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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. As the title says the Jedi Temple speeder pad elevator to the temple itself doesn't work. I tried traveling to my SH and back to reload the map and I tried swapping instances on Coruscant. Basically you click the button and an option to travel or stay there should pop up, but nothing. I was going to do the [Heroic 2+] Enemies of the Republic so only really lost time, but I am pretty sure that will make class stories not able to be completed.

    Also tried reloading the UI (Ctrl U twice)

    Edit: I actually cannot right click anything (tested mouse, it's fine). Tried logging out and back in completely, and that fixed it. I was traveling to several planets to run one heroic mission for conquest when this happened on the last one.

  2. [snipped for brevity]

    So now, we have 3 uncontrollable pop ups:


    The Guild planet ownership

    The stronghold pop up

    The Conquest reward update


    This needs to be fixed immediately. Not a future patch. This needs a developer's attention immediately.


    The effects of these range from immersion breaking to intermittently game breaking. Why do they insist on plastering a big, ugly (and not wanted or needed!) banner right in the prime real estate of my screen? Just wait until their solution is to have raiders "earn all the daily kill achievements" before raiding...

  3. ... I have to suffer every noob who hasn't seen the Aygo/Krovos cinrmatics for at least 5442364312432654 times...

    Don't join them in the conversation. Just run to the shuttle and click the door. The convo gets skipped as everyone gets teleported to the cutscene where you take the shuttle to the station. You can esc and skip for all on that too...


    You're welcome.

  4. When looking for items on the GTN I (and I would assume most everyone else) sort by price per unit from low to high. If I search for a second item it shows the arrow saying that the price per unit column is sorted, but it is not. You have to resort that column (twice) to get it to work.


    Seriously, fix that please.

  5. What I want is the ability to preview weapon sounds. Probably never going to happen, but... a lot of blasters (including pistols, rifles, cannons) in this game sound terrible and I don't like wasting money.


    Quoted for truth. Though there are some awesome people on the internet who post videos for this very purpose.

    Now if you wanted to make a real useful suggestion... how about a weapon tuning for ... sounds! This way I can have that cool looking weapon AND it sounds good (& Star Warsy). That's another CM possibility too. Make money with this idea.

  6. Just as the title says, leave the "Accept" button as is, but add another to "Accept and Resend" that literally just resends that same companion on the same mission with one click. All of the relevant information is there so that should be easy to program. I would display the mission information to the player on or under that button (credits that will be spent, time to run the mission, alignment changes expected).


    This would be a wonderful QoL change that would help cushion the pain of the 6.0 crafting changes where we need thousands of tier 11 green quality materials to learn one purple schematic.


    While we're on the subject of reward windows for returning crew skill missions... Could the windows' buttons be in the SAME place for all 8 missions?? Please? Pretty please?!? The text in the window makes clicking them all (seriously who reads them?) a game of mouse control vs time wasting. Maybe expand from the corner of the window in the lower right corner instead of the upper left?

  7. Every time I open a crafting menu I resort by "Rating" (instead of the default "Difficulty" - which is only useful until your skill is maxed). "Rating" also has the most difficult schematics at the top, so the functionality of "Difficulty" is still there!


    Another option that would satisfy me would be to change the default from "Difficulty" to "Rating," but others might not like that as much. So just have the menu remember its status when we close it!


    While we're on the subject of crafting menus... The drop down menu for selecting a new companion is kind of cumbersome. Perhaps a button (or two) to select the next lower (or higher) companion in the list? (I know that clicking the crafting skill in the crew skill menu on the next companion also works, but that "reloads" the menu which is laggy for those of us with a lot of old schematics.)

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