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Posts posted by Northerncross

  1. Yesterday I tried to login to play and my launcher is sitting at Installing 100%, Updating, Complete. It has been sitting like this for hours. The play button is grayed out. For the past week I have been able to play with no issues. I leveled a DvL character to max.


    I tried deleting the Bitraider folder and restarting the launcher and it gives the same message. It does however re-add the Bitraider folder.


    Not sure what to do at this point other than a full re-install.

  2. I was thinking about these low level chest looters on every server that seem to be popping up. I think the obvious fix is change the level of loot to coincide with the level of the looter. This will take the wind out of the sails of loot bots as they will have to level to loot chests.


    Here is an example: Level of Looter 1-10, loot from chest 1-10. If looter is level 50 then the loot would be level 50.


    TL;DR - Make it so loot from chests is affected by level of character not by level of zone.

  3. Purple =/= Magenta. The magenta crystal is closer to pink.


    No, there is no purple crystal for the republic atm.

    AFAIK, there is no curved hilt for the republic atm.


    Why? Because the devs thought arbitrary things like this would be a good idea. There's no reason whatsoever.


    Everytime I see the magenta blade I think it's a washed out red hehe. As a DS Jedi I'd love to see the addition of a purple crystal.

  4. Where is this title? I can see at 50 as a Dark Side Jedi Guardian the last title i was awarded was Loathsome. You're kidding right? Why not Dark Jedi. You have a Dark Side vendor that sells Dark Jedi gear, why not award the title say at Dark V?


    TL;DR - I'd like to see Dark Jedi added as a title.

  5. it was reported


    and its not a bug


    its a design flaw


    they left it in because they assumed no one would quit intentionally to make the matches shorter


    they needed to understand the problem and design around it by:


    1. make it so you cannot reque instantly if you are a quitter


    2. limiting the number of pvp matches you can get xp from per hour(or per day) so that pvp matches which were meant to last 30 minutes are not ending in 2 allowing you to do 20 an hour instead of 2 (or if you did 20 you get no more xp than the 2, so you were playing for fun not profit)


    Make it so the match lasts the full 30 mins regardless of players. I know dumb right? The guys that stick around and try to PVP get the reward at the end of the match while quitters get nothing. I like your idea of penalizing quitters with longer wait times.

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