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Posts posted by Sevvy

  1. I just came back, too. I feel ya. So much Rakata and Battlemaster gear on my toon. :D


    I've seen some things thrown around in threads about how to gear. And I suppose it depends on what you're talking about. PvP, PvE, leveling?


    I'm still leveling, so I'm not thinking too much about it. But if it's anything like how I remember it. It's all about the POWER!


    Hopefully, someone is working on a guide for 3.0 for PvE and PvP. I'd like to get back into both. Where are all the theorycrafting number crunching math nerds in 3.0? Hook a brother up... :D

  2. WoW in space! This is what people wanted. Easy access to PvP and dungeons. So now everyone can sit half-AFK in safe zones playing Guitar Hero while they wait for the game to come to them. Meanwhile, there are 16(or whatever) empty planets that are of no other use than leveling there for 4 freaking levels.


    And this is why MMOs suck now. The WoW generation's laziness and sense of entitlement ruined MMOs along with developers catering to people that want to play a glorified version of Farmville. The sense of adventure, accomplishment, community, server/faction pride are all gone. All that matters is what you can queue for and what you can loot or buy off a vendor.

  3. I didn't even use the word "burst" anywhere in my post. Why are you?


    I said they have the highest DPS in the game. So yes, what I'm saying IS a fact according to the majority of the parses floating around atm.


    Also, Obfuscate is an incredibly awesome ability, so of course I'm going to count it. I don't care that it doesn't work on everything under the sun, because the classes that it DOES work on it completely shuts down for the duration.


    Because burst is what matters in PvP. DPS is super cool in parses of people that got wrecked and on the scoreboard at the end of a match. But burst damage is what's really going to kill good players.


    So then, I ask you, do you know what matters in PvP? Hint: It's not DPS.

  4. The issue is that a Sent / Mara has 5 defensive cooldowns, whereas every other DPS class only has 2-3.


    The Sent / Mara also has the highest DPS of all the classes, so having more defenses than all of the other classes seems pretty unwarranted.


    They are not lacking in any department, save that they need to be within 4m of their opponent. They are NOT the only class that has this restriction, obviously, but have almost TWICE the methods to deal w/ people in their face as almost every other DPS.


    How do you defend that fact?


    Because what you're saying is not a fact. I can name at least 2 classes that DPS/burst better than Mara/Sent.

  5. And you can say you are so much more "skilled" then everyone else....


    Why don't you go roll a sage/sorc healer and see if you can do well in 50 PvP instead of playing a PT and a Sent. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


    I have ZERO interest in playing a sorc healer. And what does this have to do with Sorcs?


    People are projecting the shortcomings of their own class onto a class that doesn't suck. That's what all this nerf nonsense is about.

  6. I unsubbed. Doing WZs over and over and over again is just getting boring. And seeing as there is NOTHING else to do in this game... zzzzzzz.


    They spent years and millions of dollars to develop all these planets. And the only reason to go there is to grind out 4 levels. Bioware is bad.

  7. LOLPVP.


    Now I know what causes that. I was guarding a door the other day and it was getting capped over and over with no one there. I thought it was someone at ranged cheating, actually. /shrug


    RANKED WZs gogogoogo!

  8. It sends a message:

    1.When we don't listen to feed back about an imbalance in the game before it goes live from test servers.

    2.When they imbalance goes live..we take a long *** time to fix it.

    3. Expect us to repeat this over and over.


    LOL @ feedback


    None of this is feedback. It's QQ from bad players.




    No it does come down to being smart about it and knowing how to play. Undying rage is imbalanced but the ability to not have any form of CC hit you isn't? A bubble that absorbs 4k damage that you can use multiple times in a single fight isn't Op'ed? "oh herp derp i casted bubble on me twice in that fight and used a medpack!!!" hey there was 10k extra hp the marauder had to burn through not counting if you got heals off.


    Use your brain and learn to play and stop thinking you can face tank melee and should have the ability to face tank melee. Go get a balance premade group and a VOIP client and talk to eachother and make it a team effort like every other good player does because your crappy QQ about how you suck at pugging is FAIL and NEW FLASH! THIS IS A TEAM GAME.


    Also, /thread

  9. Since when? any spec of bh loses to sentinel, in my experience anyway.


    I don't lose to Marauder/Sentinel. Then again, I play one, so I know exactly how to beat them. /shrug


    Then again, I didn't lost to Mara/Sents before I played one.

  10. Another person not reading anything at all. I would rather have my pt than a marauder anyday. I am just stating that a marauder complainig that he needs all his defensive cooldowns has no concept of any class. A PT does the same damage without the defensive cooldowns.


    Personally, I love my PT, and find Grapple to be way better than any force leap. Personal preferences have no bearing in a man's attempted defense of the tank cooldowns compared with damage output. But thanks for not bothering to read farther than you can swing your saber.


    My Powertech is my main. And if a Powertech can't beat a Marauder, he got outplayed or out cooldown'd.


    And if anyone complains about not having cooldowns against a Marauder, what do you think happens to a Marauder with no cooldowns?


    Honestly, I HOPE they nerf Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force just so people can shut up while I still pound their face in the dirt. But they won't. I'll outplay people and they'll come here and say damage is out of whack, or charge needs to be nerfed, or rage generation needs to be nerfed. They'll find something to cry about.

  11. So is every single other dps specced tree. Quit acting like you deserve everything. Every other dps tree loses their defensive cooldowns by speccing for more damage. You get both, Quit whining and just wake up. Your damage is great and you have tank cooldowns. NO OTHER TREE CAN DO THAT!


    The closest in damage to you are snipers and powertechs. Both have significantly less cooldowns, and no 5 second immunitiy.


    Whaaaaat? A Powertech complaining about Marauders!?


    Ohhhhh, you're bad spec. Lol. PT > Marauder. L2P.

  12. Bioware = noobs.


    I had a conversation with one of their guys in Orlando at Celebration a couple of years ago. I tried to tell him that the playerbase will decide what this game is all about. He laughed at that and wanted to continue talking about how immersive class stories would be.


    I should have PvP'd his *** on the spot.

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