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Posts posted by Darkulous

  1. Their best? Oh boy, I love it when people say that someone is trying their best...


    You know what?


    "Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and frack the prom queen."


    Or they stay home and build computers in their garage and become a Billionaire. There are countless avenues in life.

  2. It will eventually happen, just not sure when. Probably a long time from now. I hope it does happen. I actually prefer this era. You have a strong Sith and Republic presence at this time which is needed for a dual faction system.


    Biggest reason I want a new SW MMO is because this Engine is bad. It limits what the Devs can do with the game. Too many load screens because there are too many instances. Ability Delay and general smoothness in combat will always be subpar. The game will never have Open Space (not sure that's even needed).


    With that said, the current Dev team is doing the best they can with the tools and resources available to them.

  3. I apologize if my behavior is disrupting your gameplay. Unfortunately for me, PvP is the only, easiest, way for me to gain the 35,000 necessary conquest points for the reward this week thanks to my preferred content (playing flashpoints for fun) has been severely gimped thanks to the patch.


    However, from this moment on, instead of dancing (or repeatedly flying into an asteroid in GSF in an attempt to alter its trajectory), I will now bunny hop my way around the edges of the map (or soar into the wild black yonder in GSF) until the match is over.


    You're Trolling people with your gamesmanship.


    Report and move on people.

  4. Report in game and carry on. Not much else they can do about it at the moment.


    yup exactly. It's up to BW to curb the poor gamesmanship.


    Honestly, I enjoy getting Conquest for myself and the Guild but I can't play like that. Kinda sad to see others do it.

  5. BT, BoI, and FE are only worth 1k each, plus an additional 1k for the bonus boss in HM. Stop comparing the base number to a max bonus number. Compare base to base. If you have stronghold bonuses, and your guild invades the planet that gives bonuses to PVP, you can pull upwards of 3k per warzone. Considering that if you run the WZ properly (as in: not skipping every boss but last) a storymode flashpoint takes roughly 3 times as long to complete as most warzones, we can see that for the time invested, using only base numbers(because everyone's bonus is different) we see that a PVPer can earn 1500 conquest in the same time that a PVEer can earn 1000. And PVP is unlimited.


    Well, I was also wrong thinking all the FP objectives were being changed to daily rewards. That's not the case. I still think 500-1000 conquest is an acceptable amount for any kind of repeatable objective, whether that be completing a WZ or crafting a War Supplies. The problem now is that PvE no longer has a "cheap" objective to farm (500 baseline objective). But, you could argue that PvE can make up for it through many other objectives that they have over PvP content. PvP players pretty much only have WZs.


    I don't know, it's a balancing issue between PvE and PvP which has always been a challenge for all MMOs. BW just added to it with Conquest.

  6. The outrageous claims just keep growing. First it was 12, then 24, and now 44. Can you show the math?


    After tomorrow's patch, there's only one repeatable flashpoint goal, which can be done once a day for three different flashpoints. That gives a total of 3000 conquest points. The WZ and GSF completion goals give 500 conquest points each, so six repetitions are needed to match the points from PvE.


    Ooops....you're right. So so right. I thought ALL the FP objectives were turning to dailies. That does change my outlook a bit. I'll edit my post.


    I still think 500 conquest is acceptable for any type of repeatable objective, whether it be crafting or completing one WZ. But PvE needs to have something equally worth while.

  7. Posts like this are massively short-sighted. There will always be planets that reward the 2X bonus for PvP, which suddenly takes your 12 down to 6. I know a TON of PvPers... and the vast majority of them do FAR more than 6 per day. The current system will be massively exploitable by PvP guilds in future conquests, especially when ones come around that have the Warzone bonus on more than 1 planet. And what happens when they dont have the bonus for FPs on more than 1 planet (this too is likely to happen and will just widen the divide)... a possible method for balancing this could be rewarding conquest points PER raid boss to give the PvE guilds a chance, then you would be limited by your lockouts.


    sigh... it's not short sighted. It wasn't meant to be at least. I'm talking about this week. Even with the change tomorrow, PvPers will still need to queue into 12 WZs to equal one FE run. They'll need to queue into another 12 BGs to equal one BoI run. Then there are the other FPs.


    I'm talking about just THIS week. Everything changes again next week. PvPers are limited to what they can do to contribute to Conquest. Also, remember, PvP Guilds deserve an equal shot at competing on the Leaderboards doing what they love to do. We may see the advantage shift from PvE to PvP every week.

  8. I like how you count each of the PvP objectives individually, then take all the PvE objectives and lump them together into groups so as to make it appear like PvP has twice as many options as PvE does this cycle.


    However, according to the Dulfy list, there are 16 individual PvE objectives for Conquest in Hyperspace, not counting crafting:




    Oh, and there's only five PvP objectives this time, so there are 3x as many PvE options as PvP.


    In fact, of those five, one of them is only achievable every 4-5 games for even the best players (earn 50 medals), one of them can be done only every 10 games, assuming a 100% win percentage, and a third is the weekly, which can only be done once per character. There are basically only two easily repeatable PvP objectives (WZ match/GSF match), and each earns a mere 2k/hour assuming near-instant pops - pre-bonus, of course.


    Also, can we just separate Starfighter and normal MMO pvp please? They're very different from each other. A whole other category. General mmo pvpers are not all going to be interested in Starfighter.

  9. Agreed for sure. Interesting what the coming weeks changes will present over time.




    To be fair, this is only the second week. Balancing anything in a MMO takes time. I was actually a little excited to see a Starfighter Bonus this week. I just recently came back and I've only experienced one or two runs of it (months ago). But the huge Bonus to FPs has me running those instead. You HAVE to run them if you want to climb the leaderboard.

  10. I fail to see how this is an exploit when PvP rewards are infinitely repeatable. If you take one away the other needs to go away also. Give credit for the PvP daily/weekly and that's it.


    Seriously? A BG is only worth 500 conquest! That amount warrants it being repeatable! I guess we should make all crafting daily as well. Hell, lets just make everything a daily because your +6K conquest repeatable is being taken away. Dear lord.


    The amount of conquest earned determines whether it's repeatable or not. 500 Conquest = repeatable. 6k?????? really? Repeatable? No, lol.

  11. Then they should figure out legitimate ways to make PvP better so people queue because they want to, not so they can get slaughtered for 10 minutes and magically get rewarded for it over and over and over... I find it hard to believe that the PvP community really thinks that filling the queue with bads who only want the reward is somehow going to improve the state of PvP in this game.


    The reward is only 500 conquest dude, lol. Is that really outrageous for a repeatable? I'd have to get through 12 BGs to equal one run through FE.

  12. I would rather run BoL or BT over and and over than run WZs over and over... That doesn't mean limiting one and not the other is an appropriate solution.




    Yep. Once per day vs. unlimited is pretty imbalanced. I'd rather see something like a 3 or 5 per day cap on both to encourage some variety if that's really the way they want to go.


    In its current state. FE and BoL reward FAR more conquest than a BG. I would have to run at least 12 BGs to match the conquest to one run through either of those Fps - and they're REPEATABLE! Even with the incoming fix, those two FP dailies will be worth 24 BG runs!


    As for preference, that's relative to the player. I prefer PvE but I like PvP as well. In it's current state, I would much rather farm BGs than the same Flashpoint where the NPCs are unchanged. BGs at least provide randomness of outcome and gameplay.

  13. The PVP conquest challenges pay out less than the PvE ones. Also, there are many more PvE challenges than PvP ones.




    I'm happy about the change incoming. I was about to smash my face into my screen if I had to run FE or BoI again. I can handle a daily limit but having it repeatable while rewarding so many points made it a priority must for all Guildies to run over and over and over. Conquest is always going to be a grind, but at least they can fight off boring aspects to it.

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