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Posts posted by IGenocideI

  1. The satisfaction of playing a different style with a spec that actually has a bit of a learning curve. Honestly i give more props to people who try to play specs that actually take a considerable amount of skill to try and make them viable. Such would be the annihilation spec for marauders and the pyrotech/innovative ordnance spec for powertechs/mercenaries if you can find a way to solve the heat problem. Because honestly those are the folks who deserve the real recognition in pvp because it is not easy to try and make those specs viable in pvp in its current state. Pre 3.0 annihilation maras were wrecking machines, but now since they screwed the whole thing up with the skill revamp in 3.0 and has just made it extremely difficult to get it to be viable. And do not get me started on IO, that spec ever since i started playing has had heat issues, pre 3.0 pyrotech, its pt version, not a lot of problems with resource management because of the 'spam rail shot' rotation, but they moved that over to advance prototype. So thats the reason why you should try something other than sorcs


    Ya but it just feels like the dev's are trying to froce people to pvp as sorcs lol.. I can play every class and get gains, but on a sorc the skill ceiling is so low that you don't even have to try, it's really demoralizing when you're trying to play the lesser classes, especially the melee ones. Bubble stun/invincible/ultimate kiting/insane off heals, why does this class even exist..

  2. how bad do they say it is? virtually every pt i see is ap. i can't remember the last time i saw a pyro, but if you like it and it seems to work for you, then go for it. one thing i will tell you is that lowbies and midbies are in no way comparable to what you will find at 65. every toon i have ever leveled felt like a god starting out, but settled down to more like what i was expecting, as i got closer and closer to 65.



    It's just unfortunate because it's so visually pleasing and fun to play, but if pyro sucks that bad I don't want to spend all my time getting better at it instead of a better spec =\

  3. So I recently came back to swtor after a long break, and after trying both specs (in midbies), I really really feel strong AF as pyro xD. Now I realize obviously you lose out on burst, but with Pyro it just feel like I'm absolutely wrecking people lol.



    Basically I wanna know is it REALLY as bad as everyone says?

  4. Two PTs? Synced flame thrower for 3s on person? And Assins synced crited (both) mauls on a person? How often those happen? And after 12s repeatedly. There is no such thing.


    There doesn't need to be 2 assassins lol.

  5. There is no mechanics to allow any other class to inflict this kind damage in that period of time. The spectacle of 2 smashers is too common to even argue.

    2 AP pt's...? hell 2 Pyro pts?... Hell on my sin I half most peoples hp in a spike duration, what are you even talking about dude lol..

  6. 2 smashers can inflict 20k dmg in a sec how the hell any other class can do it? Even Mercs with heatseakers it is impossible to sync. On the contrary, the spectacle of 2 or 3 smashers is common.


    Yea because you dont have to build shockwave charges or leap, ya man all in one second, your right! Fact is, if you don't see it comming it IS a l2p issue... I'm not being a dick here, but seriously, 5 meters from the mara, so in reality 4 meter radius on a 3 skill chain charge up skill, PLEASEEEE stop blaming "op" and just adapt to different classes..

  7. As I said, it is NOT 3 vs 1. Smash is just an AoE ability. Again, if we are 3 and there are 3 Smashers, we always get hit by every Smash of them if we are "cuddling". You see the problem? It's the AoE component wich makes this attack ridiculous. 100% damage on your main target, 50% on other targets would be okay, but not the way it works right now.


    The problem is - next to Smash - that Knights & Warriors have got TOO MUCH really strong attacks. Double Saber Throw and their finisher already hit for a very high amount - and they've got Smash as another high hitting attack. There are classes without ANY attack that could deal damage near what your highest damaging attacks are dealing ( and you got 3! with low CDs ). Not only Smash is the problem with that, it's the "perfect harmony" of your skills ( plain and simple they are too strong or other are too weak ).


    Stacking this 4 ACs makes it very very hard to counter them because their attacks are so effective and so well working together, that their potential is exponentially increasing whilst with other classes it isn't ( for example 2 Sages / Sorcs - nowhere near 2 Marauders or 2 Snipers ).


    I disagree completely, you think an arena team with THREE smashers would beat say, Ap hybrid, carbage mara, op heals, and insert any class here?


    Can I ask, do you play a dps op or perhaps a merc? Like smashers will wreck those classes pretty easily but that's hardly because they are "overpowered".. It's because some ac's in this game are SEVERELY under powered..



    I promise you, nerfing is NOT the answer, bringing the weak classes to the playing field of the main ac's is a much better solution..

  8. I don't talk about 3v1. It's just the way Smash works. If there are 4 of us and 4 of them, it could be 2 or 3 smash vs us 4 - it's the same.


    Dude I'm pretty sure 3 of any class equal gear as you will rip you to shreds unless your some kind of pro...


    So when 3 AP pt's come at you with full stacks of pft and take turns stunning you and burning you and your team with an aoe that does the same dmg as smash then take turns carbonizing you and death from aboving you are you gunna make a post about them too?



    3 people should ALWAYS beat one... in any situation.. YOU as the player have t learn how to adapt.. Trying to use a situation where 4 smashers are rushing you and you die easily is ridiculous man, I'm pretty sure 4 medicine ops could burn you just the same lol..

  9. It's range is 5 meters, the mara gets a buff showing hes ready for smash, force crush is an obvious indicator, half the dps classes have 30% aoe dmg reduction and the ones who don't have a small cooldown knock back or evasion to cleanse force crush... I mean, have you REALLY not adapted yet to how to counter this skill tree?
  10. Don't get confused by the way this guy posts like a *****, cuz what he says, is true. Imps on bastion are frcikin aweful.. Pre and post 50, rated or non rated, Imp on bastion is GARBAGE TRASH.
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