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Posts posted by XCantaloupeX

  1. Played Guild Wars 2 beta. It was Amazing.


    Played WoW for a few years. That was and still is great.


    Played Ultima Online. That went down the toilet when EA bought it.


    Played TOR... I don't really have anything good to say about it when comparing it to other products.


    Wow, I know this is only one persons oppinion but it definetly seems like my subscription is ending. Probably gonna pre order GW2 this weekend.... Monday beta here i come!

  2. Hello all! Im level 37 still only mid level not very high, and I started watching some Guild Wars 2 videos. SWTOR is the first MMO I have ever played besides a free trial of SWG. From looking a GW2 Swtor is starting to get less and less appealing. I mean it feels so linear! Based on my knowledge, MMO's are supposed to have many players around you, big open areas, and wants you to explore. The only reason I feel like exploring in SWTOR is for the holocrons. On GW2 I noticed that there are no side quests but there are like big group dynamic quests I think they are called, and you enter an area to activate them I think. That system seems very interesting considering it makes you want to explore. I dont prefer linear games and SWTOR feels like that. Really the only thing that makes SWTOR stand out is that its Star Wars and it has good voice acting a decisions. I for one am really looking forward to GW2 and see no reason to keep my subscription going for this game anymore. How about you guys? Whats your opinion on this compared to other MMO's? Have any of your played GW2? Do you like it? How linear is SWTOR compared to other games? Once again I never played an MMO so i wouldnt know but based on videos it seems linear. And this thread isnt just for comparing SWTOR to GW2 (A game that isnt even released yet) but to other MMO's and their formulas. So lets hear some feedback!
  3. From my perspective as a Trooper Vanguard fan, the situation is thus.


    The story isn't the most spectacular in the universe, but that's because it's limited by the nature of what the defines the class. You are the very best the Republic military has to offer, and as such you tend to operate and function within more strict guidelines than the Smuggler or even the Jedi classes. Whereas the Jedi's orders are usually somewhat general and leave a lot open to interpretation, as a member of the armed forces the Trooper at the end of the day is required to follow certain orders to the letter, leaving very little wiggle room in how they are to be carried out.


    Now, the positive aspect of the Trooper story is that once you

    finish taking care of the Havoc squad traitors, the war starts getting into full gear and you do start to use your new squad to its utmost ability more effectively and more often. In some parts yes, you're still Garza's errand boy, but a lot of the time you actually get to go behind enemy lines and secure or take out high-security and dangerous targets, which is what special forces are designed to be best at.



    As for the moral compass as far as the dialogue and story choice options go, it's kind of hit and miss. I for one like it a lot, but still recognize they could have made the choices a little more complicated or motivated. Many times if you try to be the good, patriotic Republic poster-boy and choose the light-side options it feels like you're just constantly spouting tag-lines and propoganda at every opportunity(if I hear my trooper say "For the Republic" one more time I'm going to blow chunks all over my keyboard).


    Subsequently, the dark side choices are occasionally cool, but often make you seem like just a thug with a rank, and are unecessarily cruel or serve to only inflict as much damage as possible. I chose to try and play my Trooper as a good person, but more concerned with fighting the Empire and the Sith and preparing for war than the personal, help the orphans and change tires and kiss babies type, but sometimes it was difficult to do without being either Captain Perfect or a total douchehammer.


    There are relief groups and other people who can do clean up and repair, I'm a specialist with high-tech weaponry and advanced training, and I should be using those to take down the Empire and criminals and such, not helping the infrastructure of a local farming town. War is war, it ain't pretty, but its necessary, and Havoc Squad is the nasty, ugly but effective tip of the sword.


    Now then, as for gameplay, I think the Trooper and especially the Vanguard is brilliant. I play as a tank, and it's a sometimes mid-range, almost always close-range tough-as-nails, heavily armoured specialist who can go toe-to-toe with anyone, anytime, anywhere. I love the idea that in a galaxy of mystical Force powers, ancient alien civilizations, system-spanning criminal cartels and everything in between, I'm someone who through grueling training, the best weaponry and defensive tech in the galaxy, and superior tactics can take down even the people regular hard-asses are scared of, like the Sith. If there's a situation that requires a special strategy or weapon, the Trooper has access to it and has been trained to know how to use it.


    So yeah, maybe I'm biased, but the gameplay itself is endlessly fun. Just ask anyone how sweet it is to sneak behind a group of enemies all clustered up and then unleash Mortar Volley in the middle of them. It's beautiful. :D


    i know the feeling already ;) level 14 trooper

  4. Currently level 32 warrior and still loving it, im in the Taris i think right now.. But i have been playing a male human trooper level 12 and so far its not bad, i cant wait for the armor though. I also started a male smuggler and female jedi knight. (Level 5 on smuggler and 10 on knight). The jedi knight is pretty cool and like a previous post stated, it also gave me goose bumps when i got my light saber :) .. As for the smuggler, seemed like story was gonna be good but man do i hate the cover stuff. Why do you need to get into cover? It seems so stupid, do you get used to it? I just find it an annoyance.
  5. Hey i started the trooper only level 5 and i am actually enjoying playing it very much! I can tell that the story is not gonna take off but it feels cool to play as a soldier who will do anything to accomplish his mission even if that means sacrifices. I also got to level 5 on the smuggler just for a small feel of it and i dont like the gameplay because of the cover system, but the story already has some funny dialogue!
  6. Indeed, it was made a bit more enjoyable by being evil >:3


    I re-rolled half way through tho, as I wasn't enjoying the Sentinel advanced class that much.


    I recommend to try them all out for your self tho, because whats enjoyable for one person, may not be interesting for someone else. Best thing to do IMO to try them out, is to do the starter planet with each one, get a feel for the story, then do Esseless/Black Talon to get a quick feel for the advanced class :)


    Best of luck to you though, and I hope you have fun no matter what you choose!



    Thanks for the advice! I think i will do that! Its so hard to tell how the class is from the first 10 levels though.. Althought the warrior really drew me in in the first 10 levels.. esspecially with the torturing lmao

  7. I've played the completed the Imperial Agent story, the Jedi Knight story almost to the end, and started the Trooper and Consular story and personally i think the IA story is really good, I know its not Republic side which may be desirable for you, but if you want a fun story, then in my opinion that is it. I found that there was quite a lot of options that allowed me to really act how an agent would.


    Republic side, The knight story line is interesting to play through, and also enjoyable. I'm finding the Consular one a little dull (I'm on Taris) and the trooper one seems interesting too, at least the prelude to it did :) If you're looking mainly for a good story line though, I'd recommend the Imperial Agent story :p


    Hope that was a little helpful for you!


    So you liked the knight story? Maybe I will run a guardian or something.. decisions decisions

  8. Hey someone stated earlier to post what i like in a class.. so here it goes!


    I like a good story with good dialogue..Sometimes dialogue itself will make me more interested than the story


    I dont wanna feal weak. I played to level 30 on a sorcerer but i ended that character because I switched servers and when i played as it i felt scared to go up against strong enemies! haha! But even if i didnt switch servers I still would of kept that character because I heard it got better


    Im more of a pve player or world pvp, its hard for me to get interested in warzones.


    I think the idea of meleeing with a gun is dumb but i guess i would still do it


    I dont really like the cover system


    I want to contribute to groups, so for my next character (as i stated before) I am looking for a tank or healer, not just random DPS.


    Well thats all I can think of off of my head, but if you want to know any more information just ask

  9. Some answers :


    My questions for Trooper are:

    - Is story good?

    Chapter 1 is average. Chapter 2-3 are bad. The galaxy is supposed to be at war, but yet, you are send to do errand on some minor planet. And you are supposed to be the best the republic have to offer.

    - Is playing the class fun? Please state if your a vanguard or a commando.

    Commando pre 1.2 : soloing was really fun. It seems vanguard is fun to, lots of aoe, and survability.

    - How is dialogue?

    I don't know what to say.

    - How is it compared to smuggler story/gameplay and councilar story/gameplay?

    Smuggler story is better so far (I'm lvl43, belsavis). It's really fun, playing as a male, a bit "cool" like Han Solo. Gameplay is a matter of taste.

    Consular story is bad. Worse than trooper story. Obvious plot, boring quest.... They tried to make the quest more diplomacy oriented, which is a great idea, but it's poorly done.


    Smuggler- I would most likely be a scoundral because I HATE the cover system.

    - do you feel weak? As a warrior I am feeling completely powerful and nothing can stop me, even Elites 2 or 3 levels higher than me.

    I play as a gunslinger, and I feel weaker than my commando. You are more a glass cannon with really limited aoe. The only one interesting comes around lvl48... Also, the only mez you have works only against droids, and it's limited. I was able to solo H2 with my commando, and unable as a smuggler. Maybe it's different as a scoundrel, but I'm not sure.

    - How is healing?

    I don't know for sure, but I played commando as healer, and got a friend with operative heal (mirror class). A consular have better healing. The energy management as non consular is far more fun.

    -How is gameplay?

    I don't know as a scoundrel, but since I'm playing consular heal, I can talk about the gameplay as healer in pve I heal my pet while he kill stuff. I usually use a tank pet in DPS stance. Honestly, It's not so fun.

    If you switch to DPS for lvling purpose, you'll rely on melee skills. Even uppercut and stuff. Sounds weird.



    Hope this help.


    Thanks for the answers! It really helps thanks!

  10. Thanks for all the answers. Im still so tied though! All the republic classes look like so much fun! I would do a Jedi Knight if it wasnt a mirror of the warrior. I really wanna roll a bounty hunter but im gonna wait till after my republic character because i know im gonna get so bored with the same side quests...


    So far heres what I got



    -You feel powerful

    -Fun gameplay

    - Bad story with a few good moments



    -Play a small part in the galaxy


    -melee when u should be using ur gun????

    -story is good and bad?



    -Boring Diplomatic story

    -Good healer


    Can I have some more insight on this? And the questions stated previously?

  11. I have done some research and heard that the trooper story is just a drag. I am on Chapter 2 of Sith Warrior and I am loving it! Very interesting and the end of Chapter 1 was very enjoyable :), It made me feel like a true sith! I played a marauder and i very much loved the dps gameplay but I am thinking of being tank or healer next, but I may still do DPS.


    For my second character I am thinking of a trooper, Councilar, or Smuggler.


    Trooper- I am thinking it would be cool to maybe be a Military tank with heavy armor, but i heard very bad things about the story.. My questions for Trooper are:

    - Is story good?

    - Is playing the class fun? Please state if your a vanguard or a commando.

    - How is dialogue?

    - How is it compared to smuggler story/gameplay and councilar story/gameplay?


    Smuggler- I would most likely be a scoundral because I HATE the cover system.

    - Is story good?

    - do you feel weak? As a warrior I am feeling completely powerful and nothing can stop me, even Elites 2 or 3 levels higher than me.

    - How is healing?

    - How is it compared to Trooper story/gameplay and Councilar story/gameplay

    - Is leveling as a scoundral healer feel boring?

    -How is gameplay?



    Councilar- Probably gonna heal here too because being a shadow doesnt really seem to be my thing and it seems like fun healing.

    - Once again how is story?

    - does leveling as a councilar healer feel boring?

    - How does it compare to Trooper story/gameplay and Smuggler story/gameplay


    I do not have time to play all the classes so please no comments like "play them all".... And please only answers from people with experience from atleast one class

  12. I duno what to tell you, I'm not an alt sort of guy so when I roll a toon I like to stick with it, especially if I've put time into it. I guess I'm lucky tho because the server I'm on is decent on the pop issue. Not super awesome,but decent.


    I guess if I were in your shoes I'd reroll on a heavier server and play a class you hadn't tried yet, maybe even the other faction. That's just what I'd do tho, can't say what's guna work for you.



  13. I believe they know they launched with a butt ton (Yes that's metric) of servers for launch because face it, for launch they needed them. Now we're a few months past launch and I also believe they expected drop off, because in this industry you have to it's pretty much fact that it's going to happen.


    Now at this point I'd like them to react to that drop off. Shutting down some servers wouldn't hurt anything. Everyone playing is an MMO player either from before or hell they are now, they understand that the heart of an MMO is people to play with, if that's hard to find, then you don't have an MMO.


    I doubt however that they'll offer free transfers to any server you like. What I'd wager happens is that they'll take X amount of the lowest performing servers and fold them into X amount of medium ones. So server Alphabob gets merged into Betabob and the two communities integrate from there.


    If they do decide to offer transfers to any server you want, I bet you end up having to pay for it. We're talking EA here after all.


    I can only imagine the reason that this hasn't really been discussed or done yet is because of the naming system right now. Each player has a unique Surname + How many alts worth of unique names. Bound to be some name crossover, at this point you just have to bite the bullet and say some people are going to loose their name, sorry.


    :/ It really stinks cause im in a westcoast server when I live in the eastcoast.


    Do you think its worth it to reroll a level 30 toon on a high populated server? I also have some more friends who are buying the game so I guess I can have fun leveling with them.


    God thinking about leveling on koriban again all the way up to Alderaan makes my stomach hurt lol

  14. /support


    I posted this same reply in another thread as well. Sorry for the repeat but just want to emphasize the need for transfers as much as possible.


    I have a level 50 BH on the Lord Ieldis server, I have had since release. This server has dropped in population drastically. There have been times I have noticed the pop on a planet is myself and one or two other people. Even fleet is only at 10 people sometimes it gets up to 30 or so... But this still is not enough to provide the community needed to enjoy the game content. Because of this I have stopped trying to do any Heroics, FP's, or warzones just due to the fact that the wait times are insane! I would really like to transfer this character to another server where I have another higher level character I have been working on. I'm not so worried about transferring the guild with him but that would be nice as well since I did have to pay 5000 credits to establish the guild and credits don't come easy.


    I think Server transfers are a Huge deal that desperately need to be addressed by Bioware and not just tucked away with a suggestion to re-roll on another server. Starting over with a re-roll is not an option for me as I would lose all my affection with my companions, all my Crafting and Gathering, not to mention all my other progress on my Character. I also have a guild I started about 2 months ago and can't even get people to join because the pop is so low.


    Another issue with transfers are the other Characters I have on this same server. They are lower levels and I am reluctant to play any of them as I don't want to run into the same issues I have on my main. These I would be willing to re-roll on the other server but am just looking for some definitive response to transfers.


    Bioware... you have a great thing going here! I haven't enjoyed an MMO like this in a long time. Please don't let something like transfers and Server Populations ruin such a great game!


    This is exactly how i feel, I have a level 30 toon and i feel like it will take so much work to reroll. Really it would be amazing for server trannsfers! My friend chose a west coast server when he bought the game and we both live in the east coast. So when i bought the game i decided I would join his server. I really wish that I knew better before doing this. Today I was playing at 9 a clock eastern. Now sadly this is only 6 a clock western so not many people are on. Tatooine only had 3 people on it! On the weekend i played at 1 a clock in the morning so this I would say would be considered peak time since in the west it would be 10 a clock. There was only 30 people at fleet!

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