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Posts posted by Artrii

  1. So, I have about nine or maybe 10 level 55s. Most of these I leveled without doing any heroic group quests at all. You don't need to do any in order to get the commendations needed to buy the gear needed to be geared enough for HM FPs. You can get more than enough of the Basic commendations by running all the solo missions on Makeb and Oricon and every day for about a week.


    To sit there and say you can't get out of green gear without doing group content is false. Have you ever read up on how to gear up? I've seen plenty of posts on the forums on how to do so. Have you ever asked how you should gear up before running HM Fps, or did you just come here to complain because you rushed into something you weren't prepared for and got booted for it? I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, these are honest questions you need to ask yourself before you go around complaining about why people kicked you out of content you feel you should be able to run.


    Read up on the fights for the stuff you want to run before you jump into the content so you have an idea what you're going to be doing, maybe watch some videos on youtube. If you've ever played an MMO before you'd know this was a good idea. If you haven't played an MMO before, asking for help from those of us who have in order to not to be that "noob" who is dragging everyone else down and gets kicked won't get you made fun of either. You'd be surprised how many of us are willing to help out with advice when people ask for it.


    SM Ops are bolstered and gear is that big a deal any more for them, but at least a general idea of what you're going to be facing is always a good idea. If you don't know any of it, let the group know right away, that way you don't have to be with a group that hate new players and you can find a group that would be more helpful.

  2. I remember reading an old thread about this probably a year ago. It was responded to by one of the devs and they said something along the lines of "the poor optimization is intentional so that you can work on it yourselves to make your gear have the stats you want." Not the exact words but that was the general idea of the message they gave. Too lazy to go looking for that old thread right now or I'd post a link to it, or find a quote from it.
  3. In order to get a full idea of what is going on with the emporer, you'll have to play more than just the JK and SW story lines. Every single one of the core class stories tie to together in some form or another. I can't remember if it was the SI or the IA story that you go and help rescue the New Voice of the Emporer on Voss (meaning that this is to be the vessel he shall possess should the body he currently inhabits be destroyed, which it is by the JK obviously). It has been a while since I finished all the story lines, so I recommend playing through them all at least once to get a full idea of what is going on. By playing through them all you learn that the emporer is simply in the form of a dark side spirit until he can enter the body of what he has deemed a suitable host for him to posses and take over. Therefore, it can be said that he is in fact not dead, and what the hand says is in fact the truth.

  4. I've played an mmo that eventually made it so a person could fill an entire group with special companion npc's to 'solo' quests. It pretty much killed the whole community working together idea that you should get from mmos. Everyone was running around with their geared companions doing all the quests and such without help from any other thinking human beings. Pretty much only time any people were around each other and interacting was in towns to buy/sell things.


    I NEVER want to play a game that allows that ever again. I'd rather skip the heroics all together than to run them with a bunch of NPCs if I had the choice.

  5. Good luck finding pugs coordinated enough to be the first to clear any new content before anyone else can on any server. If I were you, I'd worry less about being the first to clear content and just find a group of people that you'd enjoy running with on a regular basis.
  6. I've been running around on my 'slinger for a while now, so I started playing my jugg to get it to 55 and found myself jumping over targets I tried to leap to (not just in warzones). Then I jumped on my sentinel and had the same thing happen. Went back on my jugg later and found myself only closing half the distance when I would leap. This is definitely still broken and needs to be fixed.
  7. Here is a few things you should probably understand about top end raiding guilds....


    I was in a competitive raiding guild for a while, and if you plan on keeping this game separate from real life so it doesn't feel like school/work then you do NOT want to get into a guild like that. Those people take things super seriously... so much so that I'm still trying to break myself of some of my old OCD habits I picked up from being an officer in a guild like that. I used to tell people when I got off work that I was going home to start my second job. That is how serious those guilds can be. I used to be one of those guys that sat in VOIP explaining the fights to people saying that if they did not perform a specific action at "x" point in a fight THEY WERE WRONG.


    Secondly, having been an officer in one of those guilds, I too would not recruit or offer to work with someone who isn't up to the task to show that they know everything there is to know about their class and are capable of pushing it to its limits. No competitive guild will take in someone "on good faith" that they know what they are doing. If you want a world first, you are going about it all wrong. Guilds like that don't cater to their every members needs... if they did that, they'd never get anywhere because they'd be too busy trying to make everyone happy. So, posting on here and requesting all this stuff from the kind of guilds that can pull off a world first in such a manner as you have (yes, spelling included)... I am reminded of an old saying I heard a s a child that went as follows:


    "You can wish in one hand and poop in the other to see which fills up faster." (Hint: Wishes don't have any substance to them.)

  8. It is not the premades that are ruining the fun... it is the morons that run around treating every warzone like a team death match. I used to queue solo all the time, but recently I've taken to waiting until I can find at least one guildie to run warzones with so I can at least share the pain with someone else when I end up in a group of wannabe dps heroes that can't even break 50k dmg/heals/protection against another full pug group. (Never believed people were this bad until I got into a warzone that had exactly this happen.) My lowbie scoundrel healer does more dps than that and usually breaks 100k heals at her worst.


    If you want to stop losing against premades all the time, then follow these instructions:

    Stop line of sighting your healers so they can't heal you.

    Stop chasing every single red named person you see with tunnel vision so they lead you back to their group and you get mowed down.

    Stop ignoring the objectives and trying to see how many people you can kill.

    Stop capping nodes then running away from them leaving them completely unguarded just because no one is there attacking it.

    Stop trying to kill attackers all by yourself without calling out that your node is being attacked. Call as soon as you see them!


    Probably wasting my time posting this, most of the people who do all these things most likely never bother to read up on this stuff and learn about the warzones anyhow.

  9. Prepare for a rant...


    I don't remember having so much trouble with groups in flashpoints while leveling. Been playing since launch, and finally am ending up in pug groups that either have no idea what to do, or are just acting stupid to irritate others. I can't tell which.

    Example 1: I'm leveling a healer, back fill an Esseles run just in time to help them kill a boss. My AC (scoundrel) chest drops, was an upgrade. I roll need. A sentinel tries to roll need then calls me a ninja when I win the roll. Other two people in the group vote to kick him out for his stupidity.


    Example 2: I load into a new Mando Raiders FP. The tank is not in his tank stance, the dps are jumping around attacking every target the tank didn't aggro, as well as pulling groups before the tank does. No one wait for the rest of the group to catch up before pulling more mobs. They attack the targets I CC first making my effort of crowd control pointless. I ended up spam-heal-tanking the first boss and the dogs because tank wasn't holding aggro. Gave a kill order on the imperial attack squad, they ignored it and try to face tank their own targets. (I let them die twice for that as I just ran off and smoke-bombed out of there.) Then when I said to attack the turrets first on the last boss, Tank and one dps ignored me again and stayed on boss whole fight. That caused us to have almost 4 turrets up the entire fight.


    I was polite with my advice when I tried to explain to people what I was doing and how to make the FP easier on all of us, yet they didn't bother to listen to a thing I said. Were they just clueless or being jerks that wanted to irritate other pugs?

  10. As a Computer Information Systems student, one of the first things I've learned in regards to online security is that a lot of people will use the same password for all their accounts so they only have to remember one. I knew people were stupid, but this still blew me away.


    This also made me wonder why the hell EA/BW would implement this OTP as a means of account security. Some people who play this game are first time MMO gamers. I've ran into people in game that admit to not knowing much about computers and that they play this just because it is Star Wars.


    So, why the heck would you send a One Time Password to someone's email when a lot of people are stupid enough to use the same password for their account and email?! If one was compromised, then so was the other. The security questions was far and above better than this OTP ever was.


    Note: I use a security key and don't have to deal with this OTP issue. Also, recommended passwords should contain at least 8 characters with at least one capital letter, one number, and one alternate character such as an exclamation point.


    Seriously though, the old security questions were never as much of a hassle as this OTP setup is. Even if you happened to forget one of your security question answers and had to call customer service to get the question reset by answering one of your other questions.

  11. Instead of giving dailies and weeklies that will just encourage more people to ignore the objectives in warzones, why not make dailies and weeklies that will encourage world pvp by making some that require you kill x amount of players on <insert planet name here>.
  12. It has been said many times and I will repeat it once again. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PVP, DON'T GO IN THE PVP AREA. This may be a PvE server, but that is a designated PvP zone, where PvP is meant to take place. I personally don't want to PvP when I grind out rep, so I don't go do those quests and never set foot in that zone. I try like hell to never set foot in Outlaws den. The occasions I do feel like doing some PvP, I will either duel with friends or queue up for warzones. Stop ************ about people who are playing the game the way it was meant to be played. I actually enjoyed watching this video because it showed people having fun playing the game. Granted... the ones dying may not have been having fun, but they have a choice to not be there. It isn't like those two quests are going to make or break their rep grind.
  13. The rule of two is the perfect explanation as to why this era was a good choice. The rule of two was implemented by Darth Bane after the Battle of Ruusan when he tricked all the other sith lords into destroying themselves with the thought bomb. The rule of two states that there should never be more than two sith at any one time. One to hold the power, and one to crave it. So, how would players get to be sith in an era when there are only allowed to be two sith? This is one of the reasons why they picked this era to make the game take place in... that and also because this is supposed to be KoTOR 3, 4, and 5 all rolled into one if I remember correctly from one of the videos they posted back before the game ever even hit the beta testing stage. If you never played Knights of the Old Republic (1 and 2), I would suggest you try them out. You'll understand more of the storyline for this game if you do.
  14. Yeah, I'd settle for a noncombat ability with the jet pack. We get those useless racial social skills, why not get a functional noncombat class skill? Give us bounty hunters the ability to use our jet packs to do a super jump of some sort. We don't have to fly for a prolonged period of time, but it would be nice to be able to use the jet pack to get on top of things or across gaps when we aren't fighting mobs and just running around exploring. Wouldn't be too hard to give the other classes similar abilites. Force users obviously would use the force to augment their jump, while an agent/smuggler might use one of those grapple guns seen in episode 1 when they took back the palace on Naboo.
  15. I leveled to 50 using pretty much only Mako when I wasn't in a group with other players. My only complaint was that a couple of times she would stop healing me and run across the room to aggro a complete different mob. Why she did this I beyond me, I never changed targets once I started my attack... she just decided I wasn't dying often enough or something. I have her geared out and her affection is close to max, yet sometimes she runs off and does stuff that either get me killed if I don't notice what she is doing, or cause me to sacrifice her so I can run out of aggro range, heal up, dismiss her and resummon her.
  16. I've found a rotation that doesn't build up much heat unless I'm throwing in AoE attacks. I start off with Incendiary Missile then rail shot, then Unload, then Rail Shot if it procs, then spam Power Shot until I get another Rail Shot proc (unless Unoad finishes cooldown before I get a proc). This only works on single targets obviously. Multiple targets, I just Fusion Missile, Death from Above and Sweeping blasters them all into smoldering ash. Very few mobs that are equal level can withstand that kind of punishment. Only Strong, Elite or Champion mobs won't go down after that barrage. I recently got my Thermal Detonator, I use that as a form of CC when I have a mob that is too far to be caught in one of my AoE attacks. This way I don't have to worry about my heat all that often and I can still rain fire down upon my enemies.
  17. I'm actually enjoying some of the titles I've gotten on my BH. Homewrecker has got to be my all time favorite. Followed by The Republic's Most Wanted, and The Destructive. Besides, what would the Mandalorian title be? So and so the Mandalorian? Kind of lacking in my opinion. I could understand it if we earned one for gaining a rank among the Mandalorians. Now that is a title I wouldn't mind getting for being a Mandalorian.
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