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Posts posted by Akkela

  1. I love the story!


    The decisions you make in the story, are not so much about changing the outcome of your story, rather it is about the emotion behind those decisions.


    There has been a lot of times while playing that I found myself stuck on a hard choice ('do I kill him, or let him go'). No matter what, that choice is not gong to alter the direction of the game or the story...but it allowed me to give my character a voice.

  2. Why does everyone assume that an expansion means a higher level cap? Coming from DAoC where I saw several expansions with no increase to the level cap, I fail to see how these two things are related. You can have expansions without a level cap increase, in fact I would be disappointed if they ever increased the level cap, we have too many abilities as it is now, there is no need to move levels beyond 50.


    I like this idea.


    I agree that it would get more complicated to have to put new talents or abilities in everytime they want to increase the level cap. Instead of having the game expand upwards, the game could expand outwards.

    To include a sense on progression, they can expand on the legacy system to include companion kits or ability reskins (same ability but just a different graphic...such as instead of the Operative's backstab using his/her knife, they use the butt of their gun).


    This would also help with the inflation of stats (look at wow, where new expansions need to increase the gear stats so much to allow a fresh start to the gear treadmill).

  3. I am fine with it. It unlocks for every character you have on a server...plus it makes it alittle more 'pick and choose' with what your playstyle is and what you really want in game.


    Example: Lets say they release new species' haircuts and a new companion customization; rather than have them both unlock at legacy level 5 (which people will eventually hit from leveling and doing everyday activities in the game), having to spend a large amount of credits on it makes us have to think 'do I really want that or this other thing?' Once you decide on it, you have a goal in spending/raising the credits for it...it makes it more special once it unlocks (and more unique towards what you want out of the game).



    Plus I also see it as a way of being able to expand on the legacy system without having to increase the legacy level cap (too often).

  4. Maybe this has already been stated, but the real reason for the free 30 days for those with level 50's is pretty obvious (although unstated). They didn't roll out ranked warzones, which impacts anyone that was looking forward to that (which would indicate they have a level 50). If 1.2 would have had rwz's, no free month. But if you were hanging on for ranked warzones and didn't get it... boom, big likelihood of cancellation.


    If you aren't level 50, not having ranked warzones meant nothing to you. And if you have been playing since launch and still don't have a level 50, ranked warzones are probably not even in your future anyway.


    Now, should they have given it to anyone that has the Founder title and still has an active account? Yes. But, were they scrambling and trying to stave off a host of cancellations as a result of pulling rwz's at the last minute... yes again!



    I like the way you explained that. You didn't attack people, like myself, who are not level 50 yet but have been playing since launch. ("omg, its been 4 months...my deaf, blind grandma is faster than you!!!").

    Very level-headed and empathetic...makes it easier for us to hear reason.

  5. In the other game, Theramore being wiped out have caused unending furor.


    Here, I must say that for a game based on a much more fleshed out franchise, people don't say anything over stuff like Alderaan status (Alderaan out of the republic ? That's would have been almost like New York state withdrawing from the Union), the Imperials wiping all the work the Republic did on Taris, WTH people are even pretending there is peace anymore...



    That is the point...peace is falling apart.


    It makes sense to me. For Alderaan, they are not attached to the Republic because of their civil war amongst the houses (some rogue, some for the Republic, and some that supported an exiled house that returned with the backing of the Empire).


    In addition, I thought the initial reason why Alderaan pulled out of the Republic was that they felt that the Republic was not in the best position to fully support them (with the Republic basically curbing to the Empire in the signing of the Treaty 30 years ago).


    Over a long period of time (up to Alderaan's Destruction by the Death Star (...oops, Spoiler alert for maybe some people)), Alderaan is a strong supporter of the Republic. But that doesn't mean that there can be a time when that loyalty is tested...especially when the Republic is in a weak position and those who are still loyal are challenged by other factors (ie the Empire/Killiks/Ulgo).




    I will end with one thing...History is always moving (it is like the ocean's current). The stuff on the surface is more noticable (such as the waves), but the lower you get there is still a current. Point is, history is not stagnant...on all levels, there is movement or change. To get frustrated over finding out that Alderaan (even though it is fictitious) was not always attached to the Republic; is similar to a American student getting frustrated over finding out that the US started out as a colony of Britian which led to a war between the two, even though they are allies now.

  6. I think 1.2 is awesome. The game runs smoother for me. The new warzone is fun. Legacy system is nice to have in place, and I see lots of potential with that system in the long run (too expensive at the onset, but that will change as my legacy family grows). The UI customization in also nice, and while I kept most of it the same, I was able to resize some elements in it.


    It is overall a great patch experience for me, and makes me look forward to future updates.




    However…I feel the celebration rewards for 1.2 is a little unfair. I will say this now that I am not going to quit the game over the free month to accounts with a level 50, but I still feel that it is a slap in the face from Bioware because I am slow at leveling. I have taken my time and enjoyed the sights and feel of SWTOR, I also changed mains as well as leveled alts...so my highest character is currently level 44.


    I also have been supportive of Bioware and their products, preordered the game, and have been playing continuously since early access (I got in the 2nd wave on the first day of early access). It is just a little disheartening to see Bioware place more ‘Value’ in a customer not because they are have been supportive of their product, or that they have been with them since the beginning, but simply because they have a different speed/time/priorities in the game.


    I would have cared less if Bioware had given a free month to PTR testers of 1.2 (they were the ones that helped test 1.2), or given a free mount to players that have completed the nightmare-level raids of the previous tier (as a reward for completing something difficult). But it is the fact that it states: "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty." It just makes me feel like I am at an office party waiting to get a peice of cake...but they run out right before me, and even though I am waving my hands around trying to get attention, no one cares and I am left out just because I was last.

  7. I agree. I was really surprised that they are giving one month free for accounts with a level 50 character. I pre-ordered and I have played since early access (it has also been a continuous subscription from me), but I have been taking my time leveling, so my highest is a level 44.


    I understand that they want to show appreciation to people at 50 that stuck around, when a lot of people had complained about 'nothing to do' at max level.


    But at the same time, they are overlooking those who have supported them through the release of the game and the development of 1.2, but have been slow in leveling.



    I still love this game and 1.2 is awesome (new warzone is very fun and smooth)…and I am not going to quit the game over this. But just wanted to add my disappointment in the free month to only people with a level 50…its kind-of douche.

  8. All this legacy stuff should have been in at launch, people are totally entitled to nerd rage over it.


    The only people who should be mad about Legacy system not being in at launch, are the people that only bought this game because of the Legacy System. Bioware even told us that the legacy was not going to be in at launch, when they first began to talk about it a few months before release.

  9. Speaking for myself, I was (and am) actually looking forward to planetary stories and side quests on alts to see what the responses / possibilities were.


    For example, out of my 4 Republic Characters (haven’t started Empire yet) for side quests, the attitude of how I respond is =


    Jedi Knight = Paladin like, can I help, for free, and give you money for it.

    Trooper = For the Republic, no survivors, betrayal is met by deadly force

    Jedi Consular = Falling to the darkside, self-involved hostile smart ***

    Smuggler = All about the money, with no limit


    I am doing the same thing for all my characters (in fact my trooper has that same outlook). I don't focus on doing just light-side or dark-side responses...my responses are determined by my character's personality. It makes it so much more enjoyable for me, even after the 4th time through the same mission.

  10. I don't think we really need a new class, just because it would (in my eyes) be difficult to implement and the existing classes would lose some of their uniqueness.



    Don't get me wrong, the idea of playing a new class would be fun...but rather than focus on integrating new classes into the game, Bioware could focus on expanding on the classes already ingame. The reason for this is that it seems that people who would like a new class are either looking for new playstyles and/or different class story lines.


    New playstyles: add in more Advance classes or specs (basically, because of mirroring, add in either 4 new advance classes or 8 new specs to the existing classes). An example I saw people mention an engineer type class...well, that could be an Advance Class for Agents/Smugglers.


    New Class Story Lines: rather than create new classes that can go down different story paths, they can take the existing classes and have them go down interesting paths in future chapters. To give an example of this, what if the Smuggler joins the SIS or the Bounty Hunter joins the Imperial Army/Guard. Now before you get upset that your smuggler will basically be playing an Imperial Agent storyline...what if these new class storylines are branched. Again, I will use the Smuggler to explain this. At the beginning of a new Smuggler chapter, you are in a planet-side cantina and overhear two officials talking about a senator’s daughter being kidnapped. You have two options to proceed...you can go along with the smuggler way of thinking and use underworld contacts to help in your search to rescue the girl (with the intention of claiming the reward), or you could go through the SIS to help in your search (with the intention of keeping the stability of the republic intact). That choice could last for just one chapter, for a few chapters, or make it more permanent. In addition, the choice you make could lead to unique companions or different looking gear (depending on if you went with the underworld route or the SIS route).



    This is just my 2 cents. When it comes down to it, it is Bioware's decision. I just think that it would be better to expand on the existing classes rather than create new ones.

  11. Yes. Having a great time in the game.



    Of course, there are issues with this game...but they will be fixed or optimized over time (in terms of bugs and performance wise). For instance I would like to be able to adjust the particle density of abilities (that might help with my computer when a lot of action is happening on screen).


    In the end, this is a MMO and it will always be changing. Things one day may work and the next be broken. A class may be powerful one day and the next be nerfed. Features will be added that you don't agree with, but features will also be added that you desperately want. MMOs are not simple...one has to be able to accept the fact that a MMO will always be changing, most of the time for the better but as well as for the worse.

  12. I do understand, and I'm sure I'd be rather upset that a game I enjoy playing suddenly physically effected me in a negative way. Just give a detailed explanation of what happened, a possible solution to the problem, and then let others do the same. That's really the most productive way of getting this handled as quickly as possible. :)


    ^I agree with this. Productive feedback is the key.



    As to what I voted. I like it.

    I'm not getting sick from the 'flashes,' and I can clearly see if something is still on cooldown. It works for me.


    Now I can understand others may have issues with it, but I am confident that Bioware is working on it (hence this thread). I saw someone mention different formats to show cooldowns that can be turned on and off from the preference menu (such as number count down over the abilities on cooldown, or turn off the UI bar flashes, or deeper shade of grey for abilities on cooldown). I like this suggestion and while it will not make everyone happy, it will give people an option to customize it a little to their preference.

  13. I think it is not as simple solution as you want it to be.

    Your suggestion of the faction switching would not be easily implemented (it would also take time to make sure it works properly).


    1. You are assuming that people will want to transfer to the other faction in order to be the underdogs (go from a winning team to a losing team in hopes of igniting good pvp competition). But that could backfire, where people will end up transfering away from the lower populated faction (to be on the winning team and not be camped all the time).


    2. You are assuming that the factions are imbalanced, when it has been a little over a month since release. A lot of people might not be level caped or some people might not be ready for end-game content and would rather level another toon.


    3. Similar to #2, the factions might be balanced population-wise, but not balanced in terms of people that want to PVP (simplified ex. Republic has 250 people but only 50 enjoy PVP, while Empire has 250 people but only 150 enjoy PVP. Thus giving the impression of faction population inbalance).



    When it comes down to it, Bioware is trying to make a a great game for all play styles...that is tricky. You fix an issue in PVP, and a new exploit or issue arises in another area of the game.


    I don't think it is Biowares fault, faction inbalance is completely player driven issue. I am not saying your wrong or that your suggestion is bad....I am just trying to give examples of why it is a tricky issue to fix.

  14. While I would not mind if there was an option to customize the UI (move it around and resize), I don't think the UI is that bad. In fact, this is my favorite vanilla UI from any other MMO out right now.


    As for add-ons. I really hope they do allow them to be added. I like the fresh feeling of the game as it is....how it was made to be played.

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