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Posts posted by Carltronus

  1. I'm not usually one to spit venom, so i'll try and keep this polite.


    But this event slaps those who have been playing since the beginning in the face. All my character slots are in use, I've been playing since Open Beta, and I've got the "Legendary player" title. And now I have to roll new characters to get these rewards?


    These are the sort of rewards you should have given subscribers, rather than lame HK parts that i'm never going to use. I'm not going to take part in this event. No reward is worth that much bloody effort. Perhaps you should at least throw a bone for those who have either the legendary player title, or even give subscribers something better than crappy HK parts.


    No offence intended, just frustrated with this frankly, incredibly poor idea.

  2. Yep, tried to make my free level 60, no KOTFE cinematic after, just defaults to the Sith Warrior Prologue start, then dumps me on the fleet as level 1. Doesn't seem to even try to consume my free token, but now I'm scared to exit the game or log into any other characters in case I lose it. Tried four times to remake the character, each time the same result.


    Absolute disgrace that they would try and sell a completely broken mechanic. No way am I buying any tokens now.

  3. What ticks me off is that the "Droid detection" system seems completely rubbish. I just dig in random places and find all sorts of loot, yet when you follow the droids direction, its almost always nothing there. I found a whole heap of epics just from random digging, or sometimes, just digging in the same spot repeatedly.
  4. I'm on the Progenitor, latency is a bit up tonight. Wondering if its these European issues again. Latency is up to about 200ms at times. Not a lot, I know. But its annoying me because my latency normally never gets above 40ms. Though the Input lag at 200ms is frankly annoying.
  5. You just have to accept the game for what it is... and that Bioware honestly has their hands up in the air clueless as how to solve a lot of this game's problems


    • I've accepted the fact that my twi'lek will never wear a hood
    • I've accepted the fact that a hood toggle for everyone else is just a pipe dream
    • I've accepted the face SSSP has been cancelled
    • I've accepted the fact the only new race will be Cathar, something I did not want
    • I've accepted the fact that this version of Hero Engine is severely limiting and certain touches in other mmos just cannot happen in swtor
    • I've accepted the fact that half the things they spoke of at the Guild Summit will never happen

    The list goes on and on with certain things that I've relegated I just won't be getting, and I've accepted it. You should too


    The key thing about being a consumer is to -never- accept limitations. Always demand what you were promised, and if not, stop giving them your money. Which I am seriously considering doing. Game has been one failure after another since launch, and there has been a slow decline since the game went F2P. I'm amazed they even have the staff to maintain their servers now.

  6. If its a Lotro style F2P, I can live with that. The game has a great community.


    I'm just a cynic because EA is running the show. If they try selling P2W items, or make subscribers use their coins to buy future content, I'll likely be running off.


    Having said that, provided it stays the way I like it, I will remain a subscriber.

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