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Posts posted by LordRoth

  1. Force Barrier.

    Does not.

    Heal the user.


    OTHER people can heal them, and STATIC BARRIER (or whatever the Sage equivalent is) CAN. But the ability itself does not heal, no.


    This is correct. The buff "Enduring Bastion" that Force Barrier leaves on you does though, but only if you have the empowered/corrupted barrier utility.

  2. Hi. I am only here to relay a message from the Great Sibek Korin. It reads as follows:


    " Hi, it's the world famous (lel nope) twelve year old female gamer Sibek Korin here.I do things and stuff with gunslinger, this thread is bad and you should feel bad. JK LOL GUNSLINGER SUCKZZZZZZZZZ."


    Sibek Korin slings guns so hard, one broke through Inhert's Force Barrier and cold cocked him.

  3. Please tell me this isn't true. Arena is dominated by sorcs, sins, and jugs...now you want to give sniper even more abuse by buffing their anticlasses. I'm not mad, I'm just deeply upset because yesterday I had to retire my engi sniper form arena that I have been playing since season 1.


    2.8 class changes was my last hope...but even that is crushed. Please don't say something like "sniper ratings are high"....go look at the servers they are from. So, sorry if you're not on bastion or pot5 then you have so easy.


    EDIT: I'm not talking about a dps buff, snipers are class cannons.


    Dominated by Sorcs?


    Not on my server.

  4. Here's my list.. *Not in order* Well..In order of my memory.


    Shadow/Sin: Coldflesh. Nokto. Arash. Takenotes. Frost. Josh (From Hex. Dont remember the exact name). Asami. Juvia. Mettan. Mika. Peb. Rykeen ( However he's name for his sin). Ivy. Wildfire. Fiama. Alejandro (Not sure of the spelling). Courtney. Instinct.


    Guardian/Jugg: A'zreal (I think..). Ulliam. Rauken. Barantos. Averth. Zerkonis. Jendrick. Kandel. Elisa. Avnen. Lakas.


    Sage/Sorc: Ardjet. Elxa'dal (both sorc/sage). A'rendra. Sareina. Freehugs ( Dont remember the new name for her sage). Drachin ( I think). Neutrina. Notte. Baarf ( ?). Yzi. Victimize. Weezus. Valrath ( Something like that from Shots Fired) Pixel. Te'ras.


    Sent/Mara: Arash ( Again). Ragnak. Break. Riikeen ( I think). Ma'kilt. Sleje. Thorotx ( Ispelled that wrongggggg I know). Spurlock. Ralgus. Câth ( From Nemesis)


    Commando/Merc: Faerie ( Both mando/merc. She just owned the class for heals). Roken. Stadsguard. Trademarked. Sevrin. Goddrick. Bibifhet ( BIBI!!!!) Pebkac. Emisha.


    Scoundrel/Op: Flirtini ( She's the best. Just the best for Healing. Also very good for lethality.. Im naming others just to be polite. xP) Pyxis. Adexi. Rico. Magdalena. Jerru. Chyren. Ke'elas. Slebe. Altamira. Lennik. Juri ( Dont remember the rest of the name). Mechanical. Defribula. Tequila. Turrican. Whiskey'jax. Xegaris ( Putting here just to make him feel better. xP). Tenderloins. Saito. Kym. Sno. Vixeren. Zejim. Kloma. ( Lots of *********** people with this class >> :p)


    Vanguard/PT: Raando. Jerc. Bastrus ( BAS!!!) Grizz. Xeyron. Tacta. Dyzzy. Svenskar. Vixeren ( However for his pt). Rondaa. Motovon. Morderca. Odesso. Vicious. Nekor. Kobra. Courmac. Phil.


    Slinger/Sniper: Dock. Awkward. Caidith. Xaverri. Lilililil ( Something like that XD)


    Sorry for the people I forgot and for the misspelling ><.


    You got the order for the Sorc/Sages right!

  5. I am not having too much difficulty with warriors. A bit more since before 2.6.. but that is all. Then again I am a full min/maxed oboran dps sorcerer who also knows how to pvp well.. Vs equally geared juggernauts it boils down to who makes the first mistake.
  6. I stay away from 23/0/23. Seen too many bad sorcs and sages trying to kill me with it. The spec might do well 1v1 but it excells at neither healing nor damage when it comes to helping your team.


    I also have not played lightning/madness hybrid in a long time. Its either full madness for team pressure or full lightning for healer killer duty.

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