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Posts posted by Arinvald

  1. SWTOR fails for me because I simply can't force myself to repeat Warzones and Flashpoints a month after the game has been released. I have levelled all the characters that interest me and have no desire to repeat 90% of the same quests on another. The levelling is way too fast for my comfort, death is only a minor inconvenience, credits flow like water from a well, and when the story is finished there is nothing that makes me want to jump back in. It was a blast for a month but now I just want something more. I would do it all over again except that I wouldn't have bought a month beyond the free month that comes with it. I expect to cancel my sub in a few weeks.
  2. I used Kaliyo almost exclusively until Quesh. I quickly started to notice that a couple of Difficult mobs could rip her to shreds whereas before she could take the heat fairly well. I switched to Lokin and though I really don't like running around with some strange old man, I will never look back. I do hope that Temple will provide a good female alternative. I was also getting tired of Kaliyo's anti-imperial attitude. It seemd that every decision as a loyal agent of the Empire tended to piss her off. I have confidence that Temple will approve of my choices.
  3. I just got Doc and have been using him in Rakghoul form and he seems to do fairly well. I am still torn between the three companions that I have and usually go back and forth often. I am looking forward to getting Temple because I pkan to run with her exclusively after I doll and gear her up but time will tell.
  4. I can't believe this quest is still so bugged all to hell. I tried this afternoon and after getting slapped around a few time finally defeated him. THE FIRST TIME! GAH! You mean I gotta kill this psychopath more than once. Died a few times on the second go around and rage quit so I could eat and relax. Getting ready to try again in a minute. Get on the ball BW. This is a black eye on your reputation. I am a 35 Sniper and getting the damn "can't see target" bug of course.


    I had avoided this thread so as not to spoil anything up to this point but now I wish I had read it before I tired the quest. If I could start over I would gladly play Jaus's pet just to avoid this annoying crap. I will try some of the techniques that you all have suggested but this really ruins what should have been a great end to a very enjoyable story so far. Wake the hell up BW and fix this crap!



    As a followup, after about ten deaths and 20,000 credits of stims and repairs I finally finished this by resorting to silly cheese tactics. Dodging back and forth from one side of a terminal to the other is not epic. This simply must be fixed asap. It was such a letdown to what was otherwise a fine adventure in ch. 1.

  5. I pay, i voice my concerns. Your comment along lines 'it works for me, so you can go away to some class else' is pointless, my advice is, try to think not only bout your 'self ego' ...

    Yes, my friend actually did leave agent for inquisitor, because of this. But i dont want to play with glowing stick, sir.




    I am afraid that you took my comment in a way that was not intended. I confessed that I also thought that the Cover mechanic was at times awkward and does need some tweaks. I simply meant that I don't think it will be radically changed so if a person absolutely hates the mechanic it is probably best to pick a different class in order to avoid what is bothering them. Another option is to choose Operative or even a Lethality/Sniper. I am absolutely not some LEET player that is saying the system is easy for me and anyone who has a problem with it is some NOOB. I am sorry that I wasn't clear.

  6. I think the Cover mechanic is more of an awkward system for a lot of people than being broken. I do have a few ocaisional quibbles with it because it can be awkward at times but I won't say that it is broken. If the Cover mechanic is that much of a problem for you then move on and play another class because I don't think it will change to any large degree.
  7. This mudt be a troll thred because I find it absolutely impossible to believe that someone would think that this game is even mildly difficult. Has WOW so clouded the minds of our youth that any bit of effort is seen as some impossoble struggle. What would these gentle minds think or do in UO or EQ? Have gamers become so soft and mentally lazy? Go play Tic Tack Toe if you think this game demands so much me effort.:rolleyes:
  8. I have a Merc/Pyro up to 31 and I am loving it. In my first Warzone, which was Alderan, I ended up sixth in damage and I really wasn't playing anywhere near flawless. SI/Sorc were the only class that outdamaged me. I think it is certainly a viable alternative to Arsenal but it may be a little lower in dps but really hard to notice.
  9. Other than the lack of clothing/gear textures I think the game is really enjoyable. I really wish the gear looked as good as LOTRO. Now that is damn good looking textures on the gear. These textures look crude by comparison. Even though I am a lifetime subscriber to LOTRO I am still playing TOR an isane amount of time and haven't played LOTRO in many months. I hope TOR ages well.
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