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Posts posted by Mrcheezle

  1. just look at the jedi consular shadow form and the sith Inquisitor assasin form. the jedi range attacks is 10 m well the sith ranged attacks is 15 to 30 m. the sith just need to stay back and the jedi is toast. so the devs made sure the repub side has no chance on these two alone. its no wounder they went from about 50 servers to 6 or 7 now. it is one sided from the launch, the first patch was a full sith advantage, and a year plus later, nothing has changed as far as the pvp goes, the game is still a fail. wel done


    Nearly just spit my coffee out. Either the best troll or the worst player.

  2. Just buy GW2.


    Swtor will never have massive open world pvp. The server engines cannot handle it. Hence the removal of an open world pvp campaign for this game. They have no intentions of working on one either. Half the swtor team has alrdy been cannned and the game appears to be in maintanence mode.


    GW2 on the other hand is the complete opposite and their open world pvp is awesomesauce.

  3. Cool, see you in September when you realize GW2 is trash.


    So many salty tears about GW2 in general chat and here on the forums. Don't worry, many bads will stay behind and still play swtor after GW2s release.


    The learning curve is steep, and the people that are alrdy bad at swtor pvp would have no chance in GW2.

  4. Where is Georg Zoeller?


    He used to actively comment/respond to the community about changes in the battle system. Yet, I haven't seen a post from him since 1.2 was released. Was he let go in the restructuring? Are the dramatic changes in the opposite direction a result of him leaving?


    If not, Georg, could you please comment on the battle system changes that are being slated for 1.3. Specifically in regards to overall burst damage reduction in pvp, Removal of clicky relics (PVP WZ), and the dramatic drop in DPS of tanks followed by an increase to their AOE threat (which did not really seem needed)?


    Here are some of my thoughts below:


    In terms of the burst damage, why not adjust existing mechanics rather than remove the variable consumables coming from the PVE economy (referring to adrenals). This seems to limit the market for adrenals because the new warzone adrenals are tied to wz participation which ultimately limits their supply. Lets be honest, the biggest usage of adrenals comes from both ops and pvp warzones.


    Removal of clicky relics in warzones sounds like we are losing a dynamic of PVP. Why not just adjust their performance? Now we have less options available.


    Were Guardian tanks really outside the expected damage? Because the update seems to undo some of the damage enhancements of 1.2 and further reduce their damage in the defense tree.


    Georg if you are still there, please respond in regards to where the pvp is heading and explain the changes that are occuring so that we can understand the direction.


    EA BW Shidcanned half of their swtor dev team a couple weeks ago. Maybe he was one of them.

  5. What enrages me is its only been a day and you people have already lost it... sit the F back and be patient! I'm sure they aren't just blindly selecting servers for origin and destination.


    Ppl have alrdy been patient for months now when this merger should have occured.

  6. Why can't EA/BW just admit that this game has failed miserably since launch. The game needs 5 servers to support what player base remains. Give the remaining subs 5 different destination servers and close the other 115! dead ones.


    This merger rollout is a joke, much like ever patch since launch.

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