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Posts posted by Erede

  1. Forgive me for what little is understood, I am using a translator you can understand me.

    The Spanish community guilds created a chain using the Bioware system, was even sent a letter warning them that the Spanish community wanted to play together and it was large. Ignored us and now we see the consequences.


    Same thing happened for the Italian community.

    And they put both the communities together... dumb move.

  2. I don't know what Bioware is doing.


    7.00pm Gmt+1


    2000 people on queue.


    Estimated wait time 2h10min, but i did a lot of queues today and i've seen that if u are lucky, for every 400 people it's about 1 hour of wait time. And it's early access only...i'm scared to see what will it become after the official release.


    My guild is on Tomb of Freedon Nadd so i can't chose a different server, but if things are gonna stay this way i doubt i can continue play. I'm really pissed off, i can't wait every day 5 hours to login and play where a simple lag spike or a game client crash can **** all the time waited.


    Sorry for the bad english, not my native language, i'm italian and i've followed our community.

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