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Posts posted by Ithaniel

  1. I dont get it, why the hell I should pay for ability to grind to 55 lvl in the same game, if I ALREADY paying them as a subscriber!? What next, they going to sell each update??? Why be a subscriber in a first place then?


    P.S.: This reminds me of the PW-like MMO's, where you get all the edge and no sweet if you have money. And it seams Bioware leads the game in the same direction. Way to go... >.>

  2. I don't understand all this complains: "Oh, I am F2P, but give me this, I want that and this is insufficient for me". Jee, you are freeloader in initially pay to play game. They let you in, be grateful, and if you want more - subscribe. And if you dot like it, there is allot of others games, where playing is free and you have all you want... For a price.


    Subscriber Benefits


    That being said, they added a medium-core grind to a casual minigame that was probably too steep for most people. In order to get commendations to buy the gear to help, they needed to grind inefficient older missions or complete the new missions (which you can't do without gear)..


    Before the game gone F2P, all of us was going trough that, and no one had any problems, as I recall. Well, as long as you have some brains and time. You just do side quest (for some commendation), kill some mobs (commendation drops from them), do FP (daily quests). And I never had any problems with planets been too hard for me. Of course, after game went F2P, Iv seen some... "unique" people that ran around Dromund Kaas at lvl 9 or 10-14 but without sub-classes and wondering why "life so harsh here".


    But continuing the them about armor, I would like to point out that there is a PvP gear for 20 lvl, for 40 and 50. But why there is no PvP gear for 30 lvl??? I am visit War Zones quite often and find it the one of the best aspect of the game, with some issues of course. And my PvP commendation at theirs cap, without a possibility to let me spend them on lvl 30 PvP gear. I think that is something you have to address in the next update, and the sooner the better.

  3. Started to play from CBT, then was gone for some time returned 3 mouth ago. And I tell you guys, that you don't care about players opinion. And you cant even fix the bugs that you keep implementing with each update. And on the notice, almost all MMO's that gone Free to Play start to deteriorate over time.


    I understated that Free to Play is your last resort to attract new players and get more profit out of this game, since you don't want to work over it to really improve it. But all this new, free to play, players is simply a "scourge" to the game. The Flash Points and War Zones are impossible to play now, since there is tons of "Newbies" that run around with no idea what to do or how to do it and with no desire to learn or understand. I aware that if you are new to the game, it may be a bit frustrating. But come on, dos it takes to graduate University to understand where is your skills and how they work? Or to listen to the War Zone objectives? Or do not rush in every Elite and Champion in the Flash Point? Or understand that if you a Marauder, you don't need every medium class armor, with cunning attributes? And this "lost in theirs own realty" people is seriously annoying and reduce the joy from the game greatly. I am patient person and of course I speak for myself, but this sentiments grow stronger with each day among experienced players.


    So, I believe your main concern should be about subscribers well being, as they are the one who "pay" your salaries. But since you want to show off SWOTR to those who don't want to pay for "cat in the bag". I believe you should forbid Free to Play players to enter War Zones and Flash Points AT ALL. Let them run around aimlessly and taste the game on start worlds and Coruscant/Dromund Kaas. And if they want to go and see War Zones or Flash Points. let them become, at the very least a Preferred Players, with a limit of 1-2 visits per mouth and NO ability to "Need" items. And if they want more, then they should pay.

    Or you have another solution, make the game completely Free to Play, and then you wont have any issues to worry about with F2P or subscribe players.

  4. Hm, I vote for Mako as a next companion for review from the Empire.


    P.S.: And I would like to propose to moderators to create a pull in this thread, so we could vote for the companions we wish to see in the next review. That would also be convenient for us (players) to see what companion have the most votes. Of course you would have to reset the pull every week and remove a companions that was already reviewed. Also it would be nice if you would keep the history of the voting (for example as grayed out option of the pull with number of votes shown).

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