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Posts posted by jhartel

  1. You can pretty much guarantee this is on the 'wall of crazy' already (things they could / would / should do but just can't right now).

    There's really no need to shoot down suggestions like this by being so narrow-minded and negative.


    Creating an App like this would use quite a different skill set to that used on the game itself, the guys working in C++ probably aren't interested in or specialised in Java or Objective-C. For the most part it could even be outsourced, particularly where they'd need Objective-C programmers.

    However you look at it, they'd almost certainly not be taking people off existing projects for it.


    Correct. The Security Key app was outsourced too, so they could contract them to do it.

  2. Yeah they are pretty terrible all around, the armors available are not good for the classes and levels required to purchase them. I would like to see them have amazing armor sets available for each class, and them get more and more epic as the LS or DS is increased in tiers (so you get some gruesome DS robes or armors, and some very clean and amazing looking Smuggler dibs and Armors, etc.).
  3. Having access to crew skills for characters wherever you are is possibly the best idea out of this whole thing. Just having the Secuirity Key Option is a bit boring on that main screen of the mobile app.
  4. Based on the logic on the QQ'ers in this thread id like to state that the people vaccinating themselves and trying to avoid me infecting them are griefing me. They are ruining my enjoyment of the game because i cant progress on my mission to infect players. Bioware please remove the ability to not get infected!


    Sincerely, concerned subscriber


    Truth is spoken here.

  5. No; simply tired.


    I will simply try and use the metods for complaint and reporting that Bioware hass offered, and let them decide what is and is not policy.


    Are you still complaining dude? I remember when this was a fresh thread and 82 pages in you are still on about this. Why so serious?

  6. Whinge, whinge, whinge, ******, ******, ******....


    Please. Bioware is giving some goodies away based on their idea of what constitutes an active subscriber. I believe they consider an active subsciber isnt just one who pays their $15 a month. It's also someone who has been in game and made up the Multiplayer part of MMO. They get the biggest goodies - a free month of game time. Everyone else at least gets something too. A pet just for having an active account, A free week if you had unsubscribed, and if you resubscribe you get the pet too. This is BioWare's call, and it's them giving something to the community as a "thank you" for being active - not a "reward" for paying a subscription. No-one is having anything taken away from them as all the complaining in this thread seems to indicate.


    We all subscribed to the game prepared to pay our $15 a month to play the game which we have all been doing as much as we like or are able according our own lives. We have all been happy to do so or have left the game, irrelavant of any expectation of reward from BioWare.


    If some people get a free month bonus in Bioware's judgement - fine! No-one else has lost anything. If you didnt get a free month you still get a pet. None of this was an expectation in your mind before this promotion and you have no reason to feel "entitled" to it now. You have lost nothing, and you are still doing what you would have been doing anyway. It is a bonus like any other bonus given by any other organisation anywhere - not everyone will get it, not everyone will qualify for it, and you have no cause to complain like a spoiled child if you didnt get it and someone else did.


    You don't quite understand anything about this. Leveling to 50 doesn't take long, and people can be 50 in a week and stop playing, not active players. Yet, those who continue to pay them don't see any reward for their active gameplay (yes, most of the people complaining actually dedicate at least an hour or two a day to the game). Another thing, many of the people have a very similar issue. They have the ability to be Legacy Level 6, if all their characters were on one server. However, because of how an MMO is and causes people to play with friends across multiple servers, these people are having their active gameplay ignored due to a technicality that should not exist in the first place. The unlock should be account wide, not server wide.

  7. The new requirements still suck. I have been an active subscriber since before day1 - I have characters on a number of servers but none at L50. I try to level them all at roughly the same pace. consequently despite being loyal player I get squat, instead I get to see a whole bunch of other player given rewards.


    It would have been better for Bioware not to have done this at all in the first place. All they ahve done is alienate a substantial number of players.


    I wish they would just combine what we have done across servers. Or at least allow server transfers.

  8. I will never get to any of those level any time soon. I believe this level stuff with the legacy should have been out the window. It should have been all the players with a level 50 toon and also those with the Founder title that are active should be the only ones to get the free 30 days. This would show all the players that they mean some thing In stead of a bump on a log. All in all i say congrats to all of you that get your free time but as for me been playing like forever and still no legacy unlock and I have a level 30 a 23 And 2 toons at 16 and thats where i stand on this issue.


    I have been trying, but I doubt I will make it unless I so an all nighter. Last nights 5 hour shut down never helps because I work 11am-10pm and only play at night and these nightly shutoffs truly disable my ability to play the game, especially with the 3 or 4 of them since the introduction of Legacy and this damnable promotion, and level my character, I am at 38 right now, and I doubt I can get to 50 in time now.


    I mean, I work full time and my demographic (single parent, employed people, etc) would be the ones who needed that extended time in the first place and BioWare has done everything possible to get more play time from us, but prevent us from getting our one month free.


    Did I take a short break from SWTOR? Yup. To play Mass Effect 3.:p But again, a week off in March shouldn't negate the fact I have multiple characters across servers that should hit the Legacy 6 if they were combined. (38, 35, 22, 15, 10, 10, 4 and 3)

  9. Honestly, there are only a few I truly like.


    Balmorra on the Republic Side is a ton of fun, not full of colicoids, great fun missions helping the resistance. I even stuck around for the Bonus Series. The scenery is pretty neat too.


    Nal Hutta is my favorite of the origin planets. The skeevy Hutts and environments were believeable and fun. We had never really experienced the Hutt worlds in such detail, and given how much of a snoozefest Nar Shadaa is, this is just a great planet. The Evocii and everything are just fun.


    Corellia is fantastic and the best of the city planets. Huge sprawling Tokyo-like landscape is just awesome.


    Alderaan is okay. I hated the quests there, but as a planet it was neat.

  10. Yes, because all the level 50s trying to get the world bosses and dailies done without the other faction interuppting are just happy to take several hours to go protect a guy while he quests.


    That is the purpose of a guild, to stand by your fellow guildies and help them when they need it. If you don't want to help lower level toons, don't add them to your guild.

  11. LOL really? getting infected is like a free 50k, those DNA sell super well man, I wouldnt mind it at all if I was a fresh player, I'd think it's super cool actually.


    50K will pay for you to get your speeder and training at 25. Good deal for everyone.


    I won't prarticipate on purpose as I need to hit 50 (Have two 35's right now) before the 22nd, but this seems like fun

  12. Honestly I disagree... not to be polar. This smacks of gaming bandwagon. Even within it's own context what we're embracing isn't even within a proper continuity. The Golden Age of The Sith leads into Tales of The Jedi which should have some ebb and flow into the TOR era. It doesn't even make sense conceptually looking at the overall design of TOR... which I believe holds more ties to The Clone Wars era.


    What I'm holding onto is a Star Wars core, if that really is gone then I can only suggest that this really isn't a Star Wars game... and just because it has light sabers, Hot Shots part deux had light sabers also but that wasn't Star Wars!


    Did you read the Knights of the Old Republic Comic that Dark Horse Did? Because this fits splendidly.

  13. I'm not a fan of anything that BW has brought to the universe. That's unfair to be honest. Tell me where Rakghouls appear outside of any BW helmed title! It doesn't belong in the IP nor do I know any hardcore Star Wars fans that want it there.


    KoTOR wasn't that good, over-rated yawnfest that has further jaded a brilliant universe until this of course... Do you think that if a Star Wars MMO were to be released in the 80s 90s that this would find a place? because I don't.


    Dark Horse Comics would like to talk with you.

  14. Are you serious? This is a multiplayer game. You're playing with other people. It should be understood that your game play is going to be impacted by what others do. If you thought otherwise, you're in the wrong game.




    Is this on PvE servers too? I could see this being an issue there but if you are on PvP that is your own fault.

  15. I see. So my investment into the same game to play as I wish is not as worth as much because it differs from others. Got it.


    Nice to see that other opinions besides the one's owned personally have no merit unless they match.


    Wrong dude. We are saying if you want to PvE and not deal with World Events, GO PVE! Play the game the way you want to play it, don't stand around fleet like a drone.

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