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Posts posted by Semitote

  1. Here is my immortal build. Let me know what you guys think or if you have any questions on why I chose specific talents. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101hMGdudMdfzZhM0MZc.1


    I'm testing out the exact same build.


    Only reason I'm using it is because I feel absolutely no need to take Improved Sundering Assault or Stagger. They seem like wasted points. Though 2/2 Dreadnaught & 1/3 Accuracy might end up being more overall damage than Malice & Brutality. For me it came down to burst threat vs. sustained damage. The other thing you could do is take Battle Cry over Brutality though it all depends how you use your first taunt or two.


    I think right now that 2/2 Decimate, 3/3 Single Saber Mastery and the obvious 31 points in Immortal + wherever you want to spend those last 5 points should be what all PvE tanks go for. So you get 5 points to wiggle around and mold your spec more towards your playstyle / covering your weaknesses.

  2. Honestly the players who think sorcs/juggernauts are too powerful probably just haven't adapted and figured out how to beat them - or, they just get with bad pugs all the time and are judging an organized group of 3+ players vs. an unorganized pug.


    If the numbers are showing that each class has roughly the same chance at winning huttball as other classes, then maybe it's just a lot of people complaining about them just haven't figured out how to counter them yet. When Huttball first started, no one gripped and stunned people in the fire - or very few people anyhow. Hardly anyone leaped to teammates on the goal line, sorcs typically didn't pull teammates.. The game evolved - players learned how to better use their abilities and as Huttball keeps evolving we'll start seeing more and more intricate strategies used as counters to the so-called OP strategies.


    For instance, you'll see teams positioning themselves in such a way where they will not be able to be gripped and stunned in fire/acid. You'll see people use their own pit (below their goal line) more and more to funnel in enemy players and then leap / get gripped out to get a fast break.


    This is what makes Huttball an interesting Warzone.. The evolution of strategies and counter-strategies.. You have the whole map and your whole team to work with and don't have to stay near a node and it opens up unlimited possibilities. Granted, some teams will choose to keep a few players in the middle to pick up the ball after a goal - but stalling at the goal line can allow your team to get back in time as well. It's risky, but sometimes worth it. And on defense, it's good to have a player or two watch the rafters, but that's a huge area to guard, not just one little node. The only "node" you need to worry about "capping" is the ball, and it's constantly moving all over the map.


    Love Huttball in its current state and I've found that just about every advanced class has its purpose. I do feel for non-healing Mercs though as they have the most boring role. No leaps, no stealth, no grips, no sprints, no (real) heals. At least they get an AoE knockback though.

  3. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101GMGzudMdfzZcRMZ0M.1


    That's the build I use. I recently dropped the intimidation talent to pick up the battle cry talent for aggro at the beginning of fights.


    I have 0 accuracy from gear at the moment, so it concerns me that I'm only at 92% accuracy (1% from legacy, 1% from talents) and we'll see how that goes to see if I want to drop 2 points in smash to pick up more accuracy or pick up some accuracy enhancements.


    You can see my stats by clicking my character name below. (Granted, Mr. Robot doesn't take into consideration legacy stats or stims yet.)

  4. 4 piece:


    Is 3 rage every 25 seconds without having to leave melee range worth it?


    As far as EC goes... Probably not... A lot of the fights have movement where you'd probably only receive half the benefit of that set bonus, if that.


    It's not a bad four piece, but it's not terribly amazing either. If you're a skilled enough player and really needed the 3 extra rage every 25 seconds, you could probably still get that 3 extra rage even with the 10m minimum range, at least on the fights in EC.


    2 piece:


    Ehh... Not entirely sure. I think a lot of fights are around 5-6 minutes, I could be completely wrong on that though.. So 5 seconds off a 1 min cooldown - the fight would have to last 11 minutes for you to gain an extra Enrage.. As far as if the extra 5 seconds saves you from doing an extra Assault or other weak damaging ability - I haven't looked deep enough into the rotation to see if that could happen or not.



    So basically, for EC, I'd say no and you're probably better off just getting a full set of orange augmented gear.

  5. 20% is 20%.


    You could R/E it 6,000 times - you still only have a 20% chance to get the pattern each of those 6,000 times.


    Your odds don't increase the more times you do it.


    I R/E'd 5 things this morning on my operative... I learned the patterns on three items in a row from those five.. People tend to forget about that luck they when R/E'ing other items... They only care about the one that takes forever to learn the pattern for.

  6. You can R/E the mods, enhancements, and armorings in black hole gear as well as the ear pieces and implants. You can also R/E campaign set pieces, weapons, and the relics from the daily vendor, but those don't cost black hole comms.


    So if you are biochem, cybertech, or artifce... Technically you can get those items for other characters of your legacy by buying the black hole pieces and R/E'ing them (or their modifications) for the schematics. Even if you already have all the schematics (which is impossible) or they are not upgrades - at least you can get the mats from them to make other pieces. And they're all BoE (at least when crafted), so even if you don't have any of those crew skills, you can use whatever crew skill you have to make credits to buy these BoE items for your legacy characters.

  7. I looked on the forums to see if this was already posted but couldn't find a post. This piece is glitched since 1.2, the ears come out of the helmet and I can see my characters bald head showing through. (seen from above)


    If nescessary I'll upload a pic.


    It would be nice if you guys look into this because it's one of the nicer sets for a marauder.


    Also, buttrobes are hurting synthweaving ;)


    Finally I like to add a request to get more hoods for Marauders aswell.


    Thank you!


    I've seen a lot of items like this. It's really dumb. Some hoods appear like that while you're in combat or while you have your weapon unsheathed. It's really bad and needs to be fixed.

  8. I got this for my level 20 sorc... 2V-R8 is proc'ing double armorings/mods all the time.. as well as a couple augment procs on earpieces.. It is definitely working and the double procs is making it more likely for me to R/E and get a new schematic! I'm lovin it. And that's without max affection.
  9. Sacrificing Power for Endurance. Thoughts?


    To me.. 18 str/power & 12 endurance for 18 endurance and 12 power is pretty equal. As a DPS juggernaut pre 1.2, I'd take more damage every time.. As a DPS juggernaut in 1.2 - I'm starting to lean more towards endurance.


    I haven't looked at mods and enhancements to see if it'd be worth going for the higher endurance one, but for augments I think def. go for 18 end / 12 power.

  10. It's one of those things where something benefits the majority, but royally screws over a small minority. It had to be done, and they were willing to deal with collateral damage like what you have mentioned in your post.


    While I would probably be upset in your situation, my situation (on a dying server) it seems like it will bring more people (especially on the Republic side) back into Warzones and make queues pop faster.


    Yes, winning is less important now, but still has some benefit (you get your daily done faster and get more valor/commendations/credits). I don't like it, but it was a necessary band-aid to carry the community as a whole until cross-realm queues / rated warzones.

  11. Maybe try a different group leader or have a different person zone in first or have a different person designated as master looter or try running an hour earlier or an hour later.. Mix it up a little bit.. Random Number Generators are never truly random - they have to be based off something... And it may be based on something simple like the server clock or something completely complex and off the wall like the group leader's character ID in the character database plus a number of different things..


    There's two good theories on changing loot tendencies - Change the leader or the person who seeds the loot -OR- change the time in which you seed the loot. Not entirely sure how this game seeds its loot, but it's either seeded at instance creation or at boss kill / chest opening.. So try changing the variables that affect that.


    If that doesn't work, the only thing I can think of to break loot tendencies is to change your raid composition.


    I'm glad the campaign loot is one token fits all.

  12. We have done both ways, and there is less risk from having a DPS/3rd Tank taunt for Incinerate Armor. Firebrand does no damage between Double Destruction cast, and Incinerate Armor cast. Just need to be quick on the ball and not fail. Focus Stormcaller, watch for thew DD cast, move in front of Firebrand, Taunt, wait for Incin cast, tank taunts, move back. You get Incin and keep up with the dps while taking no damage.


    Powertech, Jugg, Sin and repub equivs work fine.


    There is a slight risk with swaps. Due to the timing of Incin cast, you have to watch your positioning because right after Incin starts casting, Stormcaller will do his frontal AOE. If you leap early and taunt before moving into position, you will kill your DD soakers. It requires better execution than the DPS taunt for Incineration.


    Either way works fine for competent people.


    Okay, so you're taunting before incinerate, I was thinking a DPS would be trying to hold it for the entire duration of the debuff on a tank... Makes a little bit more sense now..


    I don't know why DD soakers would be standing between Stormcaller and Firebrand though.. Always leap when I see Incinerate Armor, I don't understand how I could ever leap early.. I don't even target the other tank until I see Incinerate start casting.


    But yeah I can see how it would work the other way just fine as well. So it really doesn't matter which way you do it unless you're hitting the enrage because you have a third tank - but with a DPS taunting it, you don't have to worry about losing DPS. Our guild has 0 DPS with a taunt button though. All of our DPS are sorcs, mercs, marauders, snipers, and the occasional operative. So I guess we have to do the tank swap no matter what.

  13. What more do you want exactly?


    Endure Pain, Invincible, Saber Ward, Enraged Defense, Relic Use, Absorb or Expertise Adrenal, Rakata or Combat Medpac


    Taunt, AoE Taunt, Guard, Intercede


    Backhand, Force Choke, Interrupt, Chilling Scream, AoE Fear, Force Push


    Force Charge



    You have survivability for yourself and others. You have crowd control and can pretty much take a healer out of the game by yourself. And you have mobility.


    The only thing I think they can rework is possibly the 4 piece bonus on War Leader set. 5% damage increase while you guard someone is kinda meh.. You're better off taking 2 piece War Leader and 2 piece Vindicator for the heal when you intercede. Maybe if you want something more, the four piece is where they can add something.


    I think too many tanks are expecting to be invincible even without a healer. Try running as a Rage Juggernaut for a few matches and you'll start to understand how powerful Immortal spec is right now. Tanking in PvP was garbage pre-1.2 - I don't know why anyone did it. But now, it's actually viable since your other two spec options get ripped apart so much faster than before unless they gimp their damage output by using Soresu Form. And shield is viable against certain classes - maybe not tremendously viable, but still viable.

  14. A month or two ago, as a hardcore PvP'er, I'd say this is a terrible change.


    Today, as PvE'er with a work schedule and a raid schedule I have to fit PvP time into somehow on a server that is slowly dying, I think this is a great change.


    This is a great band-aid and quite necessary due to the state of a lot of servers. However, if cross-realm were to be implemented, I would probably push for this to be changed back to 3 wins.

  15. * Double Destruction soakers - if phase one (the DD phase) lasts long enough for a second DD to hit, it leaves the DDers still taking DD damage during phase two (shield phase), which can overstress the healers trying to keep themselves, the DDers, their shield group, and the kiting tank healed. We most often lose people to this.


    We remedied this issue by having two operative healers soaking the DD's. They get the beast self-heal when they're low and 9% increased healing received from their spec. Also, if possible.. The tank dropping lightning spires should probably try to be in range of healers on Firebrand side as the healers on Stormcaller side have to deal with DD sometimes.


    * Yellow Circle Soakers - this is the yellow circle that will select two raid members not in melee range of a boss, and must be cleansed to drop a Blue Damage Pole. The damage the circle leaves is high in 16m Hard, as is the damage the Pole generates if the Circle Soaker is even a little slow in getting clear of it. Combined with the need for these folks to get into a shield for phase two, and it is also causing losses.


    I think our solution to this issue was simply - do not dispel or have the people taking the yellow circles dispel themselves. That way the healers don't have to worry about it. Also if they dispel themselves, they know when to expect the lightning rod.


    * Incinerate - this is a source of strategy debate among our officers, one of which is our raid tank. Most strategies I've seen online are using tank swapping to deal with Incinerate. Our raid tank *FLATLY REFUSES* to tank swap on this fight. Period. He insists on using a DPS Powertech or Juggernaut as a taunter about three seconds into DD's cast to pull Firebrand onto the Taunter when Incinerate begins casting as DD finishes, then taunting Firebrand back onto himself. If a damage spike comes in on the taunter (perhaps due to an early taunt), or if the taunt is late, it effectively wipes that attempt.


    I'd say get rid of the tank that refuses to tank swap. Tank swapping isn't so bad if you know how to do it. What I do is focus Firebrand and assist off a melee to target Stormcaller. Since I'm focusing Firebrand I can see Incinerate Armor cast and easily target him, force charge, and taunt. If I'm tanking Firebrand, as soon as I see the Incinerate start casting I target a melee in the raid frames, hit Alt+T (to grab his target), force charge, and taunt. The other tank is an assassin and for him it's not as easy to switch, but with sprint and timing/positioning his jump where he doesn't get caught on the tanks, he got it down and has had no issues with the tank swaps either.


    I've seen guilds do it with a DPS temporarily taunting, but I just don't see that as more effective than simply having your tanks switch positions. Risks way too much. It may be tough if you have two assassin tanks though.


    Here's a video of our first kill:

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