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Posts posted by WrathofTheJedi

  1. I just feel like some servers are completely empty, on my server there is only about 633 active players with a 1.06 sith to every 1 rep player which im not complaining i just feel like the player base is extremely thin and spread out over a vast amount of servers. Even while leveling trying to find groups to do things was so hard because there was no one ever really on the planets especially when u got up 2 the higher planets. Now my data is not 100 percent accurate about my server just went to each planet for about a week and counted the amount players on about every 4 hours on sith planets as well as rep planets besides ilum and took the avg. So i suggest mabye merging some servers based on the avg population on to make a better player base, and also not waiting like 20 mins for a wz (mabye exaggerating here).
  2. I just feel like some servers are completely empty, on my server there is only about 633 active players with a 1.06 sith to every 1 rep player which im not complaining i just feel like the player base is extremely thin and spread out over a vast amount of servers. Even while leveling trying to find groups to do things was so hard because there was no one ever really on the planets especially when u got up 2 the higher planets. Now my data is not 100 percent accurate about my server just went to each planet for about a week and counted the amount players on about every 4 hours on sith planets as well as rep planets besides ilum and took the avg. So i suggest mabye merging some servers based on the avg population on to make a better player base, and also not waiting like 20 mins for a wz (mabye exaggerating here).
  3. Rankor in KP does knock back to own add then follows add into slime and resets himself at 20 percent health freakin awsome... after doing soa about 12 times cuz he glitched out every single freaken time, then i didnt even get loot cuz i died when he lifted me then knocked out the floor and put me at the bottom o0f the map glitched and unable to move, the endgame content in this game is terrible. and yet instead of fixing known glitches they just keep adding more glitched content
  4. This boss is so god &*^%$# bugged it's ridiculous, every time we get to stage three SOA bugs out....1) Falling through floors,or they dont appear 2) When SOA floats u in the air u fall and die 3) Getting insta-killed from 100% hp..... 4) mind traps tank and resets boss?!?!?! all 9 times ran one of these buggs wiped or reset the boss.... Absolutely retarded.... this endgame content should not have been released, This would never happen in any other MMO and if it did it would be fixed the next day.


    -end rant, fix your game or make it FTP

  5. Anyone else being plauged by them ever since patch in pvp.... my comp is custom built and all 2011 hardware and 260 dollar graphics card(don't feel like listing specs lmao) i run everything on high never lagged or had random loads screens ever
  6. How good of a proformance would this be


    -Intel® 2nd Generation Core™ i5 3.0ghz


    -8gb ddr3 ram


    -windows 7 64bit


    -amd saphire x1900 graphics card(i know its old ive had it forever)




    - above is the link to the computer i have im not sure if the uma graphics card would be better stock or with the graphics card because the stock has no dedicated ram but the the x1900 is so old.

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