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Posts posted by Szev

  1. Just addressing the storyline negative point, this is something interesting that has come up with a few people I talked to.


    I played a Sith Warrior first and foremost, as a Marauder (The class is not broken just needs love) - But with the story in particular, I was just blown away.


    I didn't get a touch of the "epic moment comes at 30" issue, in fact, I had an epic moment at 30, 40 and a HUUUGE one at 50 which did top off a long and beyond satisfying narrative but also did grant the Darth title and (while no gear) this is still easily the title I will be using 99% of the time.


    It is a shame that certain stories seem to be less structured and well built. Watching my room mate level his bounty hunter next to me and comparing the stories I would also say his was far more lackluster and less exciting, with the ending also sort of fizzling out.

  2. You are still focused on the difficulty level. That is a mistake, and is likely what causing such a drastic gap in the 'debate'.


    Macros do not alter difficulty. They give the user more control over how the game reacts to keystrokes, and keep the UI clean.


    They do not make healing (or any role) easier; they make it more fun (for those prefer using them).


    If you don't want to use them, no one has a problem with that, but stop pretending they're some kind of autopilot that plays the game for people.


    This is where you are getting all your flak.


    Certain modifications and macros have in fact made decisions for players.


    The easiest example being decursive which would automatically cleanse a raid member with a debuff type active on them. This is definitely "autoplaying" as it removes the need for you to pay attention to your raid frames.


    There are, more fun ones as I posted above such a short period when the WOTLK released where Death Knights could quite literally bind all their abilities to one button, and perform quite well with them. >>>>>>>>>>> NOT OPTIMALLY <<<<<<<<< But still perform, and this is an issue.


    Mouse-over macros that you are defending are certainly not an example of this. They do not make any decisions for you. If the mouse-over macro was capable of making automatic decisions on click for you, for example as Healbot was many years ago. There was an addon which would smart-pick your "Flat Heals" i.e Flash/Greater/Shock based upon the targets hp percentage. This was tied to a mouse-over, and was another example.


    But again I am all for macros... Implementation is key. 99% do not make any decisions for you and are only cosmetic changes, which are in the end a good thing.

  3. ..... Yeah no you can't.


    We'll ignore the fact that no scrolling combat text, including this FlyText accurately shows all damage your character does. It will double up and also sometimes fail to display damage values entirely.



    But hey, do I really need to go on? You are telling me you can accurately gauge dps from looking at scrolling combat text.




    I'll do you one better. I can make cats float by dancing. The only valid argument for dps meters if performance gauging, which can only be done real time.


    ....... Also I just noticed you seem to think the damage values on the abilities tool tips somehow reflect your characters damage per second?


    Those two bits of information have absolutely nothing to do with each other. One is a game guesstimate of the average damage the ability does, whereas your dps is based upon your real-time damage per second in varying raid encounters, this encompasses your knowledge of your class as well as LAG, and hundreds of other factors that go right down to the armor values of the target you are hitting.


    And just elaborating slightly on that last point, this is why DPS meters are so crucial to gauging DPS performance. Your average dps on a target dummy was, is and always will be irrelevant. It in no way indicates your ability to perform within a moving living encounter that requires many outputs for your attention.

  4. Correction.....hardcore raiders who do nothing but raid do


    easy fix....remove operations.....drive end game through story, flashpoints and pvp.


    I'm not a hardcore raider but I am not ignorant enough to take guessworks as to my performance. I think you will find a lot of gamers care about their performance.

  5. OP: Just as a easy tidbit for you


    If you are curious about these "one button kill game" macros they are referring too, and you have a familiarity of WoW, just you tube "Death Knight One Button" and you will see immediately what the issue is.


    Once again, as I believe you stated, macros and add-ons are not the issue the issue is the way players try to use those. Customization is a good thing, but there's a line where it crosses customization to actually making decisions for you, which I think is universally understood as a bad thing.

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