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Posts posted by bobuffet

  1. Very ridiculous that this hasn't been fixed. If its not fixed by the time my subscription is up for renewal its quite simple that im not going to renew. Not because of this one issue but because it shows that these guys don't know what they are doing. I am not going to keep funneling money into this mickey mouse mmo. By the first month the dev team should have done a sweep of the basic talents before nerfing or buffing anything and make sure that everything is working as its supposed to. How in the hell and why in the hell are they "balancing" (biggest air quotes ever) ANYTHING in this game if the basic talents don't work.
  2. Well that is unfortunate that the weekly maintenance falls exactly during the only time you have to play. What a crazy coincidence. Unfortunately you are an outlier. Currently I would suspect that this time period is set to have the least impact on both NA and EU. Hopefully they come to their senses one day and split NA and EU maintenance and then adjust the times to better suit each region.
  3. Due to the fact that they do the Euro servers at the same time as the NA servers a 4 hour maintenance would end at 3pm. A 6 hour maintenance would end at 5pm. As you can see from this you would be greatly dipping into Europe prime time during long maintenance especially once that goes 8+ hours.


    If they scheduled NA and Europe at different times I could see them making it feasible and fair to everyone. So your real suggestion should be to Separate NA and Europe maintenance and adjust the times to be during what their data perceives as the lowest population times. At least thats what I would do if I ran this thing.

  4. I propose that PVP matches dont start till both teams are full. Its a complete waste of time in some matches to spend the first minute+ of the match 2+ down because it usually makes it impossible to win. Alderaan you have very little chance of capping 2 points with less people. Voidstar you can lose the first door quickly and Huttball can result in quick scores. What would have been an otherwise even and fun match is pretty much destroyed by giving 1 team an advantage.


    Once both teams are full 15s countdown starts and go.


    I would rather wait a few minutes longer than be subjected to these horrible matches destroyed by an over zealous queuing system.

  5. I love how when its a healer getting decent numbers there are all these cries of them padding stats by killing themselves. But a DPS can just farm damage by ignoring the objectives and they are the greatest, most skilled player ever.
  6. They could even go further and say who assisted it.


    Its probably too hard to track time around the ball but that should be part of the objectives column. Basically if you are within XX yards of the ball you should get credit for something. The MAJOR problem I have with Huttball is getting people to actually play along with the objectives. Most of the losses are due to half the team basically fighting snipers in the middle. They are never around the ball unless it runs by their fighting. I personally think they should hide the damage column for this event (and get rid of damage medals) and replace it with something that is similar to what I talk about in my previous post and this one. Give medals for scoring, assisting, being around the ball. to replace the damage medals.

  7. The person who scores in Huttball should be announced to the team. Also if you score 3x it should say something about that.


    I dont know how many times the person who scored got zero MPV votes while some bad player that basically stood in the middle and racked up damage gets 3 votes. Most of the time people have no idea who scored for your team.

  8. My problem is with DPS spec'd Sorc being able to heal and bubble people the way they can. You NEVER see a non healing spec'd Operative anywhere on ANY warzone healing chart because all of the good operative healing spells are locked away in the tree. There are simply too many baseline abilities available to Sorc/Sage that are far too powerful. They really need to rework the baseline abilities or give them a stance that gimps damage to non-baseline abilites and and keeps healing and another that gimps base healing abilities and keeps damage. You have to have one of these 2 active.
  9. It will probably get changed when there is a new tier of pvp gear available but I dont see them revamping the whole system a month past release. Personally I would like them spend the effort fixing up some of the bugs the game has and implement this kind of stuff with a content patch later.
  10. IF there are issues with the patch: small subsequent patches to fix the major patch as they have been doing so far.


    However, substantial game-breaking bugs persisting from beta, still unfixed and now delayed once again? Yeah go **** yourself moron and don't even try to patronize those who are dissatisfied with a product they are paying for and dumping their time into.



    LOL, you need to take a break. Maybe get up from the keyboard and go take a walk or something. If you are that dissatisfied with the product then please quit. Your money would be better spent on some anger management classes or something.

  11. I, and many, many others, have been extremely patient waiting for this 1.1 patch to fix some of the most substantial issues in the game (particularly the Kira Carsen Jedi Knight bug which has been ongoing since beta and even engendered a 180+ page thread).


    Sneakily postponing this patch with only a few hours to spare before its release is an outrage and a very, very poor business decision.


    This nonsense is truly the straw that has broken the proverbial camel's back, and I will simply copy and paste what I've already done:



    "Your subscription has been cancelled.


    You have 1 day of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code."




    Anyone else getting all upset with this feel free to do the same. Just so I don't have to possibly run into you in game. You want them to release a patch that has known bugs because you are upset that some bugs that are to be addressed in this patch will be delayed. What if the patch breaks something else that will generate another "engendered 180+ page thread".


    People who play mmos are ridiculous.

  12. I just think that the ball carrier shouldn't be able to do any leaps or intercedes. If another player wants to pull them to their location that is fine but the ball carrier shouldn't be able to do anything like this. If you stealth the ball gets reset and the same thing should happen when you trigger a leap or intercede.


    Not that I really care cause I dont rage over some 10m pvp match but huttball is bad cause its same faction and its very easy to exploit. Here is an example, we were facing a pre-made and we ended up with someone from their guild on our team. Lets just say that this person conveniently stood in the right places to allow their jugg to leap out of the area below all the scaffolds and basically just score with no chance of stopping them. Its not like you can knock your own team mate away for all the people who want to say how did you let that happen.

  13. Ha you fanboy. Installing TOR to a SSD does nothing.


    Never once did I mention it did. The comment was directed at people who consider a blank screen a loading screen which from my end...NOT INSTALLED ON A SSD..only takes 1 second tops then they either have a garbage hard drive or not enough ram.


    But please continue with the personal attacks. Mr Classy poster.

  14. I dont mind them. All the people who are ************ about 50 loading screens are full of it. It loads 1x when you exit your ship, the rest of the time it just blanks the screen for a second tops. Get a new hard drive if it is taking longer than that.


    I think they would be less annoying however if you could use a speeder in them. The actual space ports on planets are even worse. The docking bay and the extra part before you get to an elevator is like 2x the size of any orbital station.

  15. I don't really care if they bracket anything other that 10-49 and then just a 50s bracket. The Expertise gear is too much. I saw a decked out Jugg basically walk from the center of the huttball arena to the goal with very little team support and he was pretty much getting harassed the whole time by a bunch of lowbie players and nobody could do anything to him.
  16. I am actually having a lot of fun healing warzones as a healer in this game. My only gripes are:


    Raid Frames are total garbage. They need to be fixed ASAP. They dont update and with everyone having titles and legacies and being bunched up I have no idea who is who half the time. It takes me half a warzone to remember that Cypher Agent so and so wasnt a player named Cypheer Legacy name. I had a few warzones that the raid frames were completely missing 1 or 2 people as well. I really hope they fix this NOW.


    I think there is just way too much CC, knockbacks, etc. This stuff needs to be on a real long CD or they need to cut back how many each class has. Or this resolve bar should actually allow you to totally resist a knockback.

  17. Re-roll on a different server. If its a big issue then your guild will to. Not a hard concept.


    You are at at very small fraction of the play time it would require to get to max level and see everything that the game offers.


    Sure it sucks that your server is busy but its not a huge time investment to just cut your losses now and move somewhere else in the grand scheme of things.


    You are like 4 days into this game and half of that time was wasted by your own admission by these queues. If the loss of that time is a big concern to you then I suggest you play a different type of game.


    Sorry, but I cant really feel sorry for you here. Your problem here is so trivial and reeks of someone fishing for a server transfer option.

  18. After 7 years of doing this Blizzard just released a patch that was riddled with bugs for a game that should be on autopilot at this point. It has required hotfixes with no less than 40 different fixes. They have been doing this forever and didn't release perfection after being on the PTR for quite a while. The game needs to be released at some time. At some point you have to just get it in a decent state and then fix what is wrong post release.
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