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Posts posted by Deferionus

  1. The speed of evolution of intelligent life (i.e. slooooooooooow), the relatively young age of the universe and the current infeasibility (and physical impossibility) of rapid interstellar travel says no.


    In all likelihood, while there is probably more intelligent life in the universe, it is at a relatively similar stage of advancement to humanity in terms of space travel. People don't really comprehend just how long it takes for evolution to take place. Earth is 4.5 billion years old, yes, but that prior 9 billion years is not automatically rife with life. The first few billion years of the universe were so violently blasted with radiation and all manner of cosmic phenomena that it's very unlikely that planets would have or could have formed in any way accommodating for organic life. Remember that there are not parts of the universe that moved faster than we do in a traditional sense (not counting irrelevant gravitational wackiness.)


    The formation of Earth itself was not an instantaneous process. First, our star had to be born and spend an incredible amount of time slowly cooking and spewing out the heavy matter that comprises the rest of our solar system. Then the Earth had to coagulate into a planet, clear its orbital path of debris, built up a (then toxic) atmosphere and oceans of water, and that's all before life started. It took about a billion years after the Earth resembled Earth before life even showed up, and then the single-celled organisms spent about 2-3 billion more years processing the Carbon Dioxide-rich atmosphere and creating the Oxygen-rich atmosphere that we are familiar with today, and only then could land-based organisms even begin their path toward the current species diversity we have today.


    Now, maybe another planet could have a billion or so years on us, but considering how improbable our own existence is and just how many horrible ways space is trying to murder everything, not to mention the resource and fuel plateau that a hypothetical species will likely reach before ever being able travel between stars (i.e. you cannot create a space ship if you run out of fuel), the odds of their being a hyper-advanced and cosmically ancient civilization are very unlikely. In all probability, other hypothetical species will be at a similar stage of technological advancement as humanity is today.



    Considering all of this, remember that there was that one period in time that life was nearly wiped out due to an asteroid hitting the planet, or something similar.


    Then there was the dark ages. Humanity is very diverse, and due to politics and business a lot of things may not happen that would advance us, due to government control of something or what have you.


    Also it's possible some forms of life reached the stage we consider "intelligent" faster than others. We evolved faster than some others. Maybe one species evolves with two heads, or 6 six and as a result it is more productive in it's time span. Maybe it lives longer and therefore the Einsteins of their species can be more productive in their time span.


    Then we can consider freaky stuff such as black holes. If I remember right from my astronomy class and various science fiction books based heavily on theories that are believed to be true, time travel may be possible through some kind of freaky largely unlikely events occurring at the same time. This would mean it would be possible for a group of an advanced species to be teleported back in time and settle a planet thus making it be technologically more advanced than it would be realistically for how old the universe is.


    There are many things unknown. Claiming something is impossible is foolish, many things thoughts impossible have been done, and there are infinite numbers of outcomes for every situation.


    "The impossible is possible waiting to happen."


    There is even an interesting theory that the universe repeats itself. The big bang occurs, planets form, life evolves, then it all is reversed and happens over. This is based on how planets and suns keep their orbit in place. When the moon gets far away from earth, earth's gravity pulls it back in. When it gets too close to earth, it is pulled back out by the sun, always keeping it in the same position. Whos to say there is not something this large in the center of the universe that makes the entire everything contract and expand, wiping out life and then revolving it in the process each time from surviving bacteria.


    Various technologies similar to Star Wars is very possible. I would say it's unlikely to find a society with all of them at once, as they would probably be advanced beyond some of the things in Star Wars before they finally invented some others. I would even say we will probably have some crazy things here on earth in 100 years if everything is still intact.

  2. I love Huttball myself.


    I don't want a deserter debuff. Sometimes I get stuck behind the door in Voidstar and get booted because it doesn't open in time. I don't want punished for this. I've heard several people be unhappy about being booted for various reasons as is that they have no control over.


    I agree on a voting system to remove inactive players.


    I don't really care if they add a system to choose which match you queue for. That could actually affect queues for everyone as a whole. In the future it may be a nice thing to try, but I don't think it would be highly successful.

  3. Hmm, an idea.


    Every server has imbalance in favor of the Empire, at least assumingly. So I will use this in my example.


    The best fix is a an added daily for defending. If you make both sides need, say 10 kills, Republic will hate the area because there will always be more empire.


    Say though, Empire needs 10 kills and Republic needs 25 kills. This will make Republic have to stay longer in the are for their daily, but it will promote some balance population wise inside of the zone. Republic won't get destroyed as easily, and they will have a more enjoyable time, while everyone gets their dailies done (at least, in theory).

  4. I did some republic killing and now I have 10+ people on my server that constantly ***** at me because they had to wait to finish their daily.


    Good game world pvp.

  5. Ilum, from the few kills I've done there (which led to tons of people ************), seems to give OK valor, which you need to get to 60 to buy battlemaster pieces.


    So man up and do some PvP there between queues. It may even be better valor than warzones.

  6. What's wrong with Arenas is that in the end, if you make Arenas you have to balance PvP around them.


    In wow there are over powered arena classes that are a real pain to play in any other kind of PvP in the game like the warlock class. The warlock is a damage over time class that in 3v3 spread the damage quite well making a lot of pressure for the opponent team. They are the class most played in top end 3v3 arena.


    But that pressure come at the cost of almost no burst so most of the warlock population in wow are a free kill in world PvP, random battlegrounds or rated battlegrounds.



    On my warlock I dominate in both world pvp and BGs - both rated and regular. You are simply speaking for yourself.


    Dot, Fear, Fear, Port, Snare, Run, Death Coil, Fear off drs, fear, fear, port. You rotate these abilities and you will out live the person for world pvp.


    In RBGS warlocks are there for control. It's not unusual for me to go into the middle and put curse of exhuastion on everyone or just following a healer or two and fear spam them so they don't catch their tank, thus making the tank only have one healer, or none. In season 9 my team (Clearly Outplayed- US Sargeras) was 3100 team MMR and was number 1 north america with me doing this until everyone got emo and quit, transfered, or whatever. You have to know the right time to do this to keep healers away and when you need to just go and help DPS though.

  7. Never played a frost mage actually. Played Warlock, Paladin, Rogue, Death Knight, and a Druid in arenas. Hell, I played my Warlock when they were the weakest class in season 5. I have never rolled FOTM classes.


    To be honest, FOTM is something lower bracket people worry about. If you are good, you will still excel, unless you have something like season 5 paladin/DK (the imbalance that is retarded).


    In WoW, you can overcome if you are good enough. Of course composition will determine some things when everyones evenly matched, but that cannot be helped.


    Edit: Figured I would add: Frost mages are one of the harder classes to play at higher tiers besides MLS. You will be focused by most teams and you die quite easily to better players, you have to be very good with your control or you will die. The difference between a really good mage and a bad one is astonishing.

  8. What most people do not realize is that, to the very dedicated arena players, we can care less about getting best in slot gear from it. Sure, it's nice, but we would rather everyone be in the same armor. We like it when everyone is even, and the only thing that affects the outcome is the decisions made by the people inside the match.


    In an ideal game, you would obtain gear from both warzones and arenas at the same pace, and no one would have to do the other for gear if they chose not to.


    I do want arenas to be implemented in this game, and to be honest, I don't know if I will play long term if they do not add in a competitive PvP option similar to it. I'm enjoying it now, but who knows if the new factor will wear off like it did with Warhammer and I will find myself craving some competitive PvP.


    Things don't have to be extremely balanced, something similar to WoWs balance where it's close enough to not be over the edge is fine.

  9. With a 100k respec cost I hope they soon either maximize the cost at about 30k or just give us the ability to respec.


    Depending on who I am playing with at the time or what I am doing I would like to heal or DPS, and I am also the type that is very completionist, meaning I like to do everything on one account and rarely touch alts after leveling them to the level cap.


    I am against LFG

    I am against server transfers

    I am against name changing

    I am against cross server Warzones.


    But I would like dual spec. The above (regardless of any argument anyone ever makes) do damage the community, but not having dual spec only inconveniences the player and the community looking to fill spots.

  10. So, does anyone else find the respec costs to be steep? I just went to respec and found the price to be 98K.


    As of now I don't even feel like respeccing to cater to the people I play with, and I usually enjoying playing multiple roles depending on what my group needs or the current situation.

  11. Ok, this is not to defend my Sorc, or to declare it OP. However, this is the arsenal of a lvl 50 lightning sorc.


    One stun on a one minute cool down. There is a talent to reduce it to 50 seconds.


    A six second cool down channeled snare. This spell does relatively low damaged compared to my other spells, however Madness speced sorcs get talents that refresh it's cool down and increases it's damage.


    We have an AOE knockback. There is a talent that adds a root after knocking them back deep inside of the Lightning tree. The root, after 2 seconds, will break on damage, but lasts 5 seconds otherwise.


    We have a shield, that can be used on ourselves every 20 seconds. When it falls off it blinds enemies for three seconds. This blind breaks instantly from damage.


    A one minute cool down whirlwind for crowd control. Madness have a talent that makes this affect more targets, and there is a talent to decrease the cool down.


    I think a lot of people confuse how strong sorcs are based on how many there are. Sorcs were the most popular day one class due to lore, look, and the fact it was the only caster available. Add this in with the fact all of their animations look the same, and you could easily confuse the damage being done by three thinking it's just one attacking you.


    I don't think we're the strongest PvP class, but I don't think we're push overs either.

  12. So if u have a tournament with price, automatically is serious pvp? :eek:


    MMORPG pvp is braindead...


    If you want serious pvp get a good FPS or RTS.


    I find MMORPGs to be the ultimate form of PvP. FPS is fun for going against friends in your living room, but that's about it. RTS is good, but I perfer MMORPGs, even though I went to the state SC2 tournament and finished like 6th there with a RL friend.

  13. My Credentials, though not as impressive as yours:


    4 Time duelist, twice close to glad. in WoW.

    Rank 1 RBGs North America Season 9, Rank 3 International.

    No2 RS warring guild. (Basically guilds had massive open world wars for ranks and the battles often involved 70-300 players.)


    As far as seeing SWTOR being a long time PvP competitor:



    There is a chance. The game isn't as fluid as WoW, but being that it's launch that is to be expected. Character movement looks a bit clunky, but the controls are above average for responsiveness. It does not equal WoW in that regard, but with fine tuning it may. For this stage of development I think it isn't bad.


    Animations I find hard to analysis what is going on a bit. In WoW based on someone's movement and animation I can tell what they are doing or about to do. In this game, it is a bit harder to tell what spell someones doing cause of the way the animations look. Cast bars are in a unusual. place compared to other MMOs, and they are small and hard to notice. They need to be made larger and have a way to customize them to be a bit more in the middle of the screen.


    Targeting is a bit more hard as well. Theres no reliable keybind to target as I find tabbing less effective for switching targets than in WoW for PvP, and clicking on someone seems a bit harder too as there seems to be less area around for effective clicking.


    Spell icons look very similar on my character (Sith Sorc). Everything is purplish with something white or black in the middle. It is very hard to monitor cool downs at a glance due to the similarity in icons, which means you pay less attention to positioning than you should.


    Procs are also harder to tell due to icons being positioned where they are and being much smaller than in other MMOs.


    Healing seems to be under tuned, but I am not maxed level so this is something that should not be taken too harshly.


    There's no rewards for world PvP, and there's no competitive arena ladder. With only three BGs it would be hard to find something to do to stick around for after quests if you're a PvP player.


    Balance so far seems to be good, but there needs to be a better DR system for stuns or some additional ways to break out of them. On my class it feels like if I get stunned I die even if I break it because I will just be stunned again in a second. Too much glass cannon, but besides this doesn't feel too bad overall.

  14. Has it ever occurred to anyone that WoW is a completely irrelevant topic to any SWTOR discussion? Apparently not. I guess there are a lot of people here who literally never played any other MMO besides WoW. What a shame. You might actually understand a lot more about MMOs.



    Played WoW, RuneScape, Warhammer Online, Rift, DAoC (very short time), and some MMO I don't remember the name of. All MMOs are all the same fundamentally with the only difference being the amount of damage done by X and Y being given to different classes. My knowledge and ability (skill) have transferred in some way throughout them all. The only one that did not really impact my ability to PvP was RS because it is such a primitive MMO that it does not use the same fundamentals as anything made in the 2000's (it was made in 1999.)

  15. Arena is what killed PVP in WoW imo. That is when gear > skill. By knowing my class pre-Arena, I could stand against anybody in the full top tier PVP gear (HWL or GM) and hold my own FROM MY SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE OF MY CLASS, not my gear. Add an arena and you will just get back to the gear trumps skill aspect of PVP, which is a tragedy. Skill should trump gear all day and every day. With arena, you will also get the stacked classes and specces, which shows ABSOLUTELY no skill except that you know what OP classes to stack together. So IMO, Arena does NOT equate PVP skill.


    Sorry dude, but I could be in lower gear and kill people on WoW in BC, WOTLK, or now in Cata. Also, if you get to the upper tiers of arena everyone is in the top gear, and you occasionally see a really good person in low gear with two partners.


    Skill > gear even now. Sounds like you didn't evolve well with the times.

  16. So seeing all of these world PvP threads and thinking about what I would like in this game made me come up with an idea.


    What if instead of typical objective based world PvP (though, that would also have a place, but I think those would need some sort of timer to them in order to maximize participation) you had a completely new idea, such as hunting seasons.


    For about 2 to 3 weeks worth of time you have a hunting season, where people may go out and kill other players. The system would record how many kills someone has, and have a leader board of sorts. At the end of the season, percentage based rewards are given out, much like the WoW arena ladder.


    Here you have a mix of arena ladder PvP and world PvP, both of which are very popular. You get rewarded for world PvP and you have a competitive aspect for the PvP players to enjoy.

  17. I agree with this post entirely, I came from Aion where PvP was the main focus of the game. Granted they had way to many mobs in PvP areas and the WZ's. Open world PvP was great, it could be zerg vs zerg or group vs group. Also in Aion there was much to gain from PvP or much to lose depending upon your rank at the time.


    Congratulations, you just sealed me trying Aion if world PvP is actually encouraged there.

  18. Support, I've been a huge fan of Open World/Guild PvP since I begun MMORPGs due to my first MMO being RuneScape, where you only had open world PvP and there was no instanced PvP for a long time.


    I spend a few months doing nothing but world PvP on WoW until I decided I would rather get my honorable kill counter higher and just started to do BGs. Doesn't help that with flying mounts it's quite hard to prey on anyone (since they changed the mount timer, back when it was 3 seconds cast could catch someone before they got it off).


    I also loved Warhammer online until the mass exodus back to WoW when WOTLk launched. The lack of content/rewards and the lack of other players made that game not worth sticking around to.


    If Bioware could make rewarding world pvp that gives some form of long term reward/incentives instead of "yay, I killed that guy" I would spend times of time doing it.


    That said, I'm also a large fan of WoW arenas, so implementing some form of a "hunting season" where every month rewards are gave out similar to the WoW arena latter titles based on number of world pvp kills were to be implemented I would be quite happy. Granted you would need to add in some form of design where you don't reward killing people too low leveled too, so that people dont just go grief lower leveled people.

  19. Yes, battlegrounds give EXP though questing is faster.


    To be honest, quest on your first character, Bioware is famous for their RPG story elements and for a while the story will probably be the best point of this game until they do content patches to add end game. The game is currently strong in RPG elements but probably not as established in end game MMO elements as people expect.


    I'd just suggest taking your time and enjoying the leveling and to not rush it.

  20. As someone who has played similar MMOs I can tell you that my skill in one MMO usually transitions to another due to knowing how to set up my interface, not use the S key, and have a general idea of how to maximize efficiency due to doing it on other games.


    Someone that is rank one in WoW will find it much easier to be successful here than someone that was not that high rated.


    What would make you even possibly thing that skill in one game will not transition to another game where the only difference is graphics, tooltips, and different map lay outs? Will someone do worse in BF3 than MW3 because the map looks different?

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