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Posts posted by SitDown

  1. So the title says it all why not implement space warzones?


    This does sound like a good idea in theory but when it comes down to it i think they have no chance of implementing this in to the game engine due to the way they've coded the space mission's :( but again this is a great idea.


    Edit - HTML tags don't work apparently

  2. in my opinion there should be waaaay more pedestrian on the vast streets ... way mooore


    Do you mean PC? or NPC?

    If its regarding PC's then it is more to do with Server population rather than a design flaw..

  3. When I recruited HK-51, I didn't unlock a Codex entry of him. He also didn't have any Droid Armor, nor did he have any weapons. I was wondering if this was intended, or if it's some kind of bug or something.


    Quite possibly a in-game bug, Raise a support ticket regarding the matter, and this should have been in Customer Support ;)

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