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Posts posted by prodarkwolf

  1. Thank You, you actually got the reasoning behind them doing this in the first place. I don't get why every one is upset about this, they are giving us more options.


    ok then, for ignorant people like u, the bosses should drop only mods, armorings, enhacement etc no? we have too litle loot, only 1 set and cant chose any other item, and now the people want less loot ever, only gems not item.


    craft is a secondary thing, this isnt a pvp game(like warhammer) so it is a PVE game, and yes, when someone kill a boss in operations and get something he MUST be able to equip it, when we must go to the auction house to buy the raid gear because the bosses drop the same gear but with 1 slot less will be the end of the mmorpg like we know them.


    but of course, we have servers with a really low population, and this feels like a solo rpg so now we will be able to buy all our gear, and the clueless kids are happy since they will be able to buy the best gear. but are the same people that calls casual to someone who killed close to all in nigthmare and want to have a RAID armor that cant be buyed and weared by a lvl 10,....... nice

  2. Perhaps those who are showing concern actually have a better "grip" on the situation than you think.




    the thing is, now u have lots of orange gear if u want that look,

    after the patch u will have close to the same orange items, but will have to break hundreds of them in order to get the recipe. and raid people will have to break the items that they loot if they want that look do u think that it is fair??? OMG

  3. if this go live like that will kill the game, or at least lot of people will quit ( me and everyone on my guild at least)


    all the critical craft with augment thing is absurd and the worst idea possible, they could have made a buckle to add an augment in everyitem (armormech would do it for ranged weapons, synt for force armors etc) so crafter would gain someting and woldnt kill the game.



    like it is now, everyone will be forced to break every item that drops with better stats( or better look, or higher prestige one, like nigthmode operations per example) and the chances to get the schematics arent 100% i think.


    SO, with this nigthmare that they call a patch we will go to the new operation, something drops, we break it, and we can gain NOTHING, so we need to spend dkp again when it drops untill we get the schematic, and of course, armormech and synthweaving will be THE ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE tradeskills now, great. they nerfed biochem many times because we was forced to have it, but didnt learn nothing and they are doing the same mistake again.



    short answer: we will be forced to have syntweaving or armormech so wrong here.


    we will be forced to break every item that drops( since u will want to have the latest nigthmare operation gear)and it wont have 100% chance to get the schematic.


    we wont change the gear never, since lvl 10 gear will be THE SAME as lvl 100000000 mega nigthmare 100people operation.


    tat least the operation gear MUST HAVE the augment slot on it, so the people that et together to kill a boss and get an item can equip it, it is more fair than a lvl 10 getting that look on the auction house for money.


    Some fix to this: the buckle idea like i said.


    or the Look Tab,


    u can do many things, but pls forget this awfull idea

  4. yes we need something, it is absurd, we do less dmg than commandos for examples, havent any healing, our cc is inferior( every ranged have a ranged stun, our is mele, everyone have aoe knowback instant, our need to be in cover, the only thing better is the aoe cc)

    but we do 0 dmg against tanks, and less than normal dmg on the others targets


    my aimed shot do 4030 on tolltip, so with my 73% crit mult and since it ignore 100% armor it should be hitting for 7k+( critics) and i never have hitted for more than 5k.


    so yes, they need to give us some yellow skills or a stance to bypass some armor(like commando) and ofcourse fix our dmg, is absurd that skills that have 100%ignore armor do 20-40% less dmg than on tooltip.

  5. yes it is absurd, if something happens on eu servers, it is happening on american servers, but sure, the beta was only for americans, the weekly downtimes are on european time only, and the downtimes on midle of the day are for europeans only, so we pay the same as americans but:


    -we dont get beta( yes 0.0000001% of the betas was europeans nice)

    -the weekly downtime steal our time only, while they sleep.

    -conventions like guild summit are on america.


    but yes, we cant say anything or it means that we are criying omg



    and, when they say on server message that are bringing down servers, they say that we will be told the reason on the forums. i havent see the reason on any of the 3 downtimes. only that it is for the FREE trials but nothing really,

  6. I think a mechanism that allows crafters to create an Augment Socket Kit specific to thier profession that they could then sell to other players to retrofit thier orange gear would make a lot of sense.


    los YES i thought like that, and did a post about it 1 minute ago, they should make a buckle like on WOW, but they dont want to copy( more) of others games or i dont undernstand it, is a easy way to let crafter be usefull and would let us to have diferent armors, because i can be wrong, but there are only 1 or 2 crafted orange armors now

  7. first of all, im not english so sorry for my language.


    like i said in another post the idea is really terrible and i cant undernstand how intelligent people could make it( they will loose a lot of people with this change).


    the idea, like i undernstood it is that crafter will be able to critical craft orange gear, so it will have 1 augment slot.


    But then, someone will have the same look from lvl 1 to lvl 500000000 since it will be the best gear out there, yes u will have to change mods, but it will be better than the last boss of a nigthmare raid, is absurd.


    we have too litle diferents armors allready, with this change we will be FORCED to wear the new orange crafted gear, how many armor are those? 3? 4? is absurd that everyone will have the same look.



    by all this i say that is the worst idea ever, and i will unsub, if they want a crew skill be usefull make an item that do 1 socket on any gear( raid purple gear included) like the buckle in wow.


    i think that it would fix the problem on crew skill being useless and would let us to have more diferents armor than mario bros have :D

  8. all this idea about augment slot on orange crafted is terrible and the worst thing that they can do.


    if they implent it like it is rigth now, i will unsub and stop play.


    the idea is that crfated oranged gear will have 1 augment slot, so it will be better than EVERY other piece of gear, even the last boss nightmare raid. yes, u can remove the mods and put them on the orange armor but then u will have the same armor since lvl1 to lvl 5000000. it is ABSURD.


    there are too litle diferents armor on this game allready, but with this changed we will have fewer, since every pvp gear,raid gear etc wont be crafteable so we will have 3-4 diferents look, and i wont pay for that

  9. as gunslinger im the class who most need the accuracy, but going further 100% is a waste of stats since i have killed close to everithing on hardmode OP with 101% accuracy i never missed.

    yes i know my offhand can miss and my special atack will do 33% less dmg, but even so it would be a 18% of my atacks or less so it is the worst stat possible.


    the stats on the full columi gear and rakata gear for gunslinger are those:( other dps class have close to the same stats)


    -- ---- end cunn acc pow crit surg

    columi 558 531 144 141 58 96

    rakata 574 554 255 114 144 0!!!


    diference +16 +23 +111 -27 +86 -96



    so, when i change my heroic gear to the best gear out there i win close to 0 end and cuning, i win ton of accuracy( with columi gear and rakata in every other slot i allready have 101% accuracy, so all those 111 accuracy are usseless) and i win a lot of crit, but with dismising returns it will be nothing (2-3% or so i think)

    but i lose 30 power ( one of the better stats) and 100 surge !


    they MUST do diferents pieces or diferents mods, is absurd that there isnt any 140 mod with surge and crit out there.

    and battlemaster gear have the same problem so they are forcing to every highend raider to have accuracy in every slot or wear a lower lvl mod(columi or champion).


    i think that this problem should be hotfixed ASAP but i know that they wont do anything, but at least i hope that for next tier on 1.2 we have diferents pieces on raids .



    BTW: why smuglers are the only class whose pvp and pve set have the same look anyway¿

  10. oh, then meles must be GODS of pvp and have pvp gear, talents etc, only to have a chance to kill a noob ranged on greens and spaming 1 botom?


    my main is a gunslinger, but i have a sentinel 50 too so no, im not a melee criying for nerfs but i think everything that i said is fair.


    meles must do higher dmg because have less uptime, but everyone would whine on that so both do the same dps but meles have less uptime.

    and they give an aoe knowback to every ranged to make the diference bigger and u say me that it is fair??

  11. yes, meles autoatack(spameable atack) MUST have 30 yards like operative one, it do crap dmg but at least can do something when u are chasing the sissy rangedd(90%time)


    and the break cc ability HAVE TO give us an inmunity to every cc for 5 secs at least, is too stupid that u brak a stun and get restuned again.


    oh, and knowback, must go out. why every ranged have knowback but only tanks have sumons?? if every ranged have ae knowback every mele have to get a sumon, is comon sense.

  12. the gear sets are really unbalanced, for tanks they are ok, arent perfect, but at least they are usefull.


    healers the same, they are usefull for all them, sage one could be the worst, but they are the best heal so there isnt so much problem there.


    but on dps?? some classes get 15% critic on ones of their skills.


    tropers/BG get 15% critic on his spameable skill..... and they get 1 bullet with each critic so too much overpower, and they MUST neft the set of the talent, but now it is unbalanced.


    -assassins are really good too, 15% critic on some skills and get energy with autoatacks(not sure)


    -OP/scoundrels they get 15% too.


    -sentinels: get 1 rage reduction on the finisher so is fairly useless and 15 secs on valorous call, useless set.


    -Gunslinger/sniper: 10energy when we use a 2MIN CD( OMG 10 energy each 2 mins!!!) and 7 energy cost less on the finisher.




    ok, most of the dps class get 15% critic on some skills but 2 class get totally usseles sets???? no, 2 class no, the only 2 PURES class get usseles set.

    are u kiding me? they must hotfix it ASAP


    gunslinger/sniper new set should be 15% critic on trickshot(i dont know about sniper one) and 4 pieces should be 2 seconds less cd on the 15secs dc skill(aimed shoot i think)


    sentinel one should be 15%critic on the last talent point on each tree. and 4 pieces should be 1 rage more with the autoatack( the skill that give u rage and dont cost anything with 0 cd)



    it is unfar that i wear other class set because it is better than mine

  13. yes, im republic, but i have done around 100 HARDS as gunslinger, with my brother tropeer, the same friend jedi tank, and a random sage healer.


    and aroud 40% is troper gear, 50% jedi tank gear, and 5% for smugler and sages class.


    for example, the jedi have a full tank and dps set, and my chewbaka have mostly of the set too.

    the troper have full dps set and mostly of the heal one.


    i have mostly of the set but i havent the armor still ( and i only got 2 pieces of hard modes, the pieces that i have was got on operations being the only 1 smugler , and even so i only saw 2 drops of the 10 bosses)



    so YES the drops is really bad done. and it isnt bad luck when u do it 100 times, and everyone agree that only BH and troper gear drops

  14. im sorry but i have one gunslinger at lvl 14 and all this is garbage.

    at lvl 10 on warfronts i am doing 1400 only with criticals with the no cost skill.

    1.5 sec skill is doing 1500-2700,2,5 sec skill is doing 2200-4200

    and all this with lvl 14,no stim,no cooldown so dont lie plz

    and btw the video of trooper doing 7k wasnt gunnery but continue with your lies


    yes, a lvl 50 is liying where a lvl 15 no. ok.

    and i see snipers-gunslinger above everyone on every BG because we are so broken.... no wait, i se BH-troopers first on 90% BG ok.


    second, i dont see ANY post conplaining about the OVERPOWER that snipers-gunslingers are on forum. but i see A LOT OF THEM conplaining about BH-troopers being too OP while being the easiest class on game. so sure.



    i only posted my numbers because some people could wana know the real numbers so i wont post again, happy cry :o

  15. and so your 15 second skill(ambush)does 5-6k where our 15second skill does 4k,and you have one instant snipe each time that u go on covert,and other skill with only 6 second cd and enar tof ree when we have high impact bolt on 15 secon cd,sorry but i have sniper 50 and comando 50 and both class are mirror at 100 % only that comandos havent the finisher that sniper have.

    by mirror i meaning that both have one no cd skill,one 15 second skill,one channeled,and other skill(sniper on 6 second and comando on 15 sec)

    the sniper does way more damage but i agree with you that they have more resource problem that the comando by i can say you that both does the same dps(i can tell u 100 % because we havent parses)


    first of all, being lvl 10 and enter on a BG isnt being 50.



    second, i have a 50 gunslinger, not a lvl 10, we have 100 energy, or 110.


    our spameable skill hits for 1k, crits for less than 2k and cost 20% of our resource

    troper one hit for 1500 and crits for 3k, and only cost 1.45 bullet( 2bullet with talent and only one if it do critics, everyone have 40% crits, and u have the BEST gear effect so 55% critic), yes they are balanced.


    second the 15 secs coldown one hits for 1500, and critics for 2k-3500 i dont care about troper one, but i have seen videos that they do 7k hit( i suposse that with some cds bla bla, so the skill should crit for at least 4k) yes balanced.


    ALL gunslinger dmg is white so, it always do 30-50% less dmg on pve( on pvp it do even less) where trooper one have yellow dmg on most of the skill.

    and as someone said our skills can be dodged, parried, bloked etc, where troper one go trought every defense on the game.

  16. they have 4 butoms rotation yes.

    but, his spameable skill only cost 2 bullets, and 55-60% of the time only 1 bullet, that is the problem.


    they should get ride of the talents that give a bullet with criticals and they will be okay, since wont be able to spam 1 button and do 80% of the dps that they do with a nice rotation

  17. yes i dont understand it neither, BH/troper only spam 1 butom, and 1 more each 15 secs and they are first and second on dmg on 90% warzones that i do.

    oh and they have the best aoe dmg on the game with the same defense as tanks.


    buut, they get angry when u tell them that they class is too easy to game because they all thinks that are the best players, not that they play the easiest class on the game.

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