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Posts posted by ochow

  1. Working on call LOL my ***. These guys come in at 9 and leave at 5 Central Standard Time US. Maybe overtime here and there but on call yea right. Let me guess they refer to NASA for space physics also.


    Sure they are human, and sure they make mistakes, but SWTOR isn't some game develop by a few people in their parents basement, this isn't some free game that we are all privileged to play. Bioware is a big game developer, who pays professionals to do the things they do. This is a game that is amazing and has huge potential, but all the bugs are ruining the game. We don't care what your procedures are, or how you fix bugs, we only care that they get fixed. Every Dev's post that has to do with bugs, they mention that this is an MMO and fixes aren't easy, of course they're not. Quit telling us that fixes are difficult, raise hell in your office and get **** fixed or find people that can get stuff done. Sure the community cry's and whines a lot, but we are the customers we shouldn't have to be patient, or understanding, we paid for something and we expect it to work properly.


    You Devs out there. When your car breaks down and you take it to get repaired, then the guy tells you its fixed so you drive it home, it ends up breaking down again, so you go back to the shop, then the guy tells you "o well cars are difficult to fix" and explains to you how he fixes your car. You are still going to be pissed that you paid the guy for a service he didn't complete.

  2. In the future there will probably be some kind of arena system where actual skilled pvprs will be able to distinguish them self's from scrubs who farm, with a title that is attainable through some kind of winning percentage similar to WoW. In WoW being a Gladiator meant something to the WoW community. In SWTOR Battle Master means dick. All BM's I've faced in my realm prior to this 1.1 fiasco are ****, with exception of a few.


    Stop worrying that someone who is a scrub shares the same title as you, you will get your chance to distinguish your self as a pro later.

  3. I agree with roll backs. My self being an imperial on Swiftsure when from 50 - 55 in a matter of hours, where it took my guild mates several days to accomplish. It is not fair for those who actually farmed valor doing endless upon endless of warzones. I my self got to 50 legitimately so I could feel the sense of unfairness those who are at 60+ feel. Lets not forget however that when early release was out, there was a bug that people exploited to gain valor. In early release it was common to see low levels at champion valor rank, and their valor was not rolled back. Folks who gain a burst of valor today over illum where not exploiting a bug in game play, but exploiting the fact that their faction outnumbers the other, and that in my opinion is not breaking any sort of rule. Be that as it may, I still think that idiot bioware dev's overlooked the lvl 50 statistics of each faction, and severely underestimated the swtor community. Roll back valor if you must are my final words.


    To any Republics in the Switfsure that might be reading this, as an imperial I offer my sincerest of apologies for the irritation we may have caused you. Hopefully one day we may compete in illum on a balanced system.

  4. lol instant death upon entering enemy safe zones was never intended thats a load of crap on Bioware. Just admit you ****ed up and apologize. If instant death was intended, then what is the point of the turret? Looks? give me a break. Bioware takes it's customers for fools.
  5. I was agreeing with your post untill this line.

    Yes, servers have been down a bit to much. this is because of bugfixes everyone is yelling about.

    Yes, there have been some que's (some where very long indeed).


    But asking for 2 weeks!? of free time for a game that has been out 4 weeks!? Are you kidding me.


    I'd like them to acknoledge the fact that there has been more then standard downtime *not i didn't say more then expected)

    But for this acknoledgement 1-2 days is more then enough. It realy has not been that bad people, hell, i had an easyer time getting this game going then i did with BF3!


    To be honest I don't care how much time is given. I agree with you an acknowledgement that them Bioware have made more mistakes than they should have and an apology would suffice. Free game time no matter how much of it would show me that Bioware does care and that they are truly sorry.

  6. lunatic, your first mmo i assume ?


    No its not my first MMO. I've played others like WoW, City of Heroes, Aion, FFXIV (absolute piece of crap), DC Universe, Rift, EVE, Warhammer.


    Of course I did not expect this game to be perfect, but I sure as hell not expected the issues I've mention. Quest being broken is an issue that should not have made it to launch, hard modes not working as intended, these are issues that should have been identified in testing.


    The only issue that is justifiable are long queue's and performance issues that some are having. But Issues that come down to the very engine of the game like the ability delay, cmon, really?


    I enjoy this game, the story driven aspect of it in particularly, but the customer service has been horrible. They fix something and in the same exact patch they break something else, like the Darth Magus fight in ilium. Was working fine then the next patch boom its broken. How does a professional company commit these sorts of mistakes?

  7. There are plenty of game issues that alone warrant free time. For example, the hard mode instances being bugged and not giving loot, the one boss raid was unavailable for about a day or more, quest where not able to be completed due to server issues, pvp quest where not giving credit for matches won, those issues are right from the top of my head, and none of these are user issues; and all of these are extremely frustrating.


    I don't care when free game time is given, I just hope that it is something bioware should offer just as a sorry to all its customers. This would be a step in the right direction.

  8. I feel that because all of the down time, and issues SWTOR shipped with, we the customers should request free game time.


    First of all, servers where down often due to fixes. Second there are many issues in game that make the game very frustrating. Loot being broken in hard mode is one of those reasons, ability delay in pvp is another, quest being broken, queue times, frequent disconnects and/or crashes, I can go on and on. I think that because of all these issues, free time is warranted.


    I understand that the game comes with 30 free days but that is a package that is included with the sell price. That said, Bioware should not come in and say we did give you free time, or that this is why free time is given. 30 days is given as a standard across the industry so don't try to pull that **** off as free time for your fixes.


    World of Warcraft gave their customers free time when the realms where down. I think it would be a great move in the part of bioware, and a step towards a better consumer and customer-service relations.


    How much free time should be given, I think maybe a week or two would suffice.


    I would like to hear others opinion's on the matter.

  9. Sigh*


    Yea gold farmers are the biggest issue this game has right now. I can't fathom why you would waste man power, and time to deal with this sort of problem when your game has severe issues that need attention. Animation/Cast time issue should be your number one priority but here you are banning gold farmers because thats a huge problem. Who gives a rats *** about people selling credits. How about you fix the latency issues, or the quest log issues, or the hard mode loot issues, or interface issues, or the stupid bug that dosnt give you credit for pvp matches won to complete dailys and weeklies, or the weird no credit for dark side point/light sight point issue, or any other issues. You know how blizzard gives you those surveys and ask you about customer service. Don't give those out for customers to fill out, you won't like the results.

  10. Holycrap, Bioware has some issues to resolve lol. Its funny how there are huge issues like this that really hurt the game. Yet Bioware is fixing emotes, and gold farming issues. Some people can't delete quest from their logs, and can't grab new ones because of the 25 quest limit. Thats ok though, there are bigger issues like people messing up the game economy.


    To not be overly negative I will say that SWTOR is a pretty cool game. I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign. It definitely beats any other MMO on the market in that respect. I love that leveling a toon doesn't feel like a chore, and I'm eagerly waiting a continuation to the story.


    Now for my critics. Overall combat smoothness obviously needs a revamp, but the customer service has been horrible. WoW has its issues, but it was a successful game because of Blizzards customer service. We all have our stories of Blizzards GM's and how retarded some of them where, but right now I wish we had them in this game. To end my rant, BIOWARE TALK TO YOUR CUSTOMERS THATS WHY THESE FORUMS EXIST! "WE ARE INVESTIGATING THIS ISSUE" WILL NEVER SUFFICE. Please Please Please don't be another Final Fantasy XIV

  11. I don't mind waiting the queues. I queue up, watch a few movies, then bang I'm in. What I cant stand, and don't understand; is why Bioware hasn't implemented a grace period for disconnects. Waiting a 3 hour queue is OK as long as I can play how ever long I want once I'm in, and not have to wait another 3 hour queue when I disconnect. Why not give us a five minute grace period? I can't imagine such modifications to be so difficult to implement. What I'm asking for and from what I can tell, lots of people are asking for is a disconnect grace period. Were not asking for something outrages like give us free game time forever. Just give us that 5 minute grace period for disconnects. That is all were asking for. If Bioware is not able to resolve such issues, then maybe they should stick to single player games. Maybe the MMO arena is not for them.
  12. Lets not forget they are in it for the money, they are not just in it to provide fun and entertainment. Sure somewhat they are but the majority of it is to make money. It's not really a "privilege" to play their game.


    I'm with this guy. It is not our (the consumer's) privilege to play this game. It is Bioware, Lucas Arts, and EA's privilege to have us as customers. Like Widdower said, we are paying for this service. This is not a charity.


    As it stands right now, we pre-ordered our games, some of us have already paid full price and received our registration numbers. So far we've met our end of the deal. Bioware has not.


    I expect compensation for these ridiculous wait times.

  13. You idiot Bioware techs should implement some sort of protection for those who disconnect. I propose a 5 minute grace period before a character is deemed offline. If a person disconnects then they have 5 minutes to get back online before they have to wait a 4 hour queue all over again. This should not be difficult to implement. Get it done or lose customers.
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