWTOR directly, but they do get money indirectly, it keeps Star Wars in peoples minds, and encourages them to see the movies and other franchise products. Doing a Re-Release of SWG would cause problems with that, SWTOR could lose its Flagship status (assuming it could get it, I hope it does), because it is no longer THE Star Wars MMO. Disney also has to accommodate two different games, and if they want a Franchise-based MMORPG to be successfull, it has to be License-Reliable (Knowing it can get the licenses it needs) which SWTOR may not get if SWG is taking Licenses too.


    3: SWG was outdated. This one will help answer to those who may say "Why can't SWG be the flagship MMO, and not SWTOR". When you look at SWG, it's success was in it's lack of development, players basically made the game themselves, which is cool. However, an MMORPG can't get by with that underdevelopment anymore, because story, combat and Theme Parks are now expected parts of the MMORPG. While customization and player housing/cities are more auxiliary. Note: This is an excellent opportunity to get more customization into SWTOR, since they will be looking for more, long lasting, content.


    4: SWG is an old title. Not only is SWG an old game, but people will know it is 10 years old, and will most likely avoid it.


    5: No one would come back. While many SWGers have romantic thoughts of a glorious return to the days of old, in the wonderful deserts of Tatooine, the fact is most SWGers are now comfortable in other places. Community was the main asset to SWG, and in a reborn version, that community wouldn't come back. Most wouldn't bother reinstalling the game, others would quit soon, and those left wouldn't have the will to rebuild the cities.


    6: Bad Image for SOE. If investors see SOE bringing back a game which already closed, they will likely think SOE has very little planned for the future.



    I think SWGers should consider themselves part of a proud legacy, and should try to influence SWTOR to make it a better game for everyone.

  4. You are right, this is off topic. So On Topic: SWG is dead, get over it.


    The only clear risk, and that has investors holding back now, is Disney taking over the license. If they indeed focus solely on the movies era, that would mean bad things for SWTOR's license when it comes up. This uncertainty, above anything else, keeps investors nervous. Nothing about the actual state of the product itself has recently caused concerns.



    Disney would want to keep SWTOR around. While they are concentrating on the movies era, it is still beneficial to have a Star Wars MMO out. If you have a group of Star Wars fans together in on (digital) place, in a long term game play, they are more excited about the movies "I see pretty light-saber on screen, I go see in 3-D", and they will likely bring their freinds, who, after seeing the movie may decide " I see pretty light-saber in 3-d, I goo see on screen" which makes the game bigger, and then that cycle repeats when episode VII comes out and again for 9.

  5. I never played SWG, but I can tell it was a fantastic game. For what I know, SWG was sandbox. Being a sandbox makes it a completely other game from SWTOR, which is story driven. I personally prefer Sandbox, and would play a game like SWG, should one come out. At the same time.


    However, it is probably for the best the game closed when it did. SWG got a good burial, when you look back, you will think good things and have fond memories. If SWG stayed alive in a SWTOR world, it would likely lead to what I call "Corpse-Mutilation". Corpse-Mutilation is when a MMORPG reaches a point after about 10 years, where it is outdated, and it is time it be put to rest, and replaced with a game with the same goals, systems and principals, but with updated Engines, Graphics and Environments. Though SWTOR wasn't exactly a SWG 2.0, it is a template to be added onto later.


    I was once a RuneScape player, and I have many good memories of the game. Unfortunately, Jagex, the games developers, refuse to let Runescape have its rightful grave, instead they are mutilating the game with "ideas" from other games, into a game that wasn't built for it, causing a messy product, which will be remembered badly.


    In Short:

    -SWG was a great game, and it is a good thing it came to end when it did.

    -Galaxies will maintain a good legacy, which will carry on into SWTOR, and hopefully encourage further development in the customization sector


    *-The best way to honor Star Wars: Galaxies, and keep it's legacy alive, is to help BioWare add Galaxies'es good elements into SWTOR-*


    Maybe you could get some old SWG players together and brainstorm on ideas to help SWTOR. Maybe BioWare could add in planets, which are like the SWG planets, where players can build cities and houses.

  6. What types of stuff would you like to see added in the next expansion, besides planets and species, which has already been talked about in other forums.

    I would like to see more customization options. Like being able to customize the interior and exterior of your ship. Or maybe even be able to buy different types of ships, and construct a guild fleet or something.


    I also thought it would be cool to add in new 'Customization Planets'. These planets being large, undeveloped areas, which would be used to build Guild cities and player houses, similar from what i hear about SWG. Maybe even add in architect skills as a side to the main game, having your companions collect the resources you need.

  7. CZ-198 Application - Security Officer


    Who I am:

    I am Julius_Caesar, Son of the Julio-Claudian Family. I was born in 100 BC on the Italian Peninsula.



    -I brought the foreign lands of Gaul under the banner of Rome

    -I vanquished the mighty General Pompey and united the Roman Empire into a single state, under my glorious Dictatorship.

    -I started the line of the Great Emperors of Rome, through my Great-Nephew Octavian (Augustus) Caesar.

    Extra Accomplishments:

    -My Father was a god

    -I was kidnapped by pirates in the Aegean Sea, I then released my self and crucified the Pirates

    - I was Consul of Rome

    - I was Governor of the Provence of Gaul

    -I was General of the Roman Legions in Gaul


    How I did it:

    I am the son of a god, I can do what ever the hell I want


    Moral Compass:

    To hell with morals, I was Emperor of the Roman Empire, I don't need morals.


    Situation Question:

    Let the experiment escape, after the experiment has been subdued, use our senatorial contacts to justify a Law Suit against the company that made the Confines, take them over and monopolize the imprisonment industry.

  8. In case your unclear just what Open Space means, it basically means that you have to take your ship and personally fly it to every destination, as opposed to just clicking on a map, and getting there after a short animation. An example of a game with open space would be Star Trek Online. (However it should be noted that STO has very dull and unexciting planets, and is essentially a Space Game).


    Obviously, Open Space would mean that it would take longer to get from place to place. An idea of the travel time would be that getting from Illum to Tatooine, would take a maximum of an hour, Illum and Tatooine are on opposite sides of the Galaxy. When traveling, you could put a companion in charge of pioleting, telling him where to take you. The ships would also need to be upgraded and given more stuff for the player to do while aboard, perhaps Pazak games, the travel time could also encourage groups to travel together.


    You could also have the possibility of an encounter in space, where you need to escape or fight off pirates or an enemy which would otherwise damage your ship. You could also incorporate Guild Ships into this, by making guild ships pioletable, allowing you to take your ship to where ever you need it to be, and could even engage and damage the ships of other Guilds, allowing for your guilds to have rank based on Naval Skill. You could also add in some space stations in space, which guilds could claim and fight over.


    You could even make a Dynamic Naval war, where Imperial Guild Ships join together to make the Imperial Fleet and Republic Guilds join together to make the Republic Fleet. Each Guild having one ship (Battleship), which they can name and upgrade. This would also encourage guilds to group together, and for more, larger guilds to form.


    The current Galactic Map which you see on your ship would probably have to be updated, to give more realistic spacing .


    Open Space and Naval Aspects of the game would obviously take a long time to develop and put into the game, especially because it needs to be very good in order for it to be worth the added travel time. But it would add a more realist and engaging part to the game.


    What do you think of the Open Space Proposal? Please comment.


    Last night, I made, what might be considered a mistake. I went to Drommund Kaas so I could see my wondeful master Darth Zash. Darth Zash reveled to me her real, even more beautiful, face she had been hiding for 32 levels. Then she tried to eat my soul. However, while I was fighting my master to the death, in General Chat, everyone was spamming a bunch of Jawa stuff.



    It isn't like while Darth Vader fought Obi'wan, a chorus droids were in the background saying a bunch of Jawa references.


    What is this new Jawa Spam, and how can I stop it from ruining my SWTOR experience, and ultimately causing me to start a genocide of short hooded people?

  10. It isn't that America hates Britain, it is just that Britain used to have a massive Empire across 1/4 of the Planet. And America is a Constitutional Republic. Given that Britain still has influence in former Colonies (example: Canada, Australia) it is a way to relate The Sith Empire to The British Empire.


    Also, The Republic isn't supposed to be America, like The Empire is Great Britain. The Republic is supposed to be a combination of Rome and Germany (hence the Head of State is the Chancellor), and the Republic isn't necessarily the 'Good' side, while the Empire is a Military state, the Republic is corrupted by politicians.

  11. What are you suggesting?


    A bad guy in the Star Wars universe without a British accent? How then would we know who the bad guy is?


    Are you telling me that if a Star Wars character had a german voice, someone would think he is a good guy/

  12. Very simple really,

    British Empire (Constitutional Monarchy)

    United States of America (Constitutional Republic)


    If they wanted to be more accurate, Germany is the Country with a Chancellor, so they probably should have made the Republic speak German, of course, a Jedi speaking german would just be a sith.

  13. The ships used by the Republic were probably Mandalorian. Remeber, the Republic didn't actually have a military before Military Creation Act (in episode II). The Clone Army came from Kamino, and they were based on Mandalorians, you see the Clones boarding the triangular ships in Attack of the Clones, so I would assume the ships came with the Clones. The Mandalorians probably got their ship design from the Empire.
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