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Posts posted by Ciyrus

  1. First, make sure you have checked my most recent status update here.


    Second, I apologize if the codes are rubbing people the wrong way. They are not meant to be any kind of compensation for downtime or anything like that. Merely, we are all sitting here on the forums waiting for the issue to get resolved. In the past we have done something similar as a way for people get some bonus stuff for free while they wait. Everyone is not going to get them, but it could be a nice bonus if you do.


    The first batch of 15 codes was not the "rain,' that was just the start. Normally I continually do posts like that the entire time we are down but I don't want to be pouring salt in the wound either. Tell me your feeling on this, do you want me to continue putting out codes while we are down? Or is it just making it worse?




    How the hell am i going to get any codes when i am lying in my bed asleep as it is late here in Europe, time here in Finland is 22:15, and i have wasted enough time waiting for this screw up to be fixed. So, Eric, how the hell am i going to get any codes?

  2. Hey folks,


    Quick update. The team has a possible fix for the issues that cropped up this morning. To get them in place for testing is going to take approximately 2 hours from now, and then we can begin running that patch through testing. It is likely that over the next 2 hours I won't have much in the way of updates until we get into testing. Should that change, I will let you know.




    WOW, just WOW, so 8 hours total of downtime, before testing, then a probable additional 2 hours before rolling out any fixes. To top it all, the EU has lost an entire day of gaming, and yet again, will receive the square root of Sod all in any form of compensation.



  3. Why even bother doing patches in the middle of the day? If they were going to be professional about this they would release the patches on the US servers middle of night and the same with the EU servers, this is not professional releasing an emergency update in the middle of the day without even testing it on a local server or on the PBE is disgraceful. Its my first week playing and i'm having a hard time understanding the logic in this? Surely if they are patching to fix something they should *********** test it first? instead they break more things? Did they even fix the issue in question?


    TBH, i never received the 5.4a patch, never downloaded anything, just the normal launcher screen.

  4. Granted, you have discovered a major flaw with the recent patch, and are taking steps to rectify these issues. However, this is happening on an all too frequent basis, and again it happens during EU prime time play. Why can you not release all patches onto the PTS before releasing it to the main servers? It would save much agro from the fan base, and allow those of us in Europe who subscribe and pay good money from losing out again and again with zero refunds or bonuses.
  5. To be absolutely honest, this game went downhill fast when 4.0 came around, I have been playing since pre-release, bought the CE of the game (First waste of money here) Subscribed forever, and bought Cartel coins for that extra edge in levelling. But now i see no point in playing anymore.


    The challenge of doing NiM no longer exists, mainly due to the insane grinding of Cxp, even 16 man TC HM is impossible to complete these days unless you have a group with tier 3 gear. Even then it is probably a challenge, but i wouldn't know, as i am still using 220 armourings for the set bonus because these crates keep giving me earpieces and implants, which is very useful NOT!. Gearing use to be fun, it use to bring guild members together, It use to lead you into endgame content. But alas, those days are gone now, will they ever come back? I for one am not hopeful.


    PvP is a joke now. Expertise no longer exists, and unless you have a solid 4 man team you are doomed to enter Ranked at your own peril. 4 out of 5 times you are paired up with people who do not know their characters, and other times you are up against an impossible foe to defeat (4 snipers) and your team consists of 3 sorcerers. Gearing as a PvP'er is a complete joke, and a waste of time.


    Alts no longer exists in my gameplay, having reached tier 2 stage, after a long grind of uprisings and PvP on my main, the thought of having to do that hard long grind again for an Alt is depressing. Why gives us the incentive to complete 8 story classes, then banish our Alts to the pit? It does not make any sense?


    I love my assassin, he is deception DPS spec, but i also love tanking with him, alas something i can not even comprehend doing without the gear needed, and again, there is a problem.


    BW/EA need to focus on the gamers, they need to listen. Since 4.0 came around, I started to lose faith in the game, and mainly did PvP. Now that excitement has gone. 5.0 ruined that for me, and now 5.1 is the final nail in my proverbial coffin.


    I for one of thousands have decided not to subscribe again, when my sub is finished (2 months left of a 6 month sub) I will be following the rest of the guild, and leaving this disaster behind.


    If something isn't broken, don't try and fix it. Maybe BW/EA need to take a good long hard look at these forums, realise the frustration this gaming community is going through, and actually, for once listen.

  6. Ohh please, pretty please can you make gear grinding more along the lines of impossible, I think you left too much fun in the game as it is.


    While you're at it, can you ensure all maintenance is done during EU prime time, we don't want the Americans to become annoyed.


    Thanks for the 1 hour notice.

  7. Let's get one thing straight, I love this game, been playing since pre-release, however this gearing grind is absurd.


    I play most aspects of the game, PvE, PvP, FP's, Raids etc etc. But this new gearing method is putting a damper on the core objective, which is to reach end game.


    PVP tokens are low in comparison, 5 for a win, 2 for a loss. same in Ranked. If you solely play pvp, you have to complete over 1000 wz's, and win all of them for one character to gain tier 3 gear. That is an insane amount of grinding.


    Ops, final boss guarantees a loot drop. Ok, fine, but in an 8 man raid, the other 6 players are screwed, then they have to wait a week for a chance to gain loot in that raid.


    Last night for example, EV HM, KP HM, TFB HM, all completed and zero drops throughout all 3 raids. I understand that it is the roll of the dice, but seriously? If you are not able to gain anything, how can you progress.


    Opened over 100 command boxes, and finally i have a golden piece of gear. One, yes one single piece of golden gear.


    Gearing is a pain, it is lengthy, and it is boring, and very very monotonous. We are now restricted to a single toon for gearing, which is counter-productive when you like playing various characters of either faction.


    Who ever thought this was a good idea needs to be fired, have his clothes removed, given a small needle and loads of thread, then told he has to "gear up/sow an new outfit" before he can walk out.

  8. It seams that people arw only focused on one aspect of my original post. Ok then lets focus on that.


    The whole point of this dates back to people crying out for guild capitol ships, and go raiding in a pvp scenario. Have those plans been scrapped altogether? We were told that those thongs were coming, aand would be here by now. No such luck.


    Is here any point for a guild to pvp when you can't pvp together?


    I was a pvp'er until the 2.0 changes ruined my armour, since then I've been soley a pve'er. But this latest patch isn't really inviting me to pvp again,. I fully understand that people will space pvp for the time being, because it is new, however it will probably not last long if the subs are not getting what they want.


    There is already a drop in this new content due to the lack of guild play-ability.


    Or am i wrong?

  9. It seams that people arw only focused on one aspect of my original post. Ok then lets focus on that.


    The whole point of this dates back to people crying out for guild capitol ships, and go raiding in a pvp scenario. Have those plans been scrapped altogether? We were told that those thongs were coming, aand would be here by now. No such luck.


    Is here any point for a guild to pvp when you can't pvp together?


    I was a pvp'er until the 2.0 changes ruined my armour, since then I've been soley a pve'er. But this latest patch isn't really inviting me to pvp again,. I fully understand that people will space pvp for the time being, because it is new, however it will probably not last long if the subs are not getting what they want.


    There is already a drop in this new content due to the lack of guild play-ability.


    Or am i wrong?

  10. It seams that people arw only focused on one aspect of my original post. Ok then lets focus on that.


    The whole point of this dates back to people crying out for guild capitol ships, and go raiding in a pvp scenario. Have those plans been scrapped altogether? We were told that those thongs were coming, aand would be here by now. No such luck.


    Is here any point for a guild to pvp when you can't pvp together?


    I was a pvp'er until the 2.0 changes ruined my armour, since then I've been soley a pve'er. But this latest patch isn't really inviting me to pvp again,. I fully understand that people will space pvp for the time being, because it is new, however it will probably not last long if the subs are not getting what they want.


    There is already a drop in this new content due to the lack of guild play-ability.


    Or am i wrong?

  11. You want to wait X months in the queue for someone else to queue with a 12-man premade? Or are you thinking you're going to be going up against randoms with a 12 man premade? That's not going to happen.


    Please, do you honestly think there is only one guild out there that has tried to queue 12 v 12? I understand what your saying, why not ranked groups like normal pvp

  12. In my view, BW have done an OK job on GSF. It's ok, but not great. They seem to have taken a few leafs out of oher games (sw battlefront 2 being one example)


    I like the maps, i like the ships and the ability to advance in geaing/equipment.


    Now for he bad things. Mouse sensitivity is terrible, it is fine if your a gunship, however as a scout it is horrible. Evasive manoeuvres are non existant. If i want to do a sharp u-turn as a scout i have to upgrade first, then to make it worse, it catapults you into boost. In a dog fight, i don't want super speed past my chasing target. Only to take ages trying to lock onto him again.


    12 v 12. Who can they mess this up? You create an ops group, queue as 12 man only to find that everyone on your TS is in another instance or a different map. Why did the designers leave this out?


    Why is there no capital ships that you can land on? It happens in every SW film, so why not here.


    I seriously hope the developers read his

  13. I was just curious is anyone has tried this build post 1.2?




    You will keep CL and get instant cast CL with lightning storm proc, but still get the benefits of crushing darkness when wrath procs. Just a thought for a class that is now officially broken.


    Let me know what you think...I think I may try it this weekend.


    Mine is similar, (0/20/21) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZfcbMdRMZcrcRsMk.1


    Went for this option for the Instand CL, and WW

  14. Before 1.2 i was rocking (0/13/28) using full advantage of D/Field and Wrath(combined with CL and CD) Instant CC was also a bonus when needed, aswell as the proc.pushback.


    Now i find myself at a bit of a loss, Hybred was always the thing for me, i never liked to channel any abilities into any sort of healing bonuses, i believed they were best spent DD, and a great healer would compensate.


    The best build for my gameplay so far is this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZfcbMdRMZcrcRsMk.1 At least i still have death mark, and CL


    But i'm sure it will get ripped.

  15. I have no problems with my dps sorc what so ever. Your doing it wrong. Use your surroundings, sprint and all your cc while dotting and using all your instant casts. Sors are way to squishy to stand around and act like a turret, mobility is the key for survival. If your still failing roll biochem, if your still failing uninstall.


    Obviously you have a problem reading what i stated, I never said that i stand around, i know how to play my Sorcerer, try again.


    Let me just add, why not try Kaon under siege, with a sorcerer healer, and assassin tank, and another DPS assassin/sorcerer. I wonder if you manage to complete it??

  16. The 'tweaks' to the dps trees are just plain moronic. We have no viable 31 pt talent build, nothing that can match anything like 'lets say Commando dps. The Hybrid build (00-13-28 variations for pve and pvp) hit the sweet spots for sure, but allowed the Sorcerer synergy in a world where we as a class in comparison to other dps classes out there were lacking in functionality and dps generation.


    The hybrid gave the dps Sorcerer the ability to use the function of the instant cast CC. Something that most all other classes have without talenting into it. It also gave us a functional push-back with the option to incorporate a stun to root a player for 2 seconds but ONLY if they were affected by the push-back.


    The hybrid also gave the dps Sorcerer the ability to use Wrath in situations that helped to increase our dps ability, however, the increase is/was not significant enough to still be on par with other dps class choices. (in both pvp and pve)


    Sorcerer's you see getting those "Big numbers" or "killing you" are Sorcerer's who are currently using in-game situations to their advantage. Example: Huttball: I could technically "hide" in the little nooks and crannies in mid and step in and out. Dot you up, and then work on my FL (force lightning) rotation, using my proc of CL (chain lightning) when viable, or refresh CD (crushing darkness) and then duck around, run to the other side, and do it again. That worked in situations above and on the ramps too, ESPECIALLY if I was being ignored.


    Solo one on one: Currently.... the hybrid gives us the best survivability, for all the reasons I listed above. We can interrupt certain casts every 10 seconds, we can stun you for 4 seconds (CD on this if I remember right is 1 minute, so I can only use it once), and once your resolve goes down... sure I can Whirlwind ya. Yea it is instant, but its on a 2 min CD and it fills your resolve bar... once I damage you, it drops... so I tend to only use it if I'm trying to run away. Currently, I can use Dark Heal or Dark Infusion (one which is not cost effective AT ALL, and the other has a 1.5 second cast time = easily interrupt-able) to gain health, but if you are not going to interrupt me, of course I will win. Derp.


    Now lets look at 1.2 changes:


    In Warzones, even against low expertise characters, I die FAST. (Take into consideration I have full BM gear)


    DPS: Healing ourselves becomes dead last option in PVP, and in PVE. It is way too costly on our force, and drops our throughput in dps even lower than what it is currently on the PTR.


    31 pt builds are still mediocre at best, and not viable in any form really on the pvp situation. Madness builds can be completely removed with any form of Purge, thus stripping the dps down, and forcing major force use in order to maintain any form of dps. In PVE Madness isn't always viable with the AoE effect that Death Field is, and if you have a guild that likes to CC packs, your dps drops to the bottom of the toilet without the use of that ability.


    Lightning Build has more AoE type and single target type options, long CD's, no real dps throughput in pvp or pve, as it requires you to STAND STILL to do anything viable. I have yet to have a pve related fight where I could just stand and nuke until my eyes bleed unless you count doing Normal mode Black Talon... And again, PVP... sitting still gets you noticed, gets you killed, and the cast times are just too long and easily interrupt-able.


    In my view, BW has effectively killed off the Sorcerer, until they make radical changes to the talent tree in general to make it on par with other dps classes (stuns, lower CD, higher top tier ability) then i for one will strive to reach 50 from scratch with a newly created Marauder, well i have to do something with the 3 months subscription i have left, after that i will NOT be renewing my subscription until BW actually do something about the mess they have created.

  17. I have never managed to get it working in PVP, and i have done everything to "Stun" other players, from Harpoon followed by Blitz, Cryo followed by Blitz, can't use it when another players stuns a sith right next to me. The result is always the same, Dull icon, and never illuminated.


    In PvE, it never works against a gold starred enemy.


    Blitz is a major hitter for vanguard, shame that Bioware hasn't done something about it.

  18. I've been since 2009 registered with the site and pre-order from August 2 this year obviously, I feel ashamed that America has 40 or 50 servers now on-line in the eastern and western U.S., and we what? Europeans no viable servers, we are bad people? ... the game has been developed there first home and then to others, it is unjust, we paid like everyone else, and we expect more than we do with the game several years already!


    I agree, most Americans have been granted access from what i have been reading, and there stuck in work, unable to play. it's gone 9pm where i am, and i've got work in the morning. One more wave today, and i seriously doubt getting in.

  19. So I have an email from no-reply@bioware.swtor.com saying:


    "Thank you for registering your Pre-Order Code. You are now registered for the following items:


    Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Collector's Edition Pre-Order

    Early game access

    Color Stone (Virtual Item)


    We will keep you informed about early access to The Old Republic as we get closer to the game's release.


    If you have any questions about your Pre-Order, please contact a member of our Customer Service Team.


    May the Force be with you,


    The Star Wars: The Old Republic Team"


    and now on my account on this site it says that I have not registered a pre-order code... , can anyone explain this? I don't have time to read the 122+ pages of this thread since I'm at work and thought I check into this. Thanks!



    When you get the e-mail invite into early access, the error will disappear, and you play button will be activated.

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