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Posts posted by CajunSinjin

  1. Hey - thanks for asking about this in a constructive way. We don't have any new information on when this might get implemented right now, but the devs definitely know players are interested in this feature, and we'll keep asking for more info (and will let you know as soon as we have an update)!


    Translation - Be happy we gave you a response because there is no action planned around this.

  2. What? what has gaming to do with irl? You srsly whining about the couple of days to get geared?



    Edit: Oh, i get it.... you are trolling. NVM... ill stop throwing bread at you


    No, that isn't the point. I can be fully geared and still experience the same situation. It is the organized group versus the pick up group.


    Gear does not equal out that equation.

  3. So you're looking to play single player..........against other single players........in an mmo?


    Again, you have missed the point. :confused:


    I do group up but with random PUG. I do the same with PvP. All I ask is to have an opportunity to play with same level of individuals, in a group setting, which will allow all to enjoy the game.

  4. You srs? i have enough lvl 50's,lol. And 2 of those reached 50 after 1.2 hit. (they were shelved on lvl 40something).


    I think you should suck it up, farm for a couple of days, till you get full BM, then gear won't be a problem anymore. I do know that it is impossible to win if half the team is seriously undergeared and ppl on the other team are all geared. But it has nothing to do with premades.


    Its ppl who cba to pvp for a couple of days to get BM gear.


    That is very aristocrat and bourgeoisie of you to say. I suppose you blame poor people for getting sick since they can't afford health care as well.

  5. Do you complain when you solo queue and end up with a solid 4 man premade and win?


    I'll bet $1 million credits you don't. So not only is your "request" deslusional, but it's hypocritical as well.

    You missed the point, I do not want to queue up against ANY groups. I want the option to play PvP warzones against others like myself.


    When I do queue up with a pre-made four man group, I typically aren't part of the options say in Hutt ball, they pass between themselves and rush across the goal line. I will agree it is nice to get a few checks against the weekly quest for victories but it isn't what I want

  6. I know it's only your opinion, but I disagree... it's worse just sitting in-front of your computer hoping the q will pop.


    Then combine that fact with getting face rolled in WZ's because everyone switched to the opposite faction when the server was going stronger. That's my personal hell atm.


    I'd be happy to get the crap kicked out of me... least I'd be doing something.


    Why do I play this game anyways?


    I'll give you that, at least I have the prospect of getting into PvP against a non premade group. :(

  7. You do realize that single player and pvp are mutually exclusive right? i mean you need more than 1 player for player VS player. /lol


    And the difference you are referring to, is mostly gear. By making a premade you can ensure that at least half of your team is well geared. Well you can do that on the fleet too. LFM wz preade full BM minimum. or full WH w/e.


    Think about it, you are talking a group of ppl queuing together, not a team that spends time training together. This isn't wow, there is no arena/ranked bg ( :(i wish), and there is no reason to even form an actual team, let alone train.


    So I get penalized for not being in a guild and wanting to join in all aspects of the game which are offered.


    Are you in a guild?


    Do you run premades frequently?


    I would advise you try it with a new level 50 in only recruit gear and perhaps a few pieces of BM, queuing up as a solo in a PUG. Run that for a while in prime time and let us know if you are enjoying yourself on PvP


    All I asking for is to allow those whom group together for PvP play against those that do also - SIMPLE.

  8. They leave because it's against premades, the warzone started with uneven numbers, or the players are awful.


    The first two things can and should be fixed before they dare to put in a warzone penalty.



  9. 1 : whats stopping you from making your own premade. If you are not part of a guild or none of your friends want to pvp, you can ask on fleet. LFM wz premade *insert your requirement/standards*.


    2: they would win you if they solo queued.


    There are very few ppl that still use voice chat if they queue in a group, because there is no reason to do so, WZ's are not competitive. And even those that use voice chat, talk about stuff non-related to WZ, other than help east/west or w/e that can be typed on /ops group.


    And last but not least, ppl just assume that because a group of players belong to a guild or queue together they are automatically super skilled players,lol. They are just some friends queueing for wz together having a laugh.


    TLDR. Stop blaming other factors for your (team's) failure. When a team wins, is not because its a premade its because they outplayed you.


    There is a BIG difference between a "fleet made group" and a "guild group". The coordination along is huge. If you think there isn't, you are living in a dream MMO world.


    I choose to play as a single player but want to enjoy PvP, I should have a fair shake.



    For those on low pop servers - my empathy goes out to you. Right now, IMO- always queuing up against pre-mades is worse then not being able to get a queue at all. :(

  10. I was all pysched thinking it was fixed. I go and reset the mission, again, and I still get a red door! How am I suppose to do the daily, end game content when I can't complete my class story?


    And no, I don't want to go back and select a different option, I want to play the story with the option I choose. :mad:

  11. This was in today's patch notes:


    "The Star Chamber: Players who destroy the codex and fight the Sith Lords aboard the station are now able to enter the Tenebrous to complete the mission. Players who were previously blocked from completing it must reset the mission."

  12. I just saw this is the patch notes, going to log in and check it now:


    "The Star Chamber: Players who destroy the codex and fight the Sith Lords aboard the station are now able to enter the Tenebrous to complete the mission. Players who were previously blocked from completing it must reset the mission."

  13. I've been searching around and it isn't clear what is the maximum amount of points you can have for each stats. Does anyone know where I can find this out?


    Also, I'm wondering if there is a point of diminishing returns after you reach a certain amount of points?


    I'm looking to mod my armor and I don't want to keep adding to my primary stat if after a certain point it is just waste.

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