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Posts posted by Gildartz

  1. I did it with Corso.


    Interrupt his 1st buff as much as possible, (did it 3 times: flash grenade, kick and range interrupt) Poured as much damage in him before Corso went down. When he got close, Hunker Down. Got a kick in before it ended. Medpack and Defensive CD's and Diversion when I got low.


    Just a note. It took me a handful of tries because Corso would die around 10% percent and around there his harpoon would make him LoS. (More my fault than anything else) Also that last 20% is pure burn phase. Because he starts hitting like a truck once he uses his spice

  2. I've also run into issues where if you recently got cc'd with someone standing on your nuts, you can't drop into cover.


    I haven't run into that yet. I'll start paying attention to see if I get caught out there like that.




    It is not that the class doesn't work fine, it is that other classes seem to be better, namely trooper/BH classes of any kind. Vanguard has taunts and Commando has off spec heals yet they still pull out very high burst. Almost all of vanguard's attacks ignore armour (HIB ignores 90% of armour and the elementals only face a max of 90% mitigation most of the time from the sage buff that reduces that kind of damage by 10%) and grav round does better damage than we can do most of the time.


    I agree with that, Especially when each warzone there are like 3 BH in there. Using this morning as an example where I did a warzone it was 3 Bounty Hunters, 4 Sith Inquisitors and an Imperial Agent. It is just sad almost all the BH's on the server I play on just faceroll 1 skill.

  3. The only thing I think should be fixed with the GS is the fact that the Diversion knocks you out of cover even when you have Hunker Down up. The class works fine.




    Although there are 2 things that annoy me more than anything else.


    1. Snares prevent us from going into cover, even cover in place.

    2. If you target someone with an aimed shot (for example) and that person runs LOS while it there is still .2 left on the cast. The cast doesn't go off. (this point is just ranting, I just deal with it.)

  4. I'd like to say I feel like none of my companions are effective. I have been trying Guss at times (I'm a sharpshooter btw) but sometimes I take more damage than he can heal and I still end up dying. I've been blowing my cooldowns, kick, flash grenade, interrupts... it's just really tough I find.


    To the person who said "you should start grouping up" -- There were moments when I was the only person on the planet I was on... can't really group up when there are less than 5 people on a planet.. since most people are at different stages and no one seems interested in grouping.


    I'll take people's advice and maybe try turning off Guss's attack abilities and just make him heal 100% but I don't have high hopes.


    If I was you I would just upgrade Guss gear. Turn on Med Stance and he'll would work fine for you.


    Guss still got some level 39 gear on him and he is healing me for about 700 min non-crit.

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