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Posts posted by Phanatik

  1. I'll prob get it since its not a monthly script game.


    Looks interesting and never played the original.


    Illhang onto this game for a little bit, but things are that exciting atm. I am prob just sick of mmos more then being tired of swtor. So the perfect cure? buy another mmo.../sigh

  2. May I ask what is so terrible? or i guess what is lacking?


    I've rerolled OP healer after the first month of swtor (sorc was boring) andI haven't felt healing is as terrible as most of you make it out to be.


    I've been pvping more lately and always done pve. I may feel like the game is eh at times but never because of the role I picked.


    Just wondering what you are looking for to make your experience better.

  3. Pretty sure you can RE any custom piece now to learn the recipe. Once learned you will have a chance to get that crit.


    I see custom weapons and gear with no valor rating with aug slots all the time on the GTN.


    Look around before getting all angry.

  4. Why should a group be forced to take certain classes?


    We tried to do this with two melee and a Jug tank and couldn't get any better than 50% on the first boss. The fight has way too much going on for a melee group to be able to complete it on HM. We wiped for hours and ended up going into the red for durability twice before just giving up.


    (Everyone was in almost full Rakata)


    Then you don't deserve that Rakata!!! :)


    Melee just has to stay behind the boss...which should be the case in nearly every fight. If your heals have a dispel then you can just get rid of the dot. It was only a problem when our dps made a mistake and got to close to the tank.


    Healing kept be busy but nothing does a TON of damage other then incinerate. Its just when someone is getting zapped, while in a emp field, standing in fire with adds on them. Then the health starts jumpin down.


    DPS has to be aware and avoid damage from as many sources as they can.

  5. Compared to what we came to expect from hm it is stupidly hard.


    That being said...its exactly what this game needs. We didn't get him down last night...i think closest was 33% but it was fun to not have instant sucess.


    I would have been very disapointed to have completed the instance with minor effort the first night.


    Ive missed figuring out a stratagy on the fly instead of reading it off some damn page.

  6. By the time you level up to 50 and gear up on PTR, 1.2 will be released. GG. Just take a look at the folks who have had their characters copied over.


    They destroyed Alderon I mean Operatives before, and we didn't heed their warning. Now they are back to finish the job on healers.


    Fair enough...pretty lame you can't copy over characters. Should allow some generic geared 50s to be played though.


    I got to lvl 3 before getting bored and leaving.


    Whatever happens im along for the ride.

  7. Well unless you have the issue the above poster mentioned...


    Go complete them. Usually it involves talking to a person and then you can abandon the quest they give you.


    I cleaned them up over the last couple days, only had 3 left now down to 1. Took like 15 mins and that was bcs they were still green and i couldnt one shot groups.


    I get your complaint but you should just add it to the suggestions (im sure many have already) and resolve your own issue.

  8. Overall I am definitly thrilled with the changes.


    Sure I had an easier time healing on my sorc, but I didnt feel I was gimped any way on my OP.


    Saying that any addition is a postive. RN is getting a great fix IMO. I would have been ok if they dropped down the cost by 10 energy and left it slow, but fast is even better imo.


    DS I still something I do not use without making a point to incorporate it. 30% faster ehh cant hurt.


    Extra TA and Longer TA...very good ideed.


    I guess my only complaint. LEAVE MY GIGGLE ALONE!

  9. As a OP Healer I am good and have hit no issues I couldnt get through.


    I would like to offer more damage though...not being a big rogish (i knew what I was getting when I rolled op) player I would enjoy a upgrade to the lethality tree. Really uninspiring output and its so much work! I can go more then a single FP without my fingers hurtin.


    I want better mid range game like kobe.

  10. They should put a warning on the invite page that says:


    Warning: Sending an invite will reveal your name as registered on your SWTOR account.!


    so then it would be your choice to send or not to send, and it would be similar in function to the facebook / other online tie-ins that reveal your name as registered with facebook / etc.


    I agree that would avoid any issues.


    However if I am inviting friends I have no issue with them seeing my real name. Most know it anyway.

  11. While leveling I never bothered getting RN. I went into the leth tree to get the tox nade and stim boost.


    You must keep KP up at all times on everyone and try not to look like a healer. What i mean is don't stand back alone shooting darts at people. Either jump out from a corner *bam *bam quick heals then start moving or get up into the crowd and act like you are stabbing people.


    I rarely ever got singled out and could keep my team alive long enough to win most matches. Crit/surge is your friend for quick bursts.


    If you do get marked by the other team...well there isn't much you can do. Our get out of trouvle abilities are very limiting.

  12. 55k is a joke in this game. If you can't afford the repairs in this game it is likely your first time raiding in an mmo and you just need some time to adjust.


    This is pretty much the truth. Nights without raid stuff used to be farming mats/money days. I do not miss them...


    Ive been horrible with ingame cash in every mmo iv played over the last 8 years. Ive had no money issues.

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