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Posts posted by CPhalanx

  1. Sadly you will be gimped because some items are exclusive to high levels of light or dark alignment, such as relics and some armor pieces once you hit the 40s. Relics is a big thing to use but not necessary, just means you won't be able to have burst damage/healing.protection so you can be outperformed by other players.
  2. Solution: Integrate restrictions for rolling NEED on items.


    Let's say that you're a SI- sorcerer. You can't roll need on any weapons other than a single bladed saber (with appropriate stats). You also cannot roll need on anything other than light armor. Accessories follow the 'appropriate stats' guideline.


    - A blaster pistol drops; SI-sorc can greed, but may not need .

    - Heavy armor drops; SI-Sorc can greed but may not need .

    - Ear piece with aim on it drops; the SI-sorc can greed but may not need.


    Basically, if YOU cannot use it or it's not conducive to your class's bread and butter stats, you cannot roll 'need', but you can greed. This eliminates Jawas from being jerks (unless they are the same class as you. Tough luck there) as well as 'need' rolling for companions that are not present.


    Also agreed that there needs to be a master-looting option, as well as an 'oops' window of time for trading to eligible players (those that were in your group)


    This is a great system which was implemented in wow to lessen the frequency of ninja-ing gear on their servers. I know people on the forums here will dislike the idea because it one of two reasons. One they are ninjas (in swtor's case: jawas) and want to make money by stealing crap from people who are going to use it. Or they may just be the avid anti wow player where they dismiss that any system or theme ever used in wow (whether or not it was implemented in other games) is automatically considered a bad idea to them.


    In summary TOR needs this system, it will help deal with cross class ninjas but I don't see popular vote giving the system it's time.

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