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Posts posted by Indelaceo

  1. I'm with you, I don't spend my time pointlessly over-healing ever, unless totally bored. I'm just posting to answer and to see if anyone else is posting numbers like me (operative healer) and my co-healer (sorceror).


    He posted 2500 on Dreadguards tonight, which I thought was awesome. Although he's in all 61's with three 63 mods. Sorc's and their aoe circle.


    I posted 2600, and I'm an operative. But to be fair I'm in full 63's head-to-toe, properly min-maxed as well. I am missing the pvp 2-set boost to my aoe heal, so I'm interested in what I can throw out there with that. I might try to overheal just to hit my cap next week.


    Again, not trying to be a jumped-up-mother-f'er nor am I looking for anyone to worship at my feet - but is anyone else out there honestly posting higher numbers?

  2. Well, I'll answer.


    From tonight's raid, based on MOX, TFB HM

    First fight - Writhing Horror: 1965 HPS

    Second fight - Dreadguard: 2615 HPS

    Third fight: 1893 hps


    We finished there. My average heals per second on a mob pack is 2100-2300 hps.


    I'm tired of listening to people say HPS dontt matter at all. Absolute statements often have no value. In a way, it is true, because these numbers could all be useless overhealing... conversely, my overhealing could be 5%. I didn't go to askmrrobot and post them to see.


    But if a member of my gaming community asked a simple question, I'm happy to give them a simple answer - WITHOUT clouding the thread with useless twaddle and dancing around the question while trying to prove they're idiots and I'm a genius because I learned one simple concept and I want to show everybody my shiny new toy like a 5-year old.


    Just be helpful and stop being asses. If they wanted your EHPS, they would have asked for it. :rolleyes:

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