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Posts posted by Focusangel

  1. Here is my overall review of KOTET (or SWTOR in general)


    + KOTET Story was okay. I finally got to kill a lot of people that had it coming. Just hope they stay dead this time.

    + The new abilities/animation (on my Sith Jugger) feel very satisfying. Very fluid, fast with the right amout of dmg.


    - None of the good companions are back. In fact no companions at all.

    - The gamepley itself feels sluggish and tedious. Camera movement feel like you fight against a rubber band pulling it back.

    - Server is super laggy during fight. It just gets soo annoying when you have a 2-3 second lag every gosh darn fight.

    - Too many "run from point A to B" just to start another Cutscene. Could have just played the cutscene after the last one.

    - Too many unnecessary mobs that make no sensne. Like in a collapsing building surely everybody would run instead of attacking me.. or in fact, wait on me along the way out.

    - That Walker walk animation - like for real.



    You can stop reading here if you want. The rest is just me rambling about how bad this game has become.


    Having played WoW Legion the past months without any of those issues. Im sure this is not something my computer or internet connection (which are both good) are responsible for. (regarding the technical issues).

    And i know what you think... "ugh.. WoW Fanboy".. but no. Im not a WoW fanboy, i just state the truth.

    SWTOR devs try to copy WoW hard.. like srsly hard. If you look at the WoW Patchnotes of big updates, you can pretty much be sure some of the stuff from their will be in the next SWTOR update. Coincidence? Not really. Happens way too often for that.


    The point im trying to make here is - they try to copy so hard but fail equally.

    SWTOR feels low quality.. an abandoned project that is just here to generate as much money as they can before it dies completely. You can literally feel it when you play this game.

    Im not a hater of SWTOR - in fact i was a supporter all those years when i saw other people complain. Been here since Beta so that quite a while.

    But now its over, because the truth stays the truth, no matter how much i wish it wouldn't be the truth.

    This game is getting worse and worse.. and thats where im gonna stop.


    Im not a dev, i cant say what needs to change to make this game enjoyable again. (Apart from removing the CM or at least make it low priority)

    Only thing i know is, when i play WoW i feel how much thought and heart the devs put into the game (something BioWare was really good at once, but they lost their touch over the past years).

    While when i play SWTOR its more of a .. "i hope im done with alle 9 chapters soon".. instead of a "damn, i dont want it to stop" - because everything is just so tedious and sluggish. It feels like.. an empty shell of what it once was.


    I realize this has become longer than i actually wanted it to be. And im not even sure if i managed to bring my point across. Im not a hater or WoW Fanboy who just wants to talk bad about this game.

    Im dissapointed... thats all really. Let's just hope ME:A will be good.


    And before you tell me to do so.. yes im gonna go play WoW now. In fact i didnt even stop :p

  2. It was great... to a degree.

    Cinematics, Animations etc. were really great. AND THE SHIELD! :D I want one!

    I also for some reason stopped hating Arcann.

    The look on this face after i defeated him the first time.. idk.. i just wanted to hug him :D Poor Arcann.

    But i kept true to the natur of my Sith and tried to kill him twice.. tried is the magical word here! Which brings me to the very reason why i wanted to kill him afterall..


    Im honestly not even mad about not being able to kill him.. the thing i am mad about is every freaking monkey in this game betraying the crap out of me..

    Seriously?! What the **** is up with those people all around me. The List just keeps getting longer..

    When my Sith becomes Emperor we are gonna be busy for a whole week with executions.. after i torture the crap out of all of them! :jawa_evil:

  3. Lore sets are in high demand and high price, also they release old packs rarely only increasing their price, thus the grand chance cubes to slowly release some back into the game. Packs like Galactic legends will come out every now and then which can drop a Revan's set and others. Also the Light vs. Dark packs will also drop some lore sets like Revan Reborn, Revans regular set, Tulak Hord, Bastila Shan etc.


    So many factors are in play but no they are not gone, the packs sets they come in are off the market and come back every now and then for special events.


    Eric or some Dev (can't remember) said a while ago that the Old Packs won't come pack to the Cartel Market.

    Supposedly all items from the Old Packs are available through the Grand Chance Cubes now.

  4. I want BioWare to hire me!

    I would gladly spend 8 hours of my day granting people stuff they lost due to server transfer.

    When i say hire.. i mean.. i work for free. Well.. subscription time wouldn't be bad :D

  5. This is an Off-Topic sub-forum. One can do whatever he wants here, to an extent.

    Needless to say, you totally missed the point of this post.


    I'm not surprised tho. As i said before, just ignore it and move along.

    I know it's hard. You just can't resist the urge to force your opinion on ppl.

    But that's okay, i guess. I'm used to people like you and honestly don't really give a crap in the end.

    I just wanted to let you know that you wasted your time and the small amount of available brain cells you have left :)



  6. Ignore me. Seriously - just pretend im not here.

    I just want to let off some steam.


    Although im not sure how that is possible with written words, they are so emotionless.

    But i just feel like doing it and dont want to create another thread for this. I don't care who reads this.. it wont change anything anyway.

    I could come up with the most amazing idea or most moving story that would make the devs cry.. it wouldnt change a thing.


    It's funny how this all started.. SWTOR i mean.. for me.

    I didn't even want to buy this game and ended up buying the CE. I was just waiting on TERA back then, together with my guild. A guildy back then kept telling me about SWTOR.. every freaking day.. i wasnt interested. I even wrote "hate" comments beneath SWTOR videos about how crappy it looks and how outdated the combat system is. Obviously because i was waiting on Tera.. a, for me at least, marvel in the MMO history with Unreal Engine, Action Combat system and so on. This was what SWTOR needed to be successfull i thought back then and may even think nowadays sometimes.

    I don't know why i am here.. i have no idea why i bought the F************** game back in 2011.. why i was so excited for it.. like a child waiting on its gift at christmas eve.

    But now im here.. alone. Most of my guildies stopped playing this game 2-3 months after it launched. Even more funny.. while they enjoyed playing Tera, i was here - playing SWTOR. Didn't enjoy Tera, never maxed my char.


    Im asking me.. why am i here. I hate this game... i hate what BioWare and EA did to it.

    I mean.. i know why i am here.. i know why im subbed to this game right now. The F************** HK Mission.

    In my head i just dont wanna miss out on it.. and it makes so little sense.

    I mean.. the logic is there.. i know i hate it, i know i wanna stop playing and i know why and have every reason to do so but i cant. And that makes me so angry and so dissapointed. Why the F**K does BioWEA F**K up everything i enjoy in the past years. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, SWTOR.. what the F**K is going on..


    Gaming was fun once.. i really enjoyed it.. but currently, in whatever direction i look, someone F**Ks everything up. The communities are S**T, the devs and publisher just grab money like a pirate trying to save this treasure on a sinking ship. Its so ridiculous and so stupid. I hate this so much..


    Why cant we have stuff that is just fun, that we enjoy together peacefully.. why is that so impossible. Its not.. thats the things.. its not.. but why isnt it happening..

    This all.. feels so lost. Everything here - everywhere.

    Money surely destroys friendships.. and so did it with my friendship, my love for gaming. And i hate the devs and publisher for that. Its not that they dont deserve money but that it is their only focus when creating games nowadays.

    Can you feel it? The hate inside my words? Surely you cant, Because words are emtionless. They can mean anything.. feel however the reader want them to feel.


    I thank ye, surely do, for the love and fun you took from me, The hope you crushed with a smile on your face and eyes on your paycheck. And i hate you for it. From the deepest blackest place inside my heart.

    And believe me, if i could, i would say the following 2 words and maybe even more, directly in your face.. even yell it with all the strength that is left inside me. F**K you!


    Also.. F**K typos, F**K grammar and duck censorship. That is all. *drops lightsaber*

  7. After hearing Musco praise the chapter in a couple of streams, i was kinda looking forward to this one.

    But tbh it was rather underwhelming. :s


    May be because i didn't have a "connection" to Scorpio in any way..

    It was pretty obvious from earlier chapters that she is gonna betray you or at least do something the protagonist doesn't like. The only good part in the chapter was her (fake) death..


    The twist at the end wasn't really that awesome.. tbh. It was more idk.. stupid? Sorry.

    But it just felt like.. "meeh.. *shrugs*"


    But at the end, imo this chapter was boring.


    Did anybody manage to finish the bonus quest btw?

  8. Both are super easy...


    For Qyzen Fess you only need a group for 3-4 ppl (including you) and do 3 easy WBs. (DK/Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa, Balmorra e.g.)


    Lokin needs some time, sure.. but is easily done if you use the Rakghoul DNA Canister.

    Took me only 2 Events to get 6 Chars through his Quest - and most of it can already be done without the Event if you don't want to spend DNA Canister..

  9. Well.. i doubt anybody with a brain in his head is gonna give ya 250m for an armor set.

    I personally wouldn't pay more than 25m for this.. and that's already kinda crazy.

    The Sith Recluse Armor Set isn't even the most expensive item in the GTN on my server.

    So yeah.. the decision is pretty easy, for me at least :p


    If you play the char you wanna use it with a lot, like the set and have enough money - i see no reason to not use it..

    And even if you don't have "enough" money.. i wouldn't sell it. You won't probably ever get the Set again..

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