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Posts posted by LA_Hague

  1. Keep in mind that when all those new medals are added Gabe stated the medal reward cap would be moved to 8 medals per match. You will recieve the same rewards for getting 8 medals after 1.2 as you do now for 4 medals.


    This means each medal is effectively worth half the amount they are now.

  2. I've only been in a few FP groups so far, and it probably doesn't matter much at low levels, but what's up with groups scattering in a room each taking different mobs?! What ever happened to helping the tank! As a healer it will drive you crazy. Especially when people are on opposite sides of the room and get out of range of heals (why didn't you heal me?!).


    Work as a unit people! Stand united! Your healers will thank you!


    Agreed. I've been tanking as a Powertech, only at level 28 currently. Most of my groups simply do whatever they want until they die, and then they chill and stick together, let tank get aggro, etc.


    I think a few more user-friendly UI additions by Bioware may help out. Most people are probably too used to DBM, Omen, etc. to help them choose targets.

  3. Does anyone know how long it takes for a name to get removed from the server database? Figured this would be useful info for all of us that are getting in early and reserving names for guildmates that are not in yet. Thanks in advance.


    I would assume virtually instantly. I was holding a name for someone and as soon as I deleted the character they created their character with the same name and all was well. :)

  4. I'm not anti social, I just mean that I play at odd times and I won't always be around when my guildmates are....I keep hearing a lot of the content is solo-able especially with your companions/followers....


    any thoughts?


    From my experience you can go through the leveling process without anyone else if you really wanted to. If you're solo you may want to avoid the quests marked 'HEROIC', as they are designed to be done with a group. Stay away from soloing them when you first get them, but when you are a few levels higher you should be able to solo them as well.

  5. Legacy system is unlocked once one of your chracters completes Chapter 1 of their class story, which is said to be around level 30.


    After that you can choose a name that can be displayed as a last name.


    It can also be displayed below your character's name or like this:


    LA_Hague of the Blah-Blah Legacy.


    The name is shared across all characters on that server, regardless of faction.

  6. I pre-order my physical copy of the game on Amazon, then sent me and email with a code which I submitted. During the beta test I had the pre-order crystal sent in the mail to my chracter. Does this mean that Im eligible for the early access code despite the fact I havent recieved the game in the mail yet?


    Yup, you just wait for Bioware to e-mail you and then you can hop in and start enjoying the game. =)

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