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Posts posted by weevil

  1. well .. where do i begin


    after having a months break from the Game i must say *** BIOWARE why did you nerf combat medics sooo badly?

    is it because of PvP whiner's ? seems like you just said to all medics bend over and touch your ankles while we slip you a stiff one.


    we wernt the best Healers to start with and now you just made us totally useless and not wanted for anything thats a little tough.


    glad i only resubbed for 1 month you trashed this perfectly good game and you can say what you want when a game Goes F2P this soon it because it is failing .. thank god for Guild wars 2 in 18 days...

  2. 2 million credits for 1 unlock is a lot of credits so yes i do think it is too much since as stated i put the time and effort into getting to legacy 50 and it gives no benifiet like reduced cost of unlocks or free unlocks


    some of them grantedare only 500k per unlock but that is just for 1 thing .. want other stuff it is gonna cost you another 500k and so on seems they just randomly pulled prices out of the air and looked at the 0.01% of people with 10+ million credits that got half of them before they nerfed slicing rewards.

  3. i suggest that you rethink the credit prices for "Unlockable Legacy" things in 1.2 a lot of people who dont have the time and or ability to play the GTN's or spend hours and hours trying to R.E patterns for epics to make Credits have a spare 2 million credits to unlock certain things.


    wish i hadnt bothered about getting my legacy to 50 before 1.2 release .. seems pretty useless since you can unlock all the good stuff at like legacy level 10 WTG bioware yet another Credit sink waste of time.

  4. i have 3 lvl 50's and a few lvl 30+ and a couple of chars at lvl 40 and must say i havent found leveling a JK hard at all ... and now i got doc it is even easier i have been tank specced since lvl 10 :)


    ... forgot to say .. Pick your battle's and make sure to kill pats before you commit to a large pack problem solved no ?

  5. i dont find any problems with tanking as a JK.. if youre having to AOE Tank all the time in FP's then Either Your group is rubbish or your not using the many CC'S that most classes have and want to Faceroll stuff like wow in that case go back and faceroll Hc's... otherwise use a bit of strategy use your CC'S from the group and make sure people are assisiting your target .. tanking is so easy then.. only other player to get any aggro should be the healer and that is only occaional... and as said before single target threat on bosses is sooo easy...


    on a side not if DPS insists on attacking anything other than your target simply let them die and after a 25k repair bill they will slowly get the message :)

  6. i dont have any experience writing code for any game.. but thats why i am not working for a company like the dev's are. allthough i would like to know that up untill today why my lvl 40 main character had the ability to only communicate Via /say... everything else had gone...


    i sure hope they fixed that MAJOR bug with this 8 hour downtime...

  7. first i would like to say yay for launch went really smooth as i can tell not had a problem.


    second OMG why in the name of all thats good in the world didnt you open up the same amount of servers that are open now when you decided to have early accsess ???? it beggers the mind that you stuffed all the pre orders into a few servers and as a penatly for us pre ordering Your game, now people with early access that have settled in servers and made guilds ect have to wait to play .... just tried to log onto my server Hidden beks and guess what i am 900 in que .. there is 8 over PVP and PVE europe servers that are light ... wouldnt it have been much easier to open the other servers at Early accesse than have this terrible thing going on....


    please fix it i didnt pay £50 to have to wait 2 hours to play with friends and guildies on my chosen server.


    or at least give us the option to move our characters and or accounts to another less populated server.

  8. sooo here we are dec 19th a day before official launch and guess what logged in again only to find i cant play without waiting 30 mins. and before anyone flames me .. yea yea i know its a new game blah blah.. but surely bioware/EA Know how many people actually have preordered the game and where they are?.


    why oh why is that then that after paying £50 for Digital Delux Version of this game i am unable to play it when i like ? i am not happy and i wont be the only one not happy if we are allways having to que everytime i want to play .. unless i decide to play after midnight till approx 1 pm before the server fill's.. hope there is more servers up by tomorrow.


    isnt it possible to Lock a server once it has reached it max limit of people... so that even in a "Full" server you still dont have to wait just make it so once a server reach max limit then cannot let anymore accounts join ?

  9. ok i had the same problem and i could only get the game to actually run in windowed mode .. what i did was... while in windowed mode i selected the screen resolution i wanted (1368/768) then what i did was ensure that my REFRESH rate wasnt on 120... since my lcd tv has a max of 100 (hence why the screen was black in fullscreen... i set my refresh to somthing low like 60 then eneabled full screen again and violla it is now working.
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