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Posts posted by Paxmendacium

  1. Where have a I heard this before? "Lawl, WoW is a joke I give it 2 years then everyone quits." "OMG! TBC SUX! Vanilla ftw! I can't believe Blizz ruined the game, I give this game 6 months max." "WOTLK is a total joke! I wish they just keot it like TBC. Blizzard you bastards! WoW is offically ruined." "Dude, I wish we could go back to the good ole WOTLK days, f'ing Blizzard. They don't know how to make good games at all." Dare I say it, there will be the same outcry for MOP. Someone will always hate a game and yet still pay subs. There are a lot of stupid people in the world.
  2. Do not bother buying this crystal. In ~9 months BW will release an expansion and the level cap will be raised to 60 making your Lvl50 white crystal worthless. Not to mention, the white crystal is not going extinct, devs had said so. It will be available in game some way they haven't decided yet. save your money or invest in one of the cars they are removing so you can sell it years from now.


    9 months huh? seems pretty quick

  3. Khem is immune to Overload. Khem is immune to Overload. Khem is immune to Overload. Khem is immune to Overload. Read the buff icons the enemies have.


    Regardless, this fight is rather easy, provided your gear is up to par, you've leveled you abilities, and you don't burn all your energy trying to burst him down.


    Honest, I think the Khem Val fight is the biggest SI lern2playnoob moment. You have to build up to it, there's no "do this, then this, then this" tactic for it. Use a stim, BUY a better vibrosword, upgrade your abilites, and he's cake. Don't do any of that, you'll have trouble.


    or you could just level up to 10 and disrobe.

  4. I found those outfits and the option of being overweight ridiculous.


    1.Who in their right mind runs around on a battlefield in a slave outfit?


    2.Our characters go through intense training and battle on a daily basis, why would any of them be overweight?


    I have no issues with overweight people, but to make being overweight a possibility with our heroes is unrealistic in every sense.


    Those outfits are an abomination.


    You can be fat and fire a gun...just sayin

  5. It can be utterly confusing. I ask you to please cut down on them, as they can be annoying. Some things I do and do not like are below-

    Bad slang: :mad:

    "Raids"- Why is it so hard to say Ops? It can be incredibly confusing to a new player.

    "Taunts"- I am tank-specced and I had NO idea where "taunts" come from, and took forever for me to learn that it's just to grab the attention of the enemy.

    "Mobs"- Where does this come from for NPCs? It's the most random name so far.

    "Instance"- Don't really have a problem with this one, yet I'm not sure where it comes from, it seems just like an odd term.

    "Dungeons"- I assume you mean Flashpoints, and you can not have a worse term. Since when is being in deep space, while being under attack by an enemy cruiser, a "dungeon"?

    "Pets"- A companion is a NPC sidekick, not a pet. For pets, see mouse droids, and other droids. I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO CALLS MY COMPANION A PET!!

    "Spells"- They are ENTIRELY unrelated to Force Powers. People consider Grenades spells!

    "Adds"- I just don't like this one- I prefer to say "backup", for the boss.

    "CC"- I understood it was for Crowd Control, but a more accurate term is stuns.

    "DPS" (person)- That just doesn't make sense, how can a person be considered damage per second? Perhaps a better term is Damage Dealer.

    Slang I'm fine with::)

    "Aggro"- I don't like the term, but it's the only term i know of to get attention of NPCs.

    "Tank"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

    "DPS" (damage)- Although we rarely mean "Damage Per SECOND", it is useful to understand.

    "HP"- Hitpoints, or health. No problem here.


    I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works.:D



    I agree with you on: raids, dungeons, pets and maybe spells. Maybe. Everything else is either not form warcraft or makes sense. I mean if you know the definition of taunt or mobs...you know what that means!

  6. server population seems to be ok on my server. With a standard population at most times I am constantly seeing people throughout the world and of course at the space dock. In fact the population seems to be growing! Although I have no evidence other than observation to support that.
  7. I'm probably going to cancel.


    They just nerfed the worst melee class into the ground. Now we're not even viable in PvP if we're good.


    Goodbye, Bioware. You'll be F2P before the year is up.


    you know a lot about business and you're obviously a good player...too bad you have to leave.

  8. I am not sure if they plan to do this in the future but it would be nice if we could just search for the item in question right off the bat. It's fun entering in all the other info and all but if I know what I what a quick search for it would be better imo.
  9. So, anyone against flying mounts is a WoW-hater. Thanks for generalizing us all, that will make things a lot easier I guess...


    I played WoW for 6 years, and left it because it became boring to me. I have to say, I liked the game all the 6 years I played it, and I can see it is a good game. It has some flaws, sure, but it is a good game. I also believe that the flying mounts were a bad idea in WoW, and I think they would be a bad idea in SWTOR as well. Removing people from the world will just make it more lifeless than it already is.


    Flying for the sake of flying is a bad idea. If there is nothing to do when you fly, then why even have it? It adds nothing, and detracts a lot.


    It adds a leveling benefit (assuming you can fly before max level) and its great for someone who loves to explore every nook and cranny.


    EDIT: however, I do not think this makes up for the problems...

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